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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yes it is. Now all you have to do is provide evidence of when prisons reached a state of overcrowding. I have provided a link to a credible source to back my argument, you’ve provided zilch.
  2. My favourite, your impression of a pigeon playing chess. I have provided detailed and considered explanation of my argument. You on the other hand, make allegations and fail to back them up. Its your MO.
  3. Trump might just as well have said : ’I could go on live TV, lie through my teeth and come out with any amount of whacked out, crackpot, rambling nonsense and still not lose a single supporter, foreign or domestic’.
  4. Something that was not remedied in the following 14 years and that had, by Spring of this year, already necessitated the early release of prisoners while still leaving prisons over crowded. 14 years of inaction.
  5. Let me explain it to you. Evidence, no matter how “irrefutable” is no guarantee of justice in a fallible justice system. And since justice is administered be people who are fallible, then the justice system is always fallible, sometimes the fallibility is a result of human error, too often it is a result of deliberate interference in the justice system, by example the withholding of evidence by police and prosecutors. So no, there is no contradiction in my response to you post, I did not ‘selectively’ read it. Your argument relies on the patently false assumption that verdicts are safe if the evidence is ‘irrefutable’. Very clearly, the evidence presented might not be the whole evidence and therefore may have the appearance of being irrefutable when it is nothing of the sort. It seems withholding evidence is a bit of a thing, which might explain the dozens of overthrown cases I linked earlier. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5572445/amp/Police-trained-hide-evidence-dont-want-defence-see.html
  6. And the prisons were still over crowded with prisoners having to be released early in Spring 2024. “By the prison service’s own measure of safe and decent accommodation, there were fewer than 80,000 prison places at the end of May 2024. But the number of people in prison stood at more than 87,000, and official population projectionsindicate that it will continue to rise – to 96,200 by March 2025 and potentially as high as 114,800 by March 2028.” https://howardleague.org/why-are-prisons-overcrowded/ Any luck on an explanation of the contradiction you allege I made?
  7. Perhaps the far right wingers with whom you sympathize should have obeyed the law. Prisoners were already being released before the election, refer Howard League link above. Maybe someone didn’t build the prisons the nation needs.
  8. Misrepresenting the actual reasons why these ‘martyrs’ of yours were jailed again Jonny.
  9. Did they explain where the services they are providing are regulated?
  10. Prisons were already overcrowded and prisoners were already being released early before the election.
  11. Some background from The Howard League: https://howardleague.org/why-are-prisons-overcrowded/
  12. Very clearly, I am not. Perhaps you yourself misunderstood my post.
  13. It would seem so: https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/government-plans-to-ease-prison-capacity-pressure-and-manage-the-needs-of-vulnerable-prisoners/
  14. An irreversible punishment on the basis of fallible justice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Overturned_convictions_in_England Perhaps treating drug users rather than jailing them might be a good place to start. Or even building the prisons the nation needs before the existing prisons are over full.
  15. We all have in mind a question that should have been asked, my question would be directed to your boy Trump. ’What in God’s name are you rambling on about?’. Let’s be honest if some old guy sat next to you at a bar and started the nonsense rambling Trump was engaging in, who here wouldn’t move seats?! The more publicly spirited amongst us might ask him if he has anyone he trusts they can call to come and take him home.
  16. Let’s see if Trump backs his wife on this. Or if she suddenly loses all interest in the matter.
  17. Here’s the salient truth of the matter. It’s not something a candidate for the Presidency ought to bring up in public, much less so in front of over 67 million viewers. It kind of confirms what many already reasonably suspect about the old guy.
  18. And yet the go to rightwing accusation is of liberals being woke.
  19. Once again trying to evade the actual reality you can’t deal with.
  20. What’s that term the Kremlin uses to describe people who willingly participate in the Kremlin’s nefarious activities?
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