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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nonsense. The immigrants are indisputably ‘asylum seekers’, refer Government statements in link attached. UK law requires their claim for asylum be reviewed. Nobody objects to bogus asylum seekers being deported. The Government’s failure to clear asylum applications is the reason bogus asylum seekers remain in the UK. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/asylum-accommodation-factsheets/factsheet-asylum-accommodation-on-a-vessel-in-portland-port
  2. You the immigrants in, you put the immigrants out. In, out, in, out, shake it all about You do the Hokey Cokey and pass tax payers money around . That’s what it’s all about. Oh the Hokey Cokey. Oh the Hokey Cokey Oh the Hokey Cokey. Laws bent, rules stretched, ra ra ra.
  3. The old guy making violent threats with a gun in his hand is obviously not the only one with his finger on a trigger.
  4. Nobody who is intentionally pointing a gun at someone else is ‘harmless’.
  5. Pure conspiracy garbage. Think something up, anything you want, then claim it possible because you’ve not seen evidence to refute the garbage you yourself dreamed up.
  6. The FBI seem to have taken the risk of an armed response from the subject of their lawfully warranted search seriously. They might not have had WACO in mind but I suspect the possibility of dangerous wacko was a consideration.
  7. I am not. I’m pointing out the absurdity of the argument made in the post I was responding to. Don’t point guns at law enforcement officers seems to be the best advice. Doing so risks deadly consequences.
  8. The farce continues. Honestly, the ability of this Government to waste tax payers money on crackpot schemes that fail at the first hurdle never ceases to astound me. Apart from the waste, grandstanding a claimed solution to a problem of the Government’s own making, which then turns out to be an incompetent mess.
  9. What you claim to be your ‘evidence’ is nothing g of the sort. If you wish to make statements and attribute them to my past posts you need to link to those posts. Inventing points of view for other members is not evidence of their views.
  10. It wasn’t a ‘reflex reaction’. It made my comment in consideration of the long posting history of the member to whom I was responding. I’m glad we agree the issue here is the extremists views.
  11. I tend to assess members political leaning on the basis of the posts they make, not on the basis of what they claim to be their allegiance. The two are frequently at odds with each other.
  12. ‘Tear down the system’ is a rallying cry of both extremes, left and right. It was central to Marxism and it’s a central theme of the modern US Alt-right, Steve Bannon being a proponent of note. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/02/23/politics/steve-bannon-world-view/index.html
  13. You obviously don’t understand the political spectrum isn’t a straight line, it’s sits on a circle. The extremes of right and left meet and are indistinguishable.
  14. The kind of misrepresentation of facts that characterizes rightwing grievance politics. There’s a reason law enforcement officers executing lawful, court warrant approved, entry and search always go in armed. And it’s not to murder anyone to deny their free speech. Pointing a gun at anyone, is not free speech, pointing a gun at officers enacting a lawful entry and search is not free speech.
  15. White right-winger gets shot dead by law enforcement officers. A ‘man bites dog’ news story if ever I heard one.
  16. I don’t think there is any suggestion of mariners ignoring a sinking boat. The prospect of such things are reserved for a particular kind of people from the comfort and safety of their armchair.
  17. I seem to recall some of those bleating about this guy being shot by agents executing a lawful warrant banging on in the past about a guy murdered in cold blood by police officers. Something along the lines of ‘he was a danger to the officers/he should have followed the instructions given by the officers/he should not have resisted the officers performing their lawful duty’.
  18. I think you can both be right. It’s not at all unusual for individuals to have wildly different experiences with Thai authorities.
  19. Like I say, I’m not inclined to follow you off topic just because you don’t like the actual topic of discussion.
  20. So for everyone else ‘let’s just wait for the facts’. While you proceed with the wild suggestion of the guy being ‘executed JUST for posting on FB’.
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