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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No, the EU is employing its power as a union of nations against a third nation seeking to obtain privileges it’s not entitled to. “Leave means Leave”.
  2. And witnesses who are all republicans, hand picked members of Trump’s administration and members of Trump’s family.
  3. A few decades in Leavenworth should instill a bit of patriotism, or at the very least an appreciation of why it matters.
  4. It’s not simply a matter of what you or anyone else is happy to see, it’s more importantly a matter of what meets requirements for import/export.
  5. Can you please provide a link to this data. I suspect, as is normal for Government trade data, it does not account for inflation between the period since April-May 2022.
  6. No quite. I’m having a good day observing a BREXIT climb down. The UK indefinitely applying the CE mark and in doing so the EU laws, regulations and standards upon which it is based.
  7. Correct me if I’m wrong but it was you who said: At no time have I advocated going back to lower quality products in the UK. Though I suspect it is a consideration for those arguing in favour of deregulation.
  8. The costs associated with the UKCA fiasco are an addition to the costs of BREXIT, they are part of the mess that is BREXIT.
  9. I agree with others, not a scam. The OP can ensure he pays the right tax by requesting a self assessment. Nobody owes him the duty to make sure his taxes are right, that’s something he and all tax payers must do for themselves.
  10. But gender stereotypes and sexualized images have been a mainstay of advertising and packaging for decades.
  11. An EU legislative requirement, now extended indefinitely in the UK.
  12. You know we are going to have fun discussing the CE mark when extended to these sectors. I’m certainly looking forward to it. ”The relevant departments covering these sectors either have communicated, or will communicate, plans in due course.”
  13. No it isn’t “sorry gov I just made it up”. My evidence is the already applied U-Turn. The idea of mixed CE / UKCA marking depending upon which industry is the kind of bureaucracy generating madness that only a BREXITEER could defend.
  14. Dither and delay in UK Government, we already know about the inability of this Government to make coherent and consistent decisions, they are though rather good at U-Turns and walking their nonsense ideas back.
  15. But will once Sunak’s has got over his usual dither and delay. Unless of course someone has a sound argument as to why these other sectors are immune to the problems the failed UKCA presents and have no need of the well established and functioning CE Mark. Clearly UKCA is dead in the water. What a waste of time and money.
  16. Businesses understand this. It’s a pity the UK Government didn’t listen to Businesses before embarking on their failed UKCA fiasco. How much has it all cost I wonder?
  17. But the certification is founded on EU laws, regulations and standards. If at anytime the EU chooses to revise the applicable laws, regulations and standards, UK manufactures will be forced to comply to those EU revisions. Was sovereignty another BREXIT lie, it seems it was.
  18. Sunak’s way of saying he gave into business lobbying to can the harm being done by BREXIT zealotry in getting rid of the CE mark. BREXIT Britain, the rule takers.
  19. The UK is now taking EU rules and regulations over which the UK has no control. Just like BREXITEERS said the UK would not.
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