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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Seemingly all unable to explain how the US started this ‘proxy war’ by getting Russia to invade Ukraine.
  2. And that’s the issue. But when people are wedded to making and expressing pejorative judgements on other ethnic groups, they’re not like to engage in the introspection required to see the absurdity of their beliefs.
  3. Clearly he shouldn’t. But I do get your point, any cost at all to the US so long as it would give you the chance to snipe at Biden.
  4. On the subject of getting desperation. How desperate are you to claim that a war started by Russia against Ukraine is a ‘U.S. Proxy War’?
  5. Regardless, it’s not Christie absurdly lying about crowd sizes.
  6. Not extorting Ukraine with the threat of withholding military aid in exchange for fabricated dirt on a political opponent then?!
  7. It’s not quite as simple as that. Wealthy nations have run ‘development programs’ that were designed to create an income stream of debt. Also not all debts were legally run up. An example being debts owed by Iraq run up by Saddam Hussain’s regime on importing goods and materials in contradiction of sanctions. These debts are still being paid to the suppliers/nations (in particular France and Germany) despite the export of those goods and materials to Iraq having been in contravention of embargo.
  8. Sowell said a lot of things, if you explain which particular view you are referring to the rest of us can see whether or not you understood it.
  9. “To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.” Winston Churchill
  10. That’s what comes of ignoring safety. inspections and regulations.
  11. Unfortunately he put other people’s lives on the same punt.
  12. I’ve provided a link with information on medical bankruptcies, refer above. Oh, you don’t do links. Which leaves you making unsubstantiated statements and ridiculing claims substantiated with links. You are trolling.
  13. It don’t have to explain why it’s cheaper, I’ve posted a link demonstrating it is cheaper. My question is a challenge to your assertion: I understand the difficulty people who have never experienced integrated health services have in understanding why they are so very much more effective than the fractured model applied in the US. https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-020-05917-9 Nice dodge on the fact that there are many people bankrupted by healthcare costs in the US and many more who can’t afford insulin and other essential medicines. https://www.retireguide.com/retirement-planning/risks/medical-bankruptcy-statistics/ https://www.businessinsider.com/americans-cant-afford-their-prescription-medications-cdc-2023-6?amp
  14. Oh so you want to blame the States in which the mega corporations are located.
  15. Is it disinformation to say there are people in the US that are bankrupted by healthcare costs? Is it disinformation to say there are people in the US that can’t afford insulin and other essential medicines?
  16. Why is there only one reference to the police in this news item, and that from a BBC employee reporting crimes against himself? Why are the allegations not reported directly to the police?
  17. So why is healthcare in Europe cheaper despite varying degrees of Government intervention ranging from tight control to full control? US medical care as good or better than any country in the world? Show me an example of US integrated medical provision running from family practitioner through hospital to long term health care supported by community doctors and nurses that comes anywhere near that available across. Europe and I might start to believe you. Come over and have a look for yourself, see if you can find anyone bankrupted by medical bills, or anyone unable to afford their insulin or other vital medication, such obscenities are not a thing over here. https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2022/07/how-does-the-us-healthcare-system-compare-to-other-countries
  18. It looks like Giuliani has decided to cooperate with the DoJ, and why not? I said at the start, what kind of dumb do you have to be to sign the evidence of your crime and then submit it to Government and do so on behalf of Donald Trump of all people?! Now the question is, who is Giuliani going to rat on? Jack be nimble, Jack be quick.
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