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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Trump isn’t addressing any of that. He’s simply stating he would somehow override the Constitution to deny some children born in the US their Constitutional right to citizenship. Non of this will happen, but it’s blood red meat for those who love a bit of cruelty to others to spice their day.
  2. Children born in the US are Americans, it says do in the Constitution. You need to come to terms with this. Once you have done you’ll grasp the fact Trump is spouting unconstitutional garbage. Ask yourself why you are so willing to swallow it.
  3. My solution is the rights enshrined in the Constitution. And for people who say they believe in liberty, the rule of law, family values and decency, to live up to those things and stop swallowing Trump and the extremist rightwing hate mongering.
  4. They don’t need to ‘risk their children’. The Constitution defines their Children born in the United States as Americans.
  5. If they are born in America they Americans and have the right to grow up in America. Refer, The Constitution of the United States. Or perhaps you want to toss that out too?!
  6. He obviously missed seeing the gallows erected in front of the capital by the people he hopes will vote for him.
  7. So I wonder, what would be the impact of kids growing up in America with no citizenship and no path to citizenship? A new underclass, people with no access to rights or protections under law. Perhaps that’s what’s behind this unconstitutional (dangerous) nonsense. Give those who hate, someone else to hate, and remove all the rights of the the hated.
  8. Oddly, the leaders of MAGA, don’t want to go back to the days of progressive taxation, more equal distribution of wealth and workers receiving good pay and workplace pensions, rather than directors and shareholders taking the lion’s share. The days and means by which the wealth of the working and middle-class were built. They distract MAGA supporters with hatred and grievance politics while stuffing the pockets of the hyper wealthy with tax breaks paid for at the cost of the national debt. And the best bit, the very people conned by MAGA make donations to Trump (the billionaire). It’s a remarkable trick.
  9. “"Not a single one of the murders we allege… involved decisions that were made in the heat of battle… the 'fog of war,'" said Nicholas Owens, a barrister for the newspapers.” I think the term is ‘cold blooded murder’.
  10. Focus on hoping for actual evidence of actual crimes. And no more of the ‘My dog ate my whistleblower’ nonsense.
  11. Now all we need to know is who he revealed these national secrets to and why. This is going to be ugly.
  12. We all know Trump supporters will not accept any allegations, indictments, evidence, sworn testimony, jury verdicts or court sentencing against Trump. They simply will not accept Trump being held accountable for anything, no matter how heinous his crimes. That’s how cults are.
  13. Here’s the bit that needs dealing with: ’Plane owned by church’.
  14. Given the topic of discussion is Farage stating ‘Brexit has failed’, perhaps the failed promises of Brexit are the stuff you want to avoid discussing.
  15. Given you invented the quotation, I’ll leave it to you to produce the link. Who said anything about the UK ‘gradually rejoining’ the EU?
  16. I’m not sure on what basis you claim to know what the EU will not allow. Starmer isn’t lying, he’s making a statement in the context of Labour’s campaign to win the next election. Parties are elected for a term based in their manifesto promises, Starmer is laying the ground for the Labour manifesto and campaign for tge up coming General election. For election after that Labour, and Starmer, will have a whole new different set of promises and policies. I look forward to pointing out Labour’s pro EU policies as they arise.
  17. What’s happening now is the Government putting an end to hopes of the Brexiteer dreams of further deviation from alignment with the EU. What’s coming is a realignment with the EU. The inflection point was the Windsor Framework. Starmer is entirely correct, Labour have identified the key concerns amongst voters, and will address those by, among other means undoing Brexit damage. He’s stating no plans to rejoin the EU, because he knows that’s not the challenge for the immediate future. The UK will reverse Brexit in steps. I look forward to pointing them out to you as they occur.
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