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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I think that’s one of those rightwing accusation confession things.
  2. It’s an example of rightwing attacks on a minority, it has precedent in rightwing attacks on Jews. You are defending the threats to Target on the matter of LGBT merchandise, it’s perfectly logical to ask would you defend such threats to Target for selling merchandise for other groups towards which the rightwing have a history of hatred?
  3. I’m not being disingenuous, violent rightwing attacks motivated by rightwing hatred of LGBT are acting. I suspect Target know this.
  4. I don’t care what portion of Target’s customer base is LGBTQ, target are entitled to sell goods not prohibited by law. Correct me if I’m wrong.
  5. I guess violent rightwing attacks motivated by their LGBT hatred aren’t a thing then?!
  6. Target sell stuff that people want to buy. I suspect, I might be wrong, there are people who want to buy this stuff.
  7. The constant stream of anti LGBT angsts coming out of the rightwing culture war mongers suggests otherwise. I don’t recall ever having somebody’s ’alternate life style’ thrown in my face. I suspect is a case of offended right wingers looking for something to be offended over.
  8. RIP Tina. Thanks for your music, thanks for your unforgettable shows.
  9. The removal of a book from a library is removing it from access. Within the school’s jurisdiction over the library access to that poem has been banned. Rightwing cancel culture on full display.
  10. “And then, I guess, there is a huge group of people who just think life should go on without mentioning LGBT all the time.” Surely this group of people must be getting sick of rightwing authoritarians banging on about LGBT all the time.
  11. On what basis do you speak for ‘most people’?
  12. I remember insulting clients/customers ever being in any job description I ever signed. There’s a simple fix, fire them.
  13. If I chose to buy or not buy a product then I’m making a consumer choice. If I threaten others for any reason at all then I am not making a consumer choice, I’m making threats. But these are anti LGBT threats, so Yeh, you cast them as ‘consumer choice’. Another circle lands in the unitary Ven Diagram of hate.
  14. Remember those Republican accusations of ‘cancel culture’. You guessed right, it was a confession.
  15. Labour are very happy for the Tories to stew in their Tory Brexit. I’ve said for a long time, I want this Tory Government to go full term so that they can be seen to be responsible for their Brexit and the damage their Brexit has done to the country. That Farage had now admitted Brexit is a failure and is pointing fingers at the Tories is a bonus. Farage will of course immediately switch to blaming Labour as soon as they take office, but for now let the Tories stew in it.
  16. Oh, so they are awake then. Of course Trump is going to be indicted again. When? How many indictments? How serious the crimes? Who is going to be indicted with him? I very much doubt we have long to wait.
  17. Here’s what the Office of National Statistics has to say on the matter. Millions are digitally excluded, and exclusion is highest amongst the old, the disabled and people on low incomes. The very people for whom traipsing around multiple supermarkets to do there weekly shop is a problem: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/householdcharacteristics/homeinternetandsocialmediausage/articles/exploringtheuksdigitaldivide/2019-03-04
  18. I guess we really are now in the the denial phase of ‘Brexit Failure’. Farage, a leader of Brexit states tge obvious fact ‘Brexit has Failed’ ( His words) and Brexiteers go into denial.
  19. So perhaps Brexit Failing deniers should refrain from suggesting online shopping.
  20. Oh, so everyone is now using online shopping.
  21. You’ll even find it discussed in the rightwing press, if you look: https://www.ft.com/content/e39d0315-fd5b-47c8-8560-04bb786f2c13
  22. People of all ages unable to get their shopping in one supermarket, like they did up until Brexit. Perhaps not a big problem for the young, fit and healthy, but definitely a problem for people who don’t have their own transport, or suffer health/age related mobility problems. Farage is right, Brexit has failed. The failure of Brexit is now being widely and openly discussed. Brexit failure is now part of the public discourse.
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