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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. What I find remarkable is that not only have these individuals thrown their careers away for Trump (common enough in Trump world), but they did so by signing their names on the evidence of the crimes they committed. I can imagine some ill educated MAGA loon doing that, but trained lawyers? What on earth were they thinking?!
  2. Immunity deals involve a proffer and in most cases will involve a formal acceptance of guilt, recorded in a proffer letter. The individual admits guilt and the prosecutor agrees not to indict. The proffer letter is entered in the court records and is therefore a formal record of criminal guilt, itself enough for disbarment.
  3. ‘bringing up skin color’. As is overtly racist comments. Well yes we all understand you think ‘that is nothing’.
  4. I had hoped to be in the UK for the Coronation, unfortunately my travel plans had to change so I’ll miss the event. I will however raise a glass of a fine single malt to toast King Charles. I rather like the man.
  5. It might be an idea in a UK related thread to apply the definitions according to UK law.
  6. I believe, regardless of who is USAG, throwing explosive devices at police officers is a crime, doubly so when the resulting explosion injuries the target police officers. Funny how the rightwing go all fuzzy on their ‘tough on crime’ mantra when it’s one of their own in the cross hairs of Justice.
  7. The courts have already handed down multiple verdicts of sedition. It was an attempt to overthrow the election and thereby overthrow the transfer of power to the elected government. So yes, sedition and an attempted coup.
  8. It was an explosive device that has been assessed by an FBI explosives expert to be capable of: ”inflicting damage to surrounding property as well as seriously injuring persons in the vicinity of the resultant explosion. And in further: Several officers were injured as a result of the explosion.
  9. They have however stated it was an explosive device, the explosives expert also gave an assessment as follows: “An Explosives and Hazardous Devices Examiner with the Federal Bureau of Investigations was unable to conclusively identify the precise dimensions, charge size, or whether the device thrown was improvised or commercially manufactured; however, based on reviewing the various video angles that captured the explosive was able to conclude the device was capable of inflicting damage to surrounding property as well as seriously injuring persons in the vicinity of the resultant explosion. Several officers were injured as a result of the explosion.” https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/florida-man-arrested-felony-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach-0
  10. Odd then that you yourself are staying with certainty what the device was.
  11. You can determine my real views from my comments, what I actually say, not what you might wish to think I have said.
  12. What’s interesting is the same people who are elsewhere defending the police for the unlawful killing of a man on the basis of allegedly resisting arrest, are here defending another man for throwing an explosive device at police officers. I wonder if it has anything to do with the characteristics of the subject men in each case?
  13. There were no election irregularities. “Let’s off a fire cracker”? It wasn’t a protest it was a violent seditious attack, as confirmed by recent convictions handed down by the courts.
  14. I’ll refer you to the official FBI notice of arrest and charges. If you have evidence beyond that contradicts the FBI notice, I’m sure Daniel Ball’s attorneys will be delighted to hear from you.
  15. Oh right, so you want to discuss the charges brought against an individual (taking part in a violent sedition) but you want to do so without making reference to the official FBI notification of the arrest and charges. Break your own habit of trying to avoid recorded and published facts you can’t deal with.
  16. De what coming, allegations of allegations? Or GOP smoke-screening with allegations of allegations? Let me know when something with any substance to it turns up.
  17. I’m glad we agree. As I said, it was something warranting arrest on Federal felony charges.
  18. It was something warranting arrest on Federal felony charges. If you have evidence to the contrary do let us know. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/florida-man-arrested-felony-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach-0
  19. It could have been lots of this, you know how some people obfuscate and minimize crimes.
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