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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Good news, but why is this left to individuals to deal with. Social Media Platforms routinely scan images link them to accounts, files shared over the internet are traceable during sharing, source and destination are knowable. Why aren’t the social media and tech giants raking in vast profits using their technology to identify, block and report child sexual images? If volunteers can set up an app to block these images, how very much more could tech giants achieve?!
  2. Pay up Steve, now is not a good time for you to get a bad reputation with lawyers.
  3. Condo units around Womgamat have a noticeably high number of young Russian male residents who don’t appear to enjoying anything recognizable as a vacation. A longtime friend who manages apartment rentals in the area tells me his biggest demand is from Russian families renting apartments for their sons, many of these families clubbing together to share costs. I guess there are worse places to ‘hide-out’ until the ‘special operation’ passes.
  4. Let’s talk about who cut back regulation of the railroads and gutted the EPA. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/02/donald-trump-east-palestine-ohio-train
  5. Tripping on stairs is commonplace. It’s why they put handrails on all stairs and it’s why some people around the same age as Biden have to rely on ramps and can’t manage those without a struggle. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28947224/
  6. And more reporting on this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/22/poisoned-candy-north-korean-state-media-shuns-food-aid-despite-hunger-crisis
  7. I doubt the local residents or Nicola Bulley’s family will agree with you. What happened to Nicola Bulley is now the Corona’s job.
  8. You’ll have to link a post in which I have said such a thing or accept you are assigning to me arguments I have never myself presented.
  9. Harassment, Trespass, Illegal Entry would be a start: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/security-patrols-area-nicola-bulley-29191353 https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/23322156.nicola-bulley-two-arrested-malicious-communications/
  10. By his publishers. Who almost certainly did edit the original books.
  11. There isn’t a ‘Gay Parade’ in this news. It’s the rightwing legislating the medical options available to minors experiencing gender dysmorphia. Taking time out to target legislation against a very small proportion of their population. Hate mongering in action.
  12. More hyperbole. Get your head around the fact the Constitution of the US separates religion from Government. What goes on in Thailand is an irrelevance.
  13. You might discount the Old Testament, Jesus however did not. You don’t get Christian without the Judeo bit, they are a complimentary set. Best left a private matter and kept well away from Government.
  14. Which is also true for cosmetic surgery. Oddly missing from this legislation.
  15. The Devil, as is so often the case, is in the detail. What does ‘provide treatment’ mean? Is a doctor that provides counseling to a child experiencing gender dysmorphia breaking the law? What about hormone therapy ? Are hormone therapies provided to the growing number of children exhibiting very early puberty to be disallowed of the child has expressed gender dysmorphia? The State of Idaho has a population of under 2 million, how many children in Idaho are undergoing any kind of gender transition treatments?
  16. Odd how fluid you become on the use of language when you are in a corner. [that’s a figurative corner’ Johnny] Feel free to provide examples of me cancelling anything I disagree with.
  17. Except in this case it is. Overriding the constitution to insert your own beliefs is pretty extreme.
  18. Nothing, but the Constitution separates the State from the Church. Fits well with ‘treat (the beliefs of) others as you wish (your beliefs) to be treated’.
  19. More nonsense. These edits are being undertaken by the owners of the copyright, not ‘the far left’ and there is no evidence of them being linked to ‘book burning’. Oh dear, you’re wrong again.
  20. Show me the evidence of these edits to Dahl’s books being ‘Book Burning’. Wriggle away.
  21. And not used as a leverage to extort Zalenski.
  22. Let’s keep it topical. The return to a US President opposing, not praising Putin, a U.S. President standing by the people of a democratic nation under attack from Russia, not extorting Zalenski with threats to withhold military aid.
  23. Biden wasn’t piloting the plane, that was Santos.
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