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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. These two things can’t be simultaneously true: 1. Mike Pence has plans to run for POTUS. 2. Mike Pence isn’t going to take the opportunity to scupper Trump, who is ostensibly running for POTUS.
  2. You’ve obviously never been to a pantomime. ‘Oh yes I have’ , is the expected response. To which the audience will respond….
  3. The laws being discussed have been passed by ‘rightwing’ legislators. Hence ‘rightwing’. This isn’t only a rightwing culture war game play, it’s also an example of the rightwing accusation of ‘cancel culture’ being what so many rightwing accusations are, a confession.
  4. It’s pushed into the limelight by the rightwing in their search for culture war battles. Or did you miss that bit?
  5. The Gender spectrum is part of natural life everywhere. It’s accepted in Thailand, not so by the religious rightwing currently controlling the GOP in the US.
  6. Strawman argument. I didn’t say the racist memes employed in the Leave posters and by the Leave campaign made anyone a racist. I’ve already challenged the generalized view regarding racism and Leave voters earlier in this thread.
  7. The imagery widely used by the Leave campaign was not one of ‘Caucasion’ immigrants.
  8. I’ve provide a link to data on which the latest growth figure is 2,9% Can you point out when Trump doubled that?
  9. Is that you backing down from the baseless claims I called you out on? What the NYP claims and what is reality are not necessarily the same thing. Their use of emotionally loaded language is a clue.
  10. Why on earth should we accept that? https://www.statista.com/statistics/188185/percent-change-from-preceding-period-in-real-gdp-in-the-us/
  11. I think it’s perhaps better if you don’t go down the argument of taking kids to gogo bars being an acceptable alternative to you. Oh, too late, you already did.
  12. And they all have the right not to take their kids to drag shows. It’s the ‘rightwing’ passing these laws to control other people’s choices. Hence ‘rightwingers’.
  13. It’ll be embarrassing for all those pro-Chinese shills if it isn’t.
  14. Yep, pure theatre, performed to inflame the serially offended rightwing base.
  15. I wonder if it’s occurred to these serially offended rightwingers gnashing their tooth over ‘drag shows’ that at the time of his writing, all the female roles in Shakespeare’s plays were performed by men, and boys. Juliet, was played by a young man, the gentle words of a young woman’s love spoken by a man in drag. Kate, a shrew played by a man in drag. And of course, from Hamlet, Queen Gertrude (played by a man in drag) gives us, ‘The lady doth protest too much, me thinks’. (The lady was of course a man in drag). The question needs to be asked, why this obsession with other people’s gender and sexuality, why the constant outrage, why doth the rightwing protest so much?
  16. Your guess, is once again wrong. An error which completely undermines your second assertion. How about, not making laws to control what parents choose is or is not acceptable for their own children. Nobody is forcing you, or anyone else to go see any drag show.
  17. Is this the voice of experience or the voice of blind bigotry? It can only be one or the other. How about letting parents decide what their own children may or may not see and not dictate to other parents what their children may or may not see?!
  18. Actually not everything. The Government has seen fit to call a secret meeting to discuss the problems Brexit is causing. Kind of shoots tge ‘It’s not Brexit’ argument in the foot.
  19. The only ‘hidden agenda’ relevant to this thread is that surrounding the Government’s secret Brexit Conference, refer to of the thread.
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