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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You are entire correct in what you say, “almost impossible to verify”.
  2. It’s not 100% https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/511/recent-change-in-the-uk-asylum-grant-rate
  3. I did exactly this over the last month through Europecar. Use their app to make the booking and select Thailand as your home location
  4. You can be assured it was also a number of those vehemently berating others for being gay. The more fixated their derogatory remarks, the more certain their self loathing.
  5. It’s all on a spectrum, black and white at either end and every shade of gray in between.
  6. When in truth it’s simply more rightwing faux outrage. The painting g has been moved to a ‘Chapel’, seems reasonable.
  7. At last, a Government Minister ( who refused, perhaps wisely, to show her face at this year’s National Farmers Union Conference) has come to her senses and recognized the UK’s ‘Ace in the Brexit hole’. Though late to see the truth of it, Coffey has at last seen what I’ve long argued, the UK can weather any storm with what no nation or economy can survive without - Turnips! https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/23/food-shortages-environment-secretary-urges-britons-cherish-turnips
  8. Liar asserts he only lied about some things, not the things that will put him away for the rest of his life, just those other ‘open prison’ things.
  9. A friend has very recently put his professional life at risk by inadvertently posting a tik tok video to his social media which was picked up by many within his professional life. Apart from his evident lack of one handed keyboard skills, what on earth was a man in his fifties doing watching that stuff? His job, ‘Corporate Counsel’.
  10. And this is the political reality. Far more than any other generation, young people are not concerned about the gender or sexuality of others. Exceptions of course are those young people groomed into hatred within religious teachings. Angry old angst on this, and d many other reactionary issues, is dying out.
  11. Double switch. It’s the Florida law that claims a fetus is a baby, the litigant is using ‘the legal’ definition, not ‘having it both ways’.
  12. The point you are obfuscating is it is the Ukrainian people who are fighting for their country and their freedom. All they ask for is assistance with the supply of materiel and intelligence data to help them in their fight. Your argument regarding supporters of ‘this war’ is both itself an obfuscation and scurrilous. Support for Ukraine, is not support for this war, this war was started by Putin, not Ukraine. Though there is a point, undermining support for Ukraine is definitely offering Putin a helping hand.
  13. That’s not a hypothetical situation, it’s the core of Russian Propaganda messaging. Thanks for sharing.
  14. A point of note. Members of the Trump administration have managed to run the clock on subpoenas issues by Congressional committee investigations, in no small part because the courts are reluctant to compel people to appear before non Judicial hearings, preferring rather negotiated settlements. This is not the case with criminal investigations under the DoJ in which the Courts do and have acted very swiftly to compel compliance to subpoenas. Mike Pence will appear and he will give testimony, he’ll do so in short order.
  15. Yeh, they can vote for the same people who are at the root of this disaster. More deregulation, financially crippled oversight and big business dictating Government policy
  16. Ivanka has already said as much. Now she gets to say it again, under oath and in front of the Grand Jury.
  17. Well we know for sure, when he’s under oath he’s suddenly stops saying a lot of stuff that earns him that slot.
  18. Put Carlson on the stand and under oath. I’m all for it.
  19. Suffice to say, it’s not Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft et al amongst the high profit tech companies.
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