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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. So no part of the profit comes from higher tariff pre-payment meters? Forcing entry to install pre-payment meters is amongst the business practices Centrica has engaged in while racking up these vastly increased profits. I’m sure they appreciate you defending them and their abusive practices.
  2. What we know beyond any shadow of doubt is Fetterman won his election.
  3. You are disgusted over the machinations and manipulations you yourself allege. Faux concern and now faux outrage. Let’s have some honesty Fetterman won his election, that there is the point the rightwing object to.
  4. No need for all the faux concern over Fetterman’s health. While it fits in well with the Republican insistence on interfering with other people’s bodily autonomy, it nevertheless misses the point that until the GOP get their hands on the authority to dictate everyone’s health choices it remains Fetterman’s choice.
  5. No, it just fits the behavior of the rightwing. ”A remarkably craven and effective political strategy. ”
  6. The efforts to destroy your trust in the multiple sources of news available to you have worked then. Don’t feel alone on this, it’s common beyond the moderate center of the political spectrum.
  7. I’ve also pointed out the use of racist themes by the Leave campaign. I personally believe xenophobia played a far bigger part in the Brexit vote than did racism, but to deny the part racism played is to deny plain reality. The hypersensitivity of Brexiteers to being called out for the racist themes that were employed by the Leave campaign is what gives the game away. A little more honesty would admit the use and presence of racism in the Brexit campaign while denying (perhaps) personal involvement.
  8. Seems Gaetz doesn’t agree with you: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3647888-gaetz-sought-pardon-from-trump-over-doj-probe-into-sex-trafficking-allegations-report/
  9. While forcing entry into people’s homes to install prepayment meters that operate a significantly higher tariff.
  10. Another one of those accusations that reads much like a confession
  11. He wasn’t driving the train, he doesn’t own the train company, he didn’t roll back regulations on train safety.
  12. And yet when effective windfall races were suggested who was it joined the chorus singing from the song sheet handed them by the O&G companies?
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