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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You assume it’s going to be used against Drones. It’s first impact is to deny airspace to Russian aircraft..
  2. No Russian at the receiving end of a shell from a Challenger Tank is going to regard it as a ‘token gesture’.
  3. It’s certainly become a thing with those who can’t afford to eat regular meals.
  4. Except you missed those of us who are personally financially secure but have empathy for those who are not. So let’s split this two ways as you suggest: Those who have a history of empathy in their expressed views and those who have a history of expressing views defined by callousness.
  5. It was you that introduced Raw Story into the discussion, classic ‘Strawman’.
  6. Selling stock, driving the stock down and buying back in cheap would turn a profit too.
  7. Selling stock, driving the stock down and buying back in cheap would turn a profit too.
  8. UK pensions are amongst the lowest in Europe, but they are supported by a range of means tested benefits (free TV licenses being an example). And yes getting to see a Dr is not easy, I’ve frequently commented on the fact, but it’s an issue that effects all, including pensioners. I’m spending much of my time here in the UK between Doctor surgeries, hospitals and pharmacies dealing with a pensioner’s health issues. I’ll let you know if you tell me something I don’t know.
  9. But you didn’t quote ‘Rawstory’ Your off topic trolling has wandered into ‘whataboutary’ of your own posts. Very odd behavior.
  10. Nothing like a gross generalization to prop up negative views of others.
  11. Pensioners also receive welfare supplements to their income, by example; help with housing costs, additional winter fuel allowances, free bus passes, free TV licenses, free prescriptions, attendance allowances, mobility allowances. Pensioners are well cared for in the UK.
  12. Indeed, my bad. I was pointing out the nonsense of comparing prices from Thailand with those on the UK when the topic of discussion is the UK. Others were confused and thought Thailand prices were somehow applicable. Thanks for pointing out my error.
  13. Correct me if I’m wrong. It’s Putin who has ordered the illegal invasion of Ukraine, while the US has not joined the war, hence it is Putin who is the ‘war hawk’. Let’s leave the blame for this illegal war where it belongs, in Moscow.
  14. This is an open thread. There’s a PM function for private conversations.
  15. That you can’t get past your ‘I’m all right Jack’ mindset doesn’t provide any insights into the causes of poverty in the UK. It might, for example, occur to you that very many people have incomes lower than yours. Millions of people in the UK can’t afford to eat regular meals, it has nothing at all to do with your income or your need to preen yourself.
  16. Perhaps ask the Government that has presided over and precipitated increasing poverty in the UK.
  17. Which is an irrelevance. The topic is: ”Millions forced to skip meals as UK cost of living crisis deepens”
  18. Millions going hungry, deny if you wish, offer up whataboutary and blame the poor. The May Elections are going to be fun.
  19. Personal choices obviously have an impact on life experience. As doe’s government policies impactin the choices available and the cost of those choices.
  20. I think the topic is about millions of people going hungry, not people on higher salaries than you ‘struggling’, but let me check. Oh yes, I’m correct.
  21. I do feel qualified to say the price of food in Thailand is an irrelevance in a topic discussing hunger in the UK.
  22. No, because I normally live in Thailand. I arrived here last week. Nice try though.
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