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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Once again we see the rightwing engaging in their habit of making accusations against Liberals that are actually confessions. ’Cancel Culture’ they shout.
  2. Most child sexual abuse happens in the child’s own home. Nothing to do with books in classrooms.
  3. Actually this is what happens when the rightwing return to banning books.
  4. Putin obviously misjudged Johnson. Threats that would injure/kill others won’t get a pro Putin response Putin. A bung would be far more effective.
  5. Trump’s attempt to extort Ukrainian by withholding military aid already passed by Congress. A joint Trump/Putin press conference comes to mind too. But it’s not just Trump, as I have frequently commented, the Rightwing are in lockstep with Kremlin Propganda and Putin’s best interests on Ukraine.
  6. Work places where ‘work’ takes place. Classrooms where ‘education’ takes place. Sexulizayion of children in the classroom is a rightwing lie, it’s happening in the ‘safety’ of their own homes, not at school. Now plonk the kids down in front of the TV/Internet and don’t worry about a thing.
  7. The Republicans had two easy chances to get rid of him, they chose instead to make the bed they’ve now got to lie in.
  8. It’s all in the definitions, but the point is ‘the banning of books’.
  9. Reaches for book on history of 20th Century Europe…. Before its ordered banned.
  10. Not so fast. During Wednesday’s PMQ the PM stated the investigation would conclude around the end of next week. (Due process and all that). And yet here we are reading news of Zahawi being sacked this morning, so presumably the ‘investigation’ (we are told ‘Due Process’) suddenly went into hyper-drive. What might have brought about such a change in speed? Perhaps it’s the news now being reported that Sunak was informed of Zahawi’s problems months back and before Sunak appointed him. This becomes a bit of a problem for Sunak who’s official spokesperson has made statements to Parliament that Sunak had no prior knowledge of Zahawi’s tax problems. This might not be a problem for Sunak if he had solid backing on his own benches, but he does not, many on the right of the party want him gone. What a right Tory mess this is. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nadhim-zahawi-tax-rishi-sunak-hmrc-b2271243.html?amp
  11. And well past time too. Sunak has exposed his own weaknesses, hiding behind ‘due process’ when he has absolute authority to dismiss anyone in Government. Zahawi should have resigned, he certainly should have been dismissed as soon as the fact of his tax evasion became known. Thank you Dan Neidle for facing down the legal treats from Zahawi, threats made against Neidle for doing nothing other than telling the truth. Now let’s be hearing about the source of tens of millions of pounds funneled to the businesses of Zahawi’s wife from undisclosed sources. Dig the rot out root and branch.
  12. Apropos removal of this tax evading breached of the ministerial code. Thank you Dan Neidle. A man that refused to be intimidated by Zahawi’s threats of legal action to shut him up for telling the truth.
  13. At last Sunak grows a set, stops hiding behind ‘due process’ and fires Zahawi. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/29/nadhim-zahawi-sacked-tory-party-chair-tax-affairs-rishi-sunak
  14. Incorrect. Unsubstantiated is something not proved to be true by evidence. It might be true, it might not be true, it’s unsubstantiated, there is no means to determine if it is true or not. Which is why verifiable facts matter.
  15. Fact based arguments v unsubstantiated opinions, yes I understand the aversion to the former.
  16. Let’s go to the official definition and how it is measured depending on variations in the make up of households. Take it up with HMGov if it’s not simplistic enough: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-low-income-is-measured/text-only-how-low-income-is-measured
  17. A reliance upon the official ONS data is not an ‘issue’.
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