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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. And yet the medical profession have a different view: https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/news/health-inequalities-and-obesity
  2. More ethnic minorities on the school boards, that’ll be an improvement.
  3. The UK and elsewhere experienced a reversal in the trend of declining reading amongst young people as a direct result of the ‘Harry Potter’ series, attempts to ban the books only increasing readership. Of course it was the religious zealots trying to ban those books too. http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/features/essays/issue10/literacy/
  4. They are not being given a decision, the decisions are being made by rightwing and religious activists.
  5. He capitulated after refusing to make the right decision, and it transpires he had forewarning of the problems with Zahawi before he appointed him - right decisions?!
  6. I have to admit, DeSantis struck political gold with this one. A significant portion of GOP voter support comes from people with minimal education and IQ on the left of the normal distribution curve. Convincing these people there is evil stuff in those things called books that they themselves have never had much exposure to is easy - pure political genius on DeSantis’ part.
  7. It’s a bit of a worry. The clearly doesn’t know what it means to ‘act decisively’. Weak, ineffective and hesitant.
  8. Johnson saying anything is no indication that what he said is true.
  9. He’s trying to rehabilitate his image with the public in preparation for an attempted return to No 10.
  10. Well don’t sign up for it then, nobody is forcing you to.
  11. So people on low incomes can afford health insurance.
  12. It’s got more to do with ‘Tge Glass Cliff’. The practice of promoting women into leadership of enterprises when it’s certain the enterprise is failing. Well the Tories tried that and it failed spectacularly, so they switched to an ethnic minority. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff
  13. The opportunity of observing the Tories drowning in the cesspit of their own corruption is something to be relished. I fully expect Sunak to come under attack from the extreme rightwing of the party, with compromising leaks to the press. I’m rather looking forward to that other pleasure, the prospect of what the Tories do better than any other party, an internecine knife fight. Stay tuned.
  14. So there you go, start with banning books and move on to banning teachers. I really do suggest you read the history of the first half of tge 20th Century.
  15. Again, you are back to the problem of definitions. I doubt very much if the supporters of politicians deciding what books children must not read have ever read any of the books, I doubt too tge politicians have either.
  16. Homosexuality is not a deviant lifestyle. Obsessing over other people’s sexuality might be.
  17. All you need to do to stop this ‘woke nonsense’ is stop imagining it. 1. Social Justice is not Anti-white racism. 2. Traditional morality is a myth, it’s why proponents of morality are so often caught breaking the moral codes they wish to impose on others. Homosexuality and transgenders are natural occurrences and have always existed, something that ought not need emplaning to anyone living in Thailand. 3, Environmentalism is science based. 4. There is no intense hostility towards Christianity, you made that up. Get over the self stroking grievance politics already
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