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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Linked to the fired Professor showing a class artwork depicting the Prophet Mohammed how?
  2. I’m saying ‘woke ideology’ is a fabrication of rightwing culture wars. Opinions differ, which is why you’ve now switched from looking for back-up from a rightwing rag to a blog. The subject dismissal is clearly an over response to the fear mongering around Muslim sensibilities not at all linked to the rightwing culture war ‘woke ideology’ you are attempting to wedge into the discussion.
  3. What this news item demonstrates is the danger of ‘self censorship’, the University administrators have bought into the fear mongering around Muslim sensibilities and have fire the professor. Meanwhile American Muslim groups have spoken up in the Prof’s defense. The university is a private business, there are no First Amendment rights involved so the issue will be settled around the employment contract both the Professor and the University signed. I suspect an out of court settlement is the most likely outcome.
  4. Woke ideology is a fabrication of the rightwing culture wars, which is why you rely on the rightwing Daily Mail (with its proud history of supporting rightwing extremism).
  5. Let’s go a bit further. Keep all religion out of schools, colleges, universities and Government at all levels and the Supreme Court. Put all religion back where it belongs, a private matter not for public consumption.
  6. The problem with teaching people to think is they acquire the skills to see straight through rightwing propaganda and fear mongering. It’s why so many MAGA supporters have little or no education beyond high school. Hence the rightwing rants against education.
  7. The people subject to being flown to Rwanda are being sent their to have their asylum applications processed, they are therefore by definition of the Rwanda scheme ‘asylum seekers’. It is not illegal to enter the UK to seek asylum, regardless how entry is made. They are therefore not ‘illegal migrants’.
  8. Corruption, violence and abuse of authority by Met Officers has been the stuff of numerous police TV series for decades. For almost as long there have been calls to reform the Met. It might be assumed that the Met couldn’t actually shock anyone with any news of criminality and abuse by its officers. Then comes Carrick and perhaps as many as 800 other twisted cops. It’s past time the Met was reformed from to to bottom, it’s simply not fit for service.
  9. Correlation is not causation. That article notes correlation but provides zero evidence of causation. Yes we know there are more obese people in the developed west than there are in Asia, there are also more cars per capita, flights pre capita, more home heating per capita. More energy used per capita in the west and more obese people per capita in the west. There are also more bald men per capita in the west, perhaps baldness in men is the cause of global warming.
  10. Correlation is not causation. That article notes correlation but provides zero evidence of causation. Yes we know there are more obese people in the developed west than there are in Asia, there are also more cars per capita, flights pre capita, more home heating per capita. More energy used per capita in the west and more obese people per capita in the west. There are also more bald men per capita in the west, perhaps baldness in men is the cause of global warming.
  11. I suspect you can’t provide a verifiable scientific basis for the claim.
  12. Let’s separate two things shall we. 1. Carbon offsetting. and 2. Reducing the use of fossil fuels. They are not the same thing, an Greenpeace very rightly criticize carbon offsetting.
  13. It’s just another expression of the hatred being directed at this young woman by the usual suspects.
  14. You can’t deal with her arguments so you attack her body shape. You’ve got nothing.
  15. You might not be a parent if you think teenagers turning 20 can be manipulated by their parents.
  16. It’s a level of hatred and ill feeling that deserves explanation.
  17. Some people have an important message to share and the drive to share it. Others will get a readership of less than a couple of dozen.
  18. Sitting down for dinner followed by drinks in the bar on 7 January 2022 with seven other Americans and nobody mentioned the ,then recent, news.
  19. What you mean the police were somehow in on the act of staging an arrest?
  20. I think that’s what I call a heady mix of pedantry and strawman argument. Nobody is saying the use of fossilized carbons must be reduced to zero. But you do give some good examples of how fossilized carbons can be put to good use of not burned as fuel. I suspect future generations will look back at fossilized carbons being burned with astonishment, given the very many uses they can be put to.
  21. Well perhaps you could do that, since it’s your idea.
  22. No they don’t force anything. But they do bring environmental issues into wider public discussion, and here you are in this thread demonstrating that fact.
  23. I guess math isn’t yours either. Expending a relatively small amount of fossil fuel burn flying a handful of of people in order to undertake a sailing trip that gets the message on the need for environmentalism to millions.
  24. She made a great deal of money out of online traffic to her social media following her roundly humiliating tgat idiot who thought he could put smart her. You know the one, he’s currently in custody in Romania. Recycle your Pizza Boxes, you know it makes sense.
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