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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Another thread, another misinformed post. The UK, subject nation of the thread, is a mixed economy with features of capitalism and socialism.
  2. Tax cuts also increase demand and drive up inflation. Perhaps that’s the plan.
  3. Oh, jam tomorrow, or maybe never. I favour giving immediate help to those in need. A real windfall tax on energy companies and help those who cannot afford to heat and eat. What I don favour is tax handouts to corporations already making huge profits.
  4. Well it would explain Graham’s ‘epiphany’ during a single game of golf with Trump. From outspoken critic to lickspittle sycophant in 18 holes (or thereabouts).
  5. So we’re is the logic in Truss handing out tax cuts? If the national finances are in such a mess, why the promise of tax cuts snd who will benefit most from those tax cuts?
  6. There’s more money where this came from. Now who voted against help for the poor and veterans?
  7. OK, how about handouts to banks and corporations? I don’t recall you protesting.
  8. Because providing support to 95% of Americans, while excluding the 5% who are wealthy assures wide support for the program. Tax payers being given tax payers money. I’m sure the Banksters must be outraged. The other relief in this news is the fact Biden didn’t insist on his signature being on the check. Those were the days eh?! “But there is no argument that Harvard grads making 6 figures need debt relief more than truckers or service workers.” You perhaps missed the bit about this relief being for ‘Student Debts’ some of which will be held by ‘Harvard Students’.
  9. I would to see the Dems bring forward legislation to curb and control the rapacious tuition fees charged by hyper wealthy universities and colleges. Do you think the Republicans would back such legislation?
  10. Pretty much a very welcome help to millions of Americans struggling with student debt.
  11. Cherry picking there. The relief will be available to individuals earning up to 125,000 per year and couples with a joint income of up to 250,000 per year. So available to everyone with student debt who has an income under 125,000 per year and every couple with student debts with a joint income under 250,000 per year. That captures all the people on low incomes with student debt. Well done Biden, keeping your campaign promises and helping out ordinary working Americans.
  12. Well done Biden. Another campaign promise met, another example of help for ordinary working Americans.
  13. All bets are now off. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/24/democrat-who-campaigned-on-abortion-rights-wins-in-new-york-special-election
  14. Perhaps now is the right time for ‘Traditional Conservatism’ to show up and do its bit to defeat ‘MAGA, 45 and Dear Leader Authoritarianism’.
  15. She has now on a number of occasions revealed her intention to avoid scrutiny and transparency. This, coupled with her ineptitude and propensity for gaffs will only make it more likely that people will suffer more from her fairytale economic policy ideas. She clearly intends to do stupid stuff and can’t stand the idea of being held to scrutiny, A truly 21st century Tory.
  16. The appointment of a new Prime Minister is an important topic, and one that many of us would like to discuss. Unfortunately the discussion is constantly being driven off track by trolling and off topic irrelevant nonsense.
  17. More trolling nonsense. And not even an attempt to address my post you are ‘responding to’. I have repeatedly reminded you that the choice is being made by paid up members of the Tory party. Your ranting about the opinions of ‘Lefties’ is completely out of order. Members have a range of political views and this thread is open to all members. Perhaps that explains your constant attempts to drive this thread to a standstill with your constant off topic trolling.
  18. As I have observed earlier, within three weeks of the PM selection being settled the ‘energy cap’ is being hiked again, and just as temperatures drop and the heating needs to be turned on/up. There’s already growing support for industrial action, and if people have to choose between ‘heating and eating’ then civil unrest cannot be ruled out. 12 years in Government and nobody in Government, least of all the two candidates has any sensible proposals to deal with the problems people are facing. Whichever candidate wins the PM post, they’ll have a matter of weeks to show they know what they are doing. Now look at the disconnected fairytale nonsense coming from the front runner.
  19. Unless he’s a paid up member of the Tory Party he doesn’t have a choice. Like the whole nation, he’ll get the PM the aged, reactionary, non representative and out of touch Tory Party membership chose.
  20. Nobody has a choice, unless they are paid up members of the Tory Party. I thought you understood that?
  21. Back to topic. Truss has refused to say she’d appoint a government ethnics advisor, to replace Christopher Geidt, who resigned over the current PM’s lack of ethics. Her logic seems to be ‘the nation should trust her’. Of course, if that’s true there can be no harm in an ethics advisor reporting how ethical the PM is, quite the opposite, an ethics advisor giving the nation good news about the PM at a time when the nation is facing so many problems has to be a good thing. Or perhaps, Truss intends to continue the current PM’s obnoxious disdain for the common rules of decency and honesty, trust her be cause she says ‘you can trust me’. I don’t see that wearing well beyond the closeted confines of the aged, reactionary Tory membership. She is a gift to the opposition.
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