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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nobody is trying to convince you of anything, you are already far too gone on your ‘blue/red/green/yellow team’ simplistic nonsense to be convinced of anything. However all is not lost. You’ve made a number of categorical statements that we can all come back to in the months ahead.
  2. A rational person, with even a modicum of intelligence, could hardly dodge observing some salient facts: 1. A federal judge issued a lawful search warrant. 2, Under that lawfully issued search warrant the FBI undertook a lawfully executed search. 3. The FBI’s lawfully executed search under a lawfully issued search warrant revived a number of US Government Documents, including TS/SCI documents in the possession of former President Donald Trump. 4. Former President has claimed the documents were planted by the FBI. 5. Former President Donald Trump’s attorneys signed statements saying the documents were already returned, thereby confirming Trump did indeed have the documents. 6. Not all the documents were returned. 7. Trump admitted he had the documents but claimed that he had declassified them under a Presidential Standing Order. 8. Nobody in Trump’s former administration has any recollection or knowledge of the ‘Presidential Standing Order’ Trump has referred to. A rational person would conclude that the best way to settle this matter is let the FBI complete there investigation, place the evidence before a Grand Jury and if the Grand Jury hands down an indictment, arrest Trump, charge Trump and send him to trial. If tge Grand Jury does not hand down an indictment there is no case to answer. Place your bets.
  3. The FBI are indeed treating Trump with extra special attention. If you or I had stolen TS/SCI documents, stashed them in our homes and they were then recovered under a lawfully executed and lawfully issued search warrant, we’d be in a dark basement somewhere with a wet towel over our faces until we explained ourselves. Lock him up already
  4. What on earth gave you the idea that Truss needs support from anyone outside the narrow confines of the Tory party? Truss is a gift to the opposition parties, unfortunately her policies are going to dish out real harm to millions of people already suffering from (that list of problems that you frequently try to shutdown discussion on).
  5. Actually, the very worst of lawyers. The suit was filed “Donald Trump Pro Se” What is it they say about the client of a man who decides to defend himself in court?
  6. Perhaps something to do with Liz Truss’ former post as ‘Secretary of State for the Environment’.
  7. It’s not just the inflation rate, the UK has abysmal productivity and is heading into recession. Dorry, heading into ‘sunny uplands’.
  8. The wider voting public are staring down the barrel of another energy price rise arriving in just over three weeks after the ‘selected’ PM takes office. Around about the time temperatures drop and heating needs to be switched on/turned up. This clearly going to be a very chilly reception for which ever hopeful gets the job. And that’s just one of the many issues the wider voting public expect Government action on.
  9. I think it fairer to say we most of us recognize getting dragged off topic to waste time talking about the outrage over the faux Southern Border Crisis, is exactly what it looks like. A waste of time on off topic nonsense.
  10. I don’t like Mitch McConnell, I despise his politics but I also accept he knows a great deal about how elections are won and lost. Trump’s dummy spitting is a response to McConnell expressing his views about Trump sponsored candidates chances in the mid-terms. It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. It’s the same battle Liz Chaney has declared her position in. With up to half of all Republican voters already turning away from Trump, this is going to get real nasty.
  11. And the hit keeps getting worse. UK inflation has now reached 10.1% pa. It has hit this level faster than the Bank of England was predicting, which draws into question the BoE forecast for inflation to peak at 13%.
  12. Believe this. The most pressing investigation the FBI ( and others have) is who got to see these documents. Who had them illegally is a done deal.
  13. Never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake. Field Marshall, Napoleon Bonaparte. Let me know is you need a translation into the original French.
  14. It has to be the FBI. The heavily armed, body armored police won’t intervene (for other people’s children).
  15. Shading oneself surely comes second to wrapping oneself in the national flag. But it works wit a certain few.
  16. Where is your evidence of this being selective law enforcement? Trump removed TS/SCI documents from the WH to Mar-a-Largo. He was asked to return them. His lawyers filed false statements that all the documents were returned, they were not. Trump is already being given far too much license, if any ordinary private citizen had removed TS/SCI documents relating to national security, they’d be in a basement somewhere having the circumstances of their theft extracted from them. But what’s the point arguing with a Trump supporter. A lawfully issued search warrant gives rise to outrage. A lawfully conducted search - more outrage. If/when an indictment is handed down, there’ll be more out rage. If/when an arrest is made there’ll be more outrage. If and when there is a trial, there’ll be yet more outrage. If/when there’s a conviction there’ll be even more outrage. It’s all denial, lies and outrage and the occasional ‘nice country you’ve got there, shame if something happened to it’. I look forward to this progressing through the criminal Justice system, so I can tick off the outrage as it arises,
  17. No it hasn’t. A former President being held accountable to the law is a very good thing for democracy.
  18. And they in your own words, you are once again calling for the use of the DOJ against someone you regard, in this case as ‘a huge disappointment’. The very politicization of the DOJ that the rightwing are, despite zero evidence, bleating about,
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