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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The UK has accepted its obligations, regardless of the nationality of the people employed to do the UK’s work at the EU. Perhaps someone should ask Farage to forego his EU pension.
  2. This is the kind of nonsense delivers Governments that are not representative of the people by means of deterring voter participation. There are very clear differences between the major parties, the one in power has a record of corruption, law breaking and incompetence.
  3. Labour are not the subject of this thread, nor are ward roundly supported by both sides of the house. Johnson destroyed himself, it was his own party that voted to get rid of him after Tories were smashed in two bi-elections. But yes I get your point. It’s always somebody else’s fault.
  4. If I may correct you. First time convicted. His last crimes were pardoned by his coconspirator.
  5. If I may correct you. First time convicted. His last crimes were pardoned by his coconspirator.
  6. It’s money paid into the EU pension scheme for British members of the EU Parliament (Farage is an example) and the staff employed to perform the UK’s share of EU work.
  7. Recognizing the nation is in crisis is a good thing. Now all he needs to do is accept the part he and the Government he served in has had in causing that crisis.
  8. The Tories have had 12 years and look at the result. Fairytale policies aren’t the answer.
  9. The inflation and cuts in public services Truss’s policies will bring with them will certainly be a nightmare for the millions of people in the UK struggling with the cost of living crisis. I don’t see the electorate warming to that.
  10. OK, so you don’t have any evidence to back up your claim ( in your own words): “Now you are claiming that covid testing kits are useless and waste of money” You don’t even have evidence of me mentioning ‘COVID-19 Test Kits’. You’ve got nothing, you’ve made assertions that you can’t back up. For some reason you can’t bring yourself to admit you made a baseless accusation. Retract, you’ll feel better for doing the right thing.
  11. Stop dodging. This is your assertion in your exact words: “Now you are claiming that covid testing kits are useless and waste of money “ Provide evidence of me “ claiming that covid testing kits are useless and waste of money “ Or retract. Come on now, quote me.
  12. I know I’ve said it before and I suspect I’ll have continuing cause to say it: 2022 is turning out to be a wonderful year for Justice.
  13. Please use the forum’s quote function to present evidence of me claiming “that covid testing kits are useless and waste of money “ That’s a very specific allegation you have made. Now back it up or retract it.
  14. Except who was given the contracts for these useless goods and failed services? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56319927.amp
  15. With pleasure: https://www.thenational.scot/news/20202533.best-britain-says-boris-johnsons-tories-wasted-64bn-taxpayer-cash/
  16. The jury has convicted Bannon: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/22/steve-bannon-trial-trump-contempt-congress-charges
  17. Well Johnson has been trying to unilaterally renege on the deal he signed. But no, the deals not off, it’s not even done yet. It all comes around again in 2026.
  18. Getting you back on topic. This government, in which both candidates have been ministers, has handed tens of billions of pounds of tax payers money to chums if the Government members with zero benefit to the public. Both candidates are mired in the corrupt record of the government in which they served and supported.
  19. And that’s just the one of payments to the EU bill that can be paid off. The costs to the economy are a constant, year on year hit.
  20. Has it not occurred to you that I might have a very long history of interest in politics? No matter. I’m not the topic of discussion. Liz Truss is no longer a Liberal Democrat.
  21. And cut public services in a society already floundering after over a decade of Tory austerity.
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