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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Having to walk around to different supermarkets to find the stuff you want to buy. A real Brexit bonus.
  2. It takes a lot longer than 1 second, but however long it takes, it’s a procedure that only became necessary due to Brexit.
  3. It’s also not true to say there are not significant supply problems. It’s cold comfort to go shopping, only to be told to come back another time because the things you want aren’t in stock.
  4. Oh, so you have forgotten the photos were taken by the person who posted them, nothing at all to do with ‘the press’. Here’s a thing, I like anyone who goes shopping in the UK see the shortages and reduced choice options firsthand.
  5. He should take up Trainspotting because you don’t like being presented with Brexit reality?
  6. You need to be a bit more specific. What has Brexit delivered to these 66 million people for them to enjoy?
  7. The Brits who go on holiday to France, many of whom have property there, are not going to stop going to a part of the world they are so fond of.
  8. I guess the abysmal economy, shortages in shops, businesses shipping their operations to the EU and the absence of the promised ‘post Brexit green and sunny pastures’ might swing it for you.
  9. Truss moved to further her own political ambitions. She’s got a history of doing so.
  10. I’m not celebrating anything, nor am I taunting. I’m pointing out a fact, Brexit was predominantly voted for by old people. In the past six years very many of these Brexit voters are no longer with us.
  11. It’s not over yet. The UK has an interim trade and customs deal with the EU, it will be re-negotiated in 2026.
  12. Because that’s the future. The predominantly old people who voted for Brexit aren’t going to be around much longer. At the very least there are sound economic reasons for the UK rejoining the Customs Union.
  13. Why on earth should France stop them? France has no such obligation.
  14. Let’s cut the pretense that this is somehow an unexpected outcome that needs any explanation beyond ‘Brexit’. The impact of Brexit on cross channel traffic was widely predicted (refer your ‘Project Fear’ files). The British Government knew it was going to happen, they built massive lorry parks near the ports in readiness for the delays they knew Brexit would cause. Nor are these delays and jams new, they’ve been happening daily since Brexit, they are in the news now because of the scale of the problem over a couple of days, but they are now routine in cross channel traffic. The bill for this Brexit created costs and delays is being paid by the UK economy. And it gets worse. The UK have not yet implemented the border controls that Brexit necessitates. There is absolutely no reason why any EU nation needs to check goods arriving at their own borders if those goods are destined to be shipped directly to the UK. (Their duty to do so was removed with Brexit). By example, a container can arrive from anywhere in the world at a French port, then be put on a lorry without being checked and trucked across The channel to the UK, where it won’t be checked. No taxes and duties being collected, no safety/security checks. The UK got its borders back, then immediately lost control of them.
  15. Well the UK has its own lorry parks around the ports. I wonder why they suddenly became necessary? I wonder too how much the post Brexit paperwork and delays are costing the UK economy?
  16. I wonder what introducing tax cuts into an economy already experiencing painfully high inflation will do?
  17. Oh, so all that extra paperwork for freight lorries, nothing to do with Brexit. And perhaps you never travelled this route pre-Brexit, it was never a mess like this.
  18. Here’s the salient bit. All of the checks and the delays associated with the checks are a direct result of checks being necessary. The checks are necessary because the UK chose a hard Brexit. And it’s going to get worse, biometric checks are being introduced later this year. Luvly-Jubly.
  19. Are sure about that? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-loses-foreign-investment-crown-to-france-after-two-decades-at-top-57cllp0g9
  20. From the article you have linked: “But EuroTunnel responded by saying the incident had absolutely nothing to do with a malfunction on its end. Its director of public affairs John Keefe told the BBC: ‘The incident at the port started overnight well before a minor technical incident in the Channel Tunnel. ‘There is absolutely no correlation between the two. It had absolutely nothing to do with problems at the Port of Dover.’”
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