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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The assumption is, those who have had $10,000 of their student debt relieved were not working hard to pay it down. That’s very obviously a broad and unfounded generalization. But yes you are correct, there are two points of view two sides to the coin.
  2. Again, personal attack that fails to address my point that the Conservative Party membership that is selecting the next PM is not at all representative of the wider population. The candidate they choose based on their out of touch views is not a choice of the population at large, nor would it be.
  3. More to the point, they are not representative of the views of the rest of the nation. Predominantly old, white, male, wealthy, based in the South of the country and out of touch with the rest of the nation. So, let them pick who they like. It means nothing about what the nation wants.
  4. I think they’re more concerned with the $millions off loan forgiveness handed out to the people in the GOP making the most noise about all this.
  5. Next outrage: ’What are the Government hiding under those redactions’.
  6. In the face of fabricated and hypocritical outrage from the Republicans, the White House has responded: To the frothing or the mouth outrage of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a reminder that she had $183,504 PPP Loans forgiven. To the screaming outrage coming out of Rep. Mike Kelly, a reminder he had $987, 237 of PPP loans forgiven. And to the making far to much outraged noise for his own good Rep. Matt Gaetz, a reminder he had $482,321 of PPP loans forgiven (but no word on forgiveness for those other matters. Congressman Vern Buchanan, trying to act a bit less rabid than his comrades in receipt of forgiveness, but still ranting, he gets a reminder he had $2.3 million in PPP loans forgiven. So come on, let’s hear it for the ‘slap in the face’, ‘the seeds of destruction for the American economy’, ‘the Democrats are addicted to handouts’, ‘Debts not paid cause harm’. Utter two faced hypocrisy. And all because Biden gives some help to the lower 95% rather than handing cash (as is usual for the GOP) to the top 1%. Come on, let’s hear your outrage. https://www.newsweek.com/white-house-twitter-blasts-greene-gaetz-kelly-forgiven-ppp-loans-1737144
  7. Opinions differ: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2022/05/04/biden-has-power-to-cancel-student-loans-for-every-federal-borrower-attorneys-general-say/?sh=685e9c1ac1a8
  8. How that changes the fact Truss is proposing policies that are rooted in Regan’s ‘Trickle Down’ economic’ philosophy is anyone’s guess.
  9. The point being made is not what has the US got to do with the UK, rather it’s an observation that Truss is proposing policies that have their roots in Regan Economics. Reduced taxation ‘trickle down economics’ does not work, never has. It does however make the rich richer, the poor poorer and destroy public services.
  10. The fact you don’t read a report doesn’t in anyway distract from what the report says. It just demonstrates your eagerness to avoid reading stuff that contradicts your point of view.
  11. It seems both Truss and Sunak’s are in agreement on that: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/liz-truss-reform-government-spending-b2148237.html
  12. All well and good, but there are essential services to be paid for. Right now, the NHS, Social Care, Social Services, Police, Fore and ambulance services, roads, schools, the environmental agency. All floundering as a direct result of 12 years of underfunding.
  13. Another thread, another misinformed post. The UK, subject nation of the thread, is a mixed economy with features of capitalism and socialism.
  14. Tax cuts also increase demand and drive up inflation. Perhaps that’s the plan.
  15. Oh, jam tomorrow, or maybe never. I favour giving immediate help to those in need. A real windfall tax on energy companies and help those who cannot afford to heat and eat. What I don favour is tax handouts to corporations already making huge profits.
  16. Well it would explain Graham’s ‘epiphany’ during a single game of golf with Trump. From outspoken critic to lickspittle sycophant in 18 holes (or thereabouts).
  17. So we’re is the logic in Truss handing out tax cuts? If the national finances are in such a mess, why the promise of tax cuts snd who will benefit most from those tax cuts?
  18. There’s more money where this came from. Now who voted against help for the poor and veterans?
  19. OK, how about handouts to banks and corporations? I don’t recall you protesting.
  20. Because providing support to 95% of Americans, while excluding the 5% who are wealthy assures wide support for the program. Tax payers being given tax payers money. I’m sure the Banksters must be outraged. The other relief in this news is the fact Biden didn’t insist on his signature being on the check. Those were the days eh?! “But there is no argument that Harvard grads making 6 figures need debt relief more than truckers or service workers.” You perhaps missed the bit about this relief being for ‘Student Debts’ some of which will be held by ‘Harvard Students’.
  21. I would to see the Dems bring forward legislation to curb and control the rapacious tuition fees charged by hyper wealthy universities and colleges. Do you think the Republicans would back such legislation?
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