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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. There you go again, demonstrating how out of touch with the lives of Briton’s millions of poor.
  2. Prisons are full of people who believed themselves too clever to be caught. Where there is a will, there’s a way. The will to tackle tax evasion just showed up.
  3. The increase in IRS resources is to target the billions of $ tax avoidance that the Republicans enabled by stripping back the IRS.
  4. As we have seen before, following orders is not a defense for breaking the law, particularly when extra judicial killings are the outcome.
  5. Lizzy is at it again, she’s dispatched her supporters to ‘re-phrase’ her state on not giving ‘handouts’ to people struggling with the cost of living crisis. Apparently she didn’t mean exactly what she said in the verbatim reports of her statements. It’s another Dizzy from Lizzy. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/07/penny-mordaunt-denies-liz-truss-is-ruling-out-more-help-for-poor-this-winter
  6. People living in poverty who are skipping meals can’t afford 25 Quid, if they could they’d buy food. But thank you for taking the trouble to demonstrate how out of touch you are with the struggles of millions of Briton’s living in poverty.
  7. Here’s the good news. All the other families of Sandy Hook victims are going to come and take their own piece of Alex Jones.
  8. A bit of hyperbole there.
  9. I haven’t been anywhere. I stayed on topic.
  10. Alex Jones was disseminating conspiracy theories. His followers were entirely rightwing.
  11. I’m not sure why the GOP feels it needs to import fascists to speak at CPAC events.
  12. RIP One of my aunts and her sister in law were killed by lightning on a Rhodesian golf course. It was the second time my aunt had been struck by lightning, the first time as a child.
  13. I think most people do likewise Simon. However, many do follow the garbage spread by the likes of Jones and it is garbage that seeps into wider consciousness without being directly followed by those who come to believe it. That’s the power of propaganda and misinformation, of which Jones is a leading proponent. It’s how come respondents to surveys so often return ‘somewhat agree’ to whacked out conspiracy nonsense. They may not directly follow the source but they might be around people and conversations that do.
  14. I see the off topic trolling has started again. I’ll leave you all to to put with it, I’ll be back tomorrow with the next installment of Dizzy from Lizzy.
  15. The latest ‘Dizzy from Lizzy’. Truss rejects ‘handouts’ as way of tackling the cost of living crisis. Let the poor starve through the next year and a half of Bank of England predicted recession. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/06/liz-truss-handouts-cost-of-living-crisis-tax-cuts-conservative-leadership
  16. Which is precisely why people need to think about the consequences of cutting taxes during a period of high inflation. Truss’ own preferred economist has warned her tax cuts will cause interest rates to rise, perhaps to 7%.
  17. She also sold off state owned assets and jacked up the economy with the proceeds while deregulating banks and the financial sector, destroyed British manufacturing engineering and sowed the seeds for the banks gambling with debts underwritten by tax payers money.
  18. It’s never worked before, so let’s try it again.
  19. All those bills to pay, and Truss promising tax cuts. Fairytale economics.
  20. What did I allege she said. Please provide a link to this claimed allegation of mine.
  21. She referred to a group that weren’t even there. Once again demonstrating her ability to be completely out of touch with what’s going on around her and out of touch with the wider electorate on the environment. A gift to the opposition.
  22. Truss proud of being disliked by environmentalists. Once again, playing to the reactionary membership of the Conservative party and ignoring the views of the wider electorate. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/articles/threequartersofadultsingreatbritainworryaboutclimatechange/2021-11-05
  23. 2022 just keeps getting better, it really is a fine year for Justice.
  24. She’s always clueless. Anyway, I’ll leave you all to enjoy today’s stream of off topic nonsense and trolling that flows from its usual source. See you tomorrow with the next installment of Lizzy’s Fairytale answers to the problems the nation is facing.

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