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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The Guardian is one of the journalism award winning papers I read. Care to share where you get your news?
  2. I’ve not seen much of that in the papers I read, but then they’re not usually on the top shelf.
  3. No, I do not agree with Enoch Powell’s views. The basis of restrictions he wanted was race, he was a racist, why would I agree with a racist?
  4. When did I ever suggest free entry to everyone was desirable? I have never suggested anything of the sort.
  5. An example of 1st generation assimilation that is characteristic of immigrants throughout history.
  6. His career was already over, that’s why he turned to rave baiting in the hope of saving it. I think he did see the writing on the wall, immigrants would replace old fossils like him in Parliament - he was right.
  7. Hit a cop in the street and he can legally shoot you dead. 10 years is not too long for the crimes he committed which also included attempting to overthrow the certification of the election.
  8. Good to see sentences heading in the right direction.
  9. No. You’ve departed into hyperbole. I’ve backed up my statement with a credible link.
  10. No you did not, you departed from rational discussion. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37999156
  11. Once again, departing from rational discussion.
  12. All well and good until you add in the different treatment of people by the police and criminal Justice system according to their race.
  13. If you make things up and refuse to retract them when the falsehood you have stated is pointed out to you, why then do you think anyone should give credence to your other views?!
  14. A terrible crime, but not representative of the behaviour of the millions of people who did not commit it.
  15. You attributed statements to me that I did not make. Calling you out on that is neither pedantic or boring.
  16. Look what you just did. You picked out one racial group.
  17. I think it’s the amount of illogical nonsense, off topic distractions and personal attacks I come across in a thread like this.
  18. There’s a lot of crime in the UK, by no means all reported in your ‘Daily Newspaper’ of choice. Or if you want it more bluntly, somebody at your ‘Daly Newspapers(s)’ of choice is selecting which particular crimes they wish you to read about. To draw sweeping conclusions on the basis of information someone else chose to feed you is rather foolish.
  19. Perhaps you too might familiarize yourself with the topic under discussion.
  20. I think defenders and admirers is a better description, I don’t think Powell would give anyone here, on either side of the discussion, the time of day.
  21. I never once called you a racist, never even suggested such a thing. The topic is not which of Powell’s racist views were put into UK Immigration Law. That’s another of your strawman distractions. Feel free to re-read the OP for hints.
  22. I’m not sure how you know what I have read, let alone what is my ‘own country’, even if that were relevant, which it is not. But I do suggest you read a bit about racists and SE Asian women.
  23. ‘My illegal immigrants’. Can you please try to keep your ‘contributions’ to this discussion rational.
  24. I strongly suggest a bit of reading around that defense.
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