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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. In many respect the current Government is trying to do just that.
  2. Go back to the top of the thread, you’ll find the topic under discussion clearly displayed. I’ve also explained earlier how the Racist Powell was making his remarks at a time when the substantial immigration of the time was from the Caribbean and that many of those immigrants were invited to the UK to work in the NHS. There is a thread open on cross channel migration, you’re xenophobia is on sufficient display there.
  3. ‘Patriot’ is an English word and is often used in the UK, especially by the nativist rightwing. It’s the flip side of your own frequent accusations of others being ‘Anti-Brit Brit’, regardless of the flaws of that accusation. And no I’m not going to link to a British extreme rightwing group using the term ‘Patriot’.
  4. Not as a patient no, but I spent a great deal of time this summer on daily visits to someone in hospitals, more than one because they moved twice to different NHS hospitals. So tell me, what did I miss?
  5. More to do with rapid waistline growth and the ‘Baby Boom’ generation (the clue is in the name) getting old. Young immigrants don’t tend to use the health service until they are old and many do not stay that long.
  6. It’s worse than that. Powell had the education, the intellect and the military experience to understand precisely how wrong and how dangerous the racist views he was expressing were. He was a horrible despicable man. The fact that by education, intellect and experience he had to understand how wrong and dangerous were his words only makes him even worse.
  7. Let’s just take one single point from your stream of Ill-informed contribution. The UK’s NHS would collapse tomorrow if not for the tens of thousands of immigrants working to prop it up.
  8. Well yes, I don’t feel the need to defend Powell, his views or those who admire him and his views.
  9. I draw the line at calling anyone here in this discussion a racist, unless of course they, like the racist Powell overtly express racist views. I do however observe that Powell is admired and defended by many racists. There’s a enough wiggle room in that to afford a modicum of plausible deniability to those who feel the need to avail themselves of the opportunity.
  10. And the precipitators of the Brixton Riots where? Or do you pretend not to know because you personally were not subjected to abuse by a systematically racist police force? Read some history.
  11. Odd the Racist Powell never predicted better food, better music, better athletes and better everything really. Going back to live in early 60s UK would be a nightmare. All those women in head scarves and men smelling of Woodbines. Nah, leave the Racist Powell where he belongs, in a long dead history.
  12. Odd you should mention Bradford, with your snide dig. I recommend watching the TV series ‘Bradford on Duty’. It’s a fly on the wall look at people in public service working for the good of the Bradford community. It’s an excellent look at Bradford people from a wide range of ethnic and religious backgrounds demonstrating the very best values of community, real British values. You of course might not like it.
  13. His point was attacking immigrants. Some thought that a valid point.
  14. Powell’s words were not prophetic, they were racist.
  15. Let’s see if you can work it out, there’s a clue somewhere.
  16. At the time of Powell speaking the only significant immigration to the UK was from the Caribbean (The Windrush Generation). Powell lies when he says these people were not invited, he fails to mention the ‘British Nationality Act 1948’ or the recruitment of people in the Caribbean to fill jobs in the UK. These people were invited to come to the UK, they contributed immensely to the economy and the culture of the country. They were treated abysmally, up an until the modern day. The racist Powell climbed on his soap box to stoke fear and hatred for his own political objectives. The immigrants where his target and the immigrants suffered. He was a despicable man. And yes, a racist, admired then as now by racists.
  17. He was way off. I was recently in a northern English town, full of the people this racist Powell was inciting fear and hatred of. The people of that town share far more things in common than the colour of their skin. The century has turned, that town, like others across the country have proven Powell wrong, the vast majority of people living there were born there, raised there, educated there, work there, and very rightly consider themselves British.
  18. Nah he was a racist, admired by racists.
  19. Neither have answers for the problems the nation is facing, though both have played an active roll in creating many of those problems.
  20. Clearly, if Government help workers, workers are going to help workers. The time for unions has returned.
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