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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. She referred to a group that weren’t even there. Once again demonstrating her ability to be completely out of touch with what’s going on around her and out of touch with the wider electorate on the environment. A gift to the opposition.
  2. Truss proud of being disliked by environmentalists. Once again, playing to the reactionary membership of the Conservative party and ignoring the views of the wider electorate. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/wellbeing/articles/threequartersofadultsingreatbritainworryaboutclimatechange/2021-11-05
  3. 2022 just keeps getting better, it really is a fine year for Justice.
  4. She’s always clueless. Anyway, I’ll leave you all to enjoy today’s stream of off topic nonsense and trolling that flows from its usual source. See you tomorrow with the next installment of Lizzy’s Fairytale answers to the problems the nation is facing.
  5. Interest rates up, inflation heading north of 13% recession forecast for the whole of 2023. And Truss offering fairytale economics. You can have your cake and eat it.
  6. Perhaps his lawyers made a deliberate mistake. Eitherway, this the darling of the rightwing, the go to font of rightwing talking points frequently repeated by right wing fan boys on this forum. And let’s recall the filth accusation that where ‘pizza gate’. Well surprise surprise, it was all ‘projection’. Now lock him up and throw away the key.
  7. It might be a good idea not to be seen making excuses for Alex Jones, given what’s reportedly been found on his phone. But up to you entirely, if you feel he’s the kind of guy you want to be a fan boy for.
  8. Well yes, he’s got some criminal questioning ahead of him. As I keep having good cause to remark, 2022 is turning out to be a fabulous year for Justice.
  9. He’s not facing criminal prosecution. This is a civil trial.
  10. Ageist garbage. Government is serious business with an impact on all of us. We absolutely need the experience that comes with age.
  11. This morning’s news is there’s an £8.8billion hole in Truss’ budget. Well of course there is, she’s peddling fairytale economics. ….. See you all tomorrow with the next days Truss gaffs. I don’t feel inclined to stay around here all day putting up with the constant trolling that fills this thread.
  12. I hope the parents of the Sandy Hook victims and the lawyers strip this POS of every last cent. And then we can start with the criminal trials. Lock him up.
  13. Liz Truss, shining at the Dispatch Box. Now I know you are having a laugh. She’s appallingly bad at thinking on her feet. But, yes, it is something to look forward to.
  14. I rather hope so, she’s the opposition’s preferred candidate.
  15. The ones he had hand picked to serve in his cabinet.
  16. It’s another Liz Truss U-Turn. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/02/liz-truss-u-turns-plan-cut-public-sector-pay-outside-london-tory-leadership LOL
  17. Right, so Donald Trump adopted telling a big lie, a propaganda technique used by Hitler and the Nazis. Well yes, the parallels were frequently pointed out.
  18. You’ve included a substantial ’quote’. Why no link?
  19. Quit with the histrionics, it’s not a Nazi propaganda phrase.
  20. I’m guessing the Nazis used the German Language in their propaganda. You might know differently.
  21. The 20,000 police officers the Government claims to be recruiting does not replace the more than 20,000 Theresa May fired, on top of which are thousands more who left in the interim through retirement and resignations.
  22. Everyone of those problems have been made worse by twelve years of Tory mismanagement, including the slashing of over 20,000 police jobs. Your derogatory remarks here about poor people are insight into your mindset.
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