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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I believe the thread is open to all members of this forum, correct me if I’m wrong.
  2. Most were Scottish, and somebody else was already there planting stuff in the very same land. But a nationalist not understanding the history of his own nation is no surprise.
  3. This thread is not about Thailand or Thai people.
  4. Meanwhile there is no effective customs control of goods entering the UK. But you bit the bait and got wound up about the NI protocol despite the economy of NI out pacing that of the rest of the UK.
  5. The most sensible solution is re-join the Customs Union, but the ERG won’t stand for that, so UK citizens and UK businesses must pay the price.
  6. Please point out which treaty provisions have been breached?
  7. Try to come to terms with the reality, Washington is dictating to the UK the limits of what the UK can and cannot do wrt NI and the Good Friday Agreement. How are your prices going?
  8. Here’s a real ‘Imports Inspection’ problem. The UK has failed to prepare for inspections at the EU/UK border, there are insufficient staff, insufficient facilities, insufficient procedures. There is no obligation on any EU nation to inspect goods leaving or transiting through their territory to the UK. Goods entering the EU to an EU nation final destination from ‘third nations’ are inspected at the first EU port of entry. (See example of goods arriving from UK to EU). Goods arriving at any EU port from any ‘third nation’ that are destined for the UK are not being inspected by any EU nation, and they are almost certainly not being inspected by the UK’s inadequate customs inspections when they arrive in the UK. The UK has almost no customs inspections on goods arriving from the EU or more worryingly goods shipped via the EU. The UK’s borders are to all practical considerations open to smugglers. Now what was all that about ’Control of our boarders’?
  9. Brexit removed the UK’s rights to trade with the EU without import/export controls, you got what you voted for, ‘third nation trading rights’.
  10. The UK is not going to dissolve ‘Devolved Parliaments’, Washington had already given instruction on the matter. Which begs a question; How’s your ‘sovereignty’ working out.
  11. Where are these checks taking place? Who’s making these checks? Trade between the UK and NI is direct, it doesn’t go through EU territory.
  12. I’m not sure being ‘the smartest guy in the room’ is much of an accolade, given the ‘room’ is Johnson’s Government. Are you missing the point that the NI unionist tail is wagging the Tory dog?
  13. And right now they are all experiencing the downside consequences. Except that is, those in NI who are enjoying the benefits of continuing un-interrupted trade with the EU via the NI/SI open border, with the result that the NI economy is outstripping that of the rest of the UK. So much for negative consequences of the NI protocol - there are none, they don’t exist.
  14. Or it could be, these Conservative MPs know that Johnson’s plans are against International Law.
  15. So these EU workers were driving down wages while at the same time sponging of benefits? Or is this just another example of the baseless and derogatory views that was behind Brexit?
  16. Frequently report during the run up to Brexit, British employers across any sector that required physical work (building/farming/fishing/forestry/infrastructure construction etc) all complained that British ‘kids’ were not applying for apprenticeships/jobs on offer. British ‘Kids’ just won’t have it.
  17. So answer me this then. Why are members of the Tory Government arguing against their own PM that his plan to unilaterally break the NI protocol is a plan to break international law? I suspect they are looking at the law, not misinformation from the rightwing press, but of course you might have evidence to the contrary.
  18. He could deal with ‘Law and order’…… oh…. Perhaps not.
  19. If he got ‘Brexit Done’ why does he now want to undo that which he signed up to?
  20. The DUP want a hard border between North and South Ireland, this is in direct conflict with the Good Friday Agreement. Neither the EU not Washington will accept dismantling of the Good Friday agreement. Johnson is playing with fire.
  21. Perhaps not Einstein. Schrödinger's border. Sorted!
  22. Calm down. WRT NI and the ‘NI devolved parliament’ the UK will do as Washington tells it.
  23. What? EU customs officers are checking goods in the UK?

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