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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I think the high fat, high salt, high cholesterol variety would be more appropriate.
  2. The ordinary people who are not out on the streets rioting, destroying property, looting businesses, touching cars and violently attacking police officers? I’ll hazard a guess the ‘ordinary people’ what the police, the courts and the Government to stamp out these coordinated riots.
  3. You find the definition and f Islamophobia online. You can find the topic of discussion at the top of the thread. The heinous crime being discussed is nothing to do with Islam or Muslims. You might want to explain why you think your disgraceful post has anything at all to do with heinous crime under discussion.
  4. The basis of my observation is two fold. 1. The Islamophobic diatribe you yourself posted. 2. The fact you chose to post it in a thread discussing the heinous murder of three children, that has absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims. Get grip, this heinous crime has absolutely nothing to do with Islam or Muslims.
  5. How did it work out for the last proponents of that vile stain on the history of humanity?
  6. No body is covering up for ‘bad people’, The murderer, who is very clearly very much worse than just bad, is in custody and on the path to trial for his heinous crimes. I wish him *a fair trial* that results in conviction and that he is then sentenced to spend the rest of his life locked up, in prison, Broadmoor or Rampton, I don’t care. ** The reason I am keen he gets a fair trial is to e sure there are zero legal loopholes that might be used to declare his trial void or the sentence unjust.
  7. I wonder who was in power then? Left or rightwing? Oh and a nice revision to the point you were actually making: 1 in 5 people voted for Labour. 4 out of 5 did not. When the people did vote to reduce immigration it was ignored and accelerated. There is no democratic mandate for mass immigration of over a million people a year. There never has been. I'm surprised it has taken this long for the people to say enough is enough.
  8. Your diatribe is pure Islamophobia and (see if you can grasp this) Islam has absolutely nothing to do with the heinous crimes which are the subject of this thread.
  9. My question is an invite to you to examine what precisely it is that outages you most. Thanks for confirming.
  10. The heinous crime to which this thread relates has absolutely nothing to do wit Islam. But you just can’t help yourself.
  11. Statements are either true or not true. A simple yes or no would suffice.
  12. I do hope she gets the job, she’s a walking disaster, spitting image couldn’t do her justice.
  13. Immigration has accelerated since the election? How does it compare with that of July 2023?
  14. Having handed the crown of fiscal responsibility on a plate to Labour, the rightwing are now giving Labour the opportunity to take the lead on law and order. Starmer is organizing the police to deal with these coordinated rightwing riots, it will win him support from the vast majority of law abiding citizens. Go ahead, cheer on the extreme rightwing attacking innocent communities, looting businesses, destroying property, and violently attacking the police. See who comes out on top. The extreme right wing are giving the Government all the excuses they need to clamp down on their thuggery.
  15. On your scale of outrage, how does that compare to looting business, arson, violently attacking police officers?
  16. Pushing people into looting, commotion arson, attacking an innocent community? Are you sure?!
  17. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as critical as most of the past Tory Government’s failure on immigration. 14 full years of failure. I don’t expect Labour to fix that overnight, but I do expect they’ll do a better job than the Tories did. One month is clearly too soon to judge Labour a failure on immigration.
  18. I under your point entirely. It’s whataboutary. Maybe we should have a thread on racism on Thailand.
  19. There was an election last month. ’The people’ had a choice, and they chose.
  20. Please tell me someone forced you type that and hit the send button. Or should we consider this Islamophobic diatribe all your own work and keep it in mind when reading g your thoughts in other matters?
  21. Rubber boats started arriving during the time of the Blair Government?
  22. Actually we are talking about Yaxley-Lennon Lennon and his part in the rightwing riots, refer top of thread. Rubber boats, when did that start? Didn’t someone on the political right promise to put a stop to it?
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