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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Refer the top of the page, there’s something about ‘World News’.
  2. Here’s the message: If you want to reform the SCOTUS, which a clear majority of Americans do, vote Democrat across the whole ticket. It’s a very smart play.
  3. So you didn’t read the OP. Give it a read and let us know what particular parts of President Biden’s proposal you object to and why.
  4. Refer my comment above about the timing of this announcement. A d please, less of the projection.
  5. Because he suggests something that the majority of the public agree with?
  6. I’m busy this morning so let me address just one of your statements. “You support Trump because you don’t want a ‘packed court’”
  7. Despising Trump is not hating the U.S., despising Netanyahu is not hating Israel. Opinions differ on which are ‘the best nations in earth’.
  8. President Biden is timing this well. He’s putting reform of the SCOTUS on the ticket for November, it’s an idea with broad public support.
  9. President Biden is expressing a view backed by public opinion: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/07/21/favorable-views-of-supreme-court-fall-to-historic-low/
  10. Counter factual nonsense that could only come from someone who has completely missed or chooses to ignore the reality of rightwing Christian control over the SCOTUS and the bias that has been demonstrated by the courts recent rulings.
  11. Well if you wish to parade your ignorance of what constitutes a Communist, then that’s an option you might choose to take.
  12. What like Michael Flynn and these clowns did?: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/395719-gop-senators-visited-moscow-on-july-4/
  13. Buttigieg is currently doing the rounds and demolishing both Trump and Vance. I guess puerile name calling would be Trump’s response.
  14. I like the fact there’s a wide range of candidates that would all be acceptable.
  15. You don’t. Why would you, he’s a loser. You are however all over Harris like a nasty rash. But no, you don’t post support for the low energy Convicted Felon.
  16. I expect screaming ‘communist’ is up there among the top cult behaviors.
  17. The same Jacques Baud who engages in conspiracy mongering, defended by denial Syria’s use of chemical weapons and has earned through significant effort a reputation of shilling for Putin.
  18. Her’s the deal Russia invaded Ukraine and it didn’t go to plan.
  19. Firstly, the subject alliance is NATO, not the UN. Secondly the founding purpose of the UN was to prevent world wars, of which there have none since its founding.
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