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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No it’s not persecution, he’s beached long standing contempt of law, something he has a habit of doing. A criminal bleating ‘they are out to get me’ is only evidence of the law targeting criminals.
  2. He ran from justice. Quit with the sophistry already.
  3. Yaxley-Lennon has played zero part in bringing anybody, except himself, to justice, zero part I preventing any crimes of any kind. He has however put the trial of a child abuser at risk.
  4. I’ve explained why he’s a sniveling little coward, refer my post directly above.
  5. He’s a carnival barker, raking in cash from his rubes. A coward who runs away overseas when called to face the justice he demands others, but not him, are held accountable to. He’ll be back behind bars again soon. Despite your clear animosity I do have some friendly advice for you - don’t send Yaxley-Lennon any of your money.
  6. It seems Trump himself is having second thoughts, he threw Vance under the bus in his disastrous interview with the Black Journalist Association. Let me get this on record. I said at moment President Biden withdrew from the contest and VO Harris stepped in, Vance is now on replacement watch. With each tick of the clock he’s looking more and more like a guy heading for the door. If the polls get worse for Trump he’ll turn on Vance, it’s his MO.
  7. I assure you, despite living here in Thailand, when I wish to comment from personal experience of the NHS I do so from a great deal of recent personal experience. But I don’t choose to present any personal experience as an argument, I rely on verifiable data and reports from reputable sources, refer link I provided earlier. If anyone is causing you of lying, then they have zero basis to do so as the statements you make cannot be demonstrated to be false. However, they can’t be demonstrated to be true either. They are unverifiable anecdotes, that may or may not be true.
  8. The NHS provides health services on the basis of residency, not how much tax/NI someone seeking treatment has or has not paid or citizenship. If an expat returns to the UK yo seek healthcare from the NHS then they are either coincidentally returning to take up permanent residence, in which case they are entitled to treatment, or they are lying about/concealing their residency and this committing fraud.
  9. You so clearly confirming that you have no idea what the difference is between anecdote and verifiable data wasn’t the response I expected, but thanks for for being so eagerly forthcoming on the matter. If you need assistance getting to your next hospital appointment contact social services, they may be able to help.
  10. It’s not based on verifiable data. Here’s an example of how that works: https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/nhs-delivery-and-workforce/pressures/nhs-backlog-data-analysis
  11. Anyhow, now the sniveling little coward Yaxley-Lennon has gone on the lam, I guess we can look forward to news of his next arrest being accompanied by detained without bail, followed shortly afterwards by a stretch of his majesty’s hospitality.
  12. A bit of a sly, though not entirely unexpected, misrepresentation of my post by deliberately truncating it. Full text of my post you felt you needed to bastardize below:
  13. Thanks for imagining things I haven’t myself said. Now feel free to argue with the things you yourself imagine. Update me when it dawns on you that you are arguing with yourself.
  14. Correct. But while NI remains in place at pensions are an earned entitlement. People in mid working life or nearing retirement have a very reasonable expectation of receiving a pension on the basis of NI contributions they have payed. Remove NI and that link is broken, pensions become a benefit and just like ‘Winter Fuel Allowances’ can be means tested or removed altogether with a stroke of a ministerial pen. Binning plans to get rid of NI is a very positive move for ordinary working people.
  15. I don’t recall you complaining when it was only Trump dishing out the personal attacks.
  16. Agree. But my point is pensions are directly earned and the link between paying NI and pension entitlement is firmly established. Remove NI and pensions become a benefit not an earned entitlement.
  17. Absolutely not. The current Government hasn’t enacted any policies that could possibly result in outcomes within the less than a month they have been in office. So yes, inane, that’s the word.
  18. I’m sorry your life experience hasn’t extended to well paid work with final salary pension rights. It has for millions of pensioners in the UK. They certainly don’t need winter fuel supplements from Government.
  19. A normal professional salary for the industry in which we worked together.
  20. I just can’t help holding those elected to run the country accountable for their mismanagement.
  21. An old colleague visited us from the UK a couple of months back, he was pleased to get his state pension but complained that together with his company pension it pushed him into the 40% tax bracket. I need to get in touch to invite him over for the winter, can’t have old friends freezing for lack of money to keep the heating on.
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