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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Try telling a white supremicist that Obama or Harris aren’t black. The whole anger is because she’s not white, not male and owning the political limelight right now.
  2. Are you going to provide a link to where you found that meme so we can all see which sordid corner of the internet you ripped it from.
  3. They pulled him off when the discussion moved to Project 2025. No better way to broadcast Trump’s Achilles heel. Or at least the one his handlers are really concerned about.
  4. So now you speak for the black community in the US. Are you wearing a ‘Blacks for Trump T-Shirt’? Nobody will take your views on the matter seriously unless you are.
  5. Can’t blame her for not wanting to get within arms reach of those grubby little hands of his. He has form, and he boasts about it.
  6. I would categorize that as your usual ill informed nonsense, but you’ve already engaged in long discussion in which Harris’s long standing views on her mixed race heritage were presented to you and your ignorance on the matter well and truly exposed. Which leaves few doubts that you are now engaging in deliberate and practiced ignorance.
  7. Welcome to the Forum. I hope we don’t have to go through the tortured of trying to explain mixed race again.
  8. Oh, so now you have a problem with rioters being held accountable under the law for their crimes?!
  9. unable to deal with the very well explained reality of the law and decisions made within the law by the courts and police in this case, you dream up an imaginary case to feed your need for grievance. Perhaps you should be examining the motivation of the people who partook in lies, baseless speculation and hate mongering. You might also want to examine your own eagerness to believe their lies.
  10. Please forgive me for forcing you to post lies, misinformation and hate mongering speculation against an entirely innocent community within the UK’s and too against absolutely innocent asylum seekers. I won’t force you to post such lies, misinformation and baseless speculation again.
  11. That doesn’t get you out of the embarrassing hole you dug for yourself with your first post in this thread. i suggest you stop digging.
  12. Nobody did such a thing did they?! So that was you trying to dodge the reality you can’t deal with by dreaming up an alternative that doesn’t exist and then adding a totally fabricated assumption of what you imagine my response would be to the nonsense you yourself dreamed up. Erm, the murderer isn’t an immigrant! The evidence in this thread and on the riot infested streets is bigots are getting angry, turning to violence attacking Muslims and the police on the basis of eagerly swallowed lies and totally baseless beliefs. And no, hate driven lies and entirely baseless accusations against a whole totally innocent community are not ‘views with equal validity’ to anything. Though I’m not in the least bit surprised to see you leap to the defense of those engaging in such behavior.
  13. That didn’t age well did it. But as you rightly say, you’re another one here, there’s plenty of others like you, eagerly peddling baseless speculation. While others of the same biased mindset take to the streets, attacking a totally innocent community, rioting and violently assaulting the police. But it’s not just you, this thread has all the usual suspects dripping with all the usual ignorance and it’s bedfellow hate. None having the sense, let alone the decency to wait for facts to be released by the police and judicial system.
  14. It was already being dealt with before Yaxley-Lennon commenced his theatrics. Yaxley Lennon endangerment of the trial was averted by the Judge holding him in contempt of court and ordering his arrest. The rest is a matter of criminal record.
  15. It was called out by others, Yaxley-Lennon simply jumped on the bandwagon, and endangered a criminal trial of child abusers with his self serving publicity stunts.
  16. If you have a counter argument to the DG being the person in charge of the BBC and hence the person to whom complaints should be addressed, let’s be having it.
  17. Biden is not attacking the SCOTUS, he’s suggesting reforms that are backed by the majority of Americans.
  18. You need to take that up with the Director General, himself a Tory, appointed by a Tory Government. And yes I understand you’d rather the whole of British Media were under the control of unaccountable billionaires who might not live in the UK nor even be British.
  19. Thailand rightwing? National health service, free schooling, heavily subsidized public universities, price controls on fuels and essential foods, government controlled rice and agricultural product markets, large effective civil service, on going centralized government run national development plans. I don’t think Thailand fits western definitions of political right/left.
  20. You do know who the Director General of the BBC is and who appointed him?
  21. Ts as simple as this. Yaxley-Lennon was called before the court to face justice. The sniveling little coward ran away.
  22. This one: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/stephen-yaxley-lennon-committed-to-prison-for-contempt-of-court Courts administer justice, Yaxley-Lennon ran away overseas to avoid facing the court delivering him justice. No amount of sophistry on your part is going to negate that fact,
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