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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. 30 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

    Many ties sleep on the floor, eat on the floor and use a hole in the floor for a toilet. This is the the way they grew up and still like it. Many western people choose not to live on sticky rice and chicken on a stick as their main meal. I chose to live a comfortable life style and not sacrifice what makes me comfortable and taste good. TO EACH HIS OWN. 


    The standard for people who disagree with you on this forum is, why don't you go back where you came from. If you wish to do so you don't this kind of advice from others on this forum. People chose to live they way they want to and don't need life style advice from others.

    Balls to the wall realism from the Donald. Chicken on a stick, damn peasants. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, JAS21 said:

    It is an offense to drive without a shirt ... if you are not convinced ...try it. It's also very much frowned on to walk around your village without a shirt ...

    What? Did you forget the sarcasm emoji? Local Thai fellas are topless all the time around my area, no one cares as it's harmless. Thing about Thai people is they decide that things are offensive when it suits them. Their relatives might swan around all the topless and it causes nah bother. A farang topless and they're calling for ten years re-education so they can learn the delicate ways that are Thai culture. 

  3. Thailand must be glad that Korea deported so many illegal workers recently as now these same people can fill the jobs of all the lower paid, non-skilled labourers that this country is deporting en masse. Pesky Laotions, Burmese, Cambodians, coming here and taking jobs. The poor Thai buggers have to flee the country and go work elsewhere because all the immigrants are taking the best jobs. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Andrew108 said:

    Around the world the rich are getting richer and workers are getting poorer. 


    As an aside: an iPhone or other type of smartphone represents amazing value when you look at the functionality they offer. They have become essential items.


    But what can we do about the fact that incomes are shrinking whilst the value of assets is increasing year after year? Nothing at all. The global financial system is rigged to prefer growth over sustainability and capital flows towards perthose countries that have a controlled workforce and secure assets that can be invested in.

    Democratic balances are seen as untoward market interference causing capital to flow away from that country. This is neo-liberalism. Get people scared and angry. Fill them with desire. Authoritarian governments form and liberal democracy dies. 

    Its happening all around the world where the majority of workers are pretty much working to live rather than working to prosper. 

    Once we destroy the human race and all other species completly we can always eat our credit cards, right? Few thousand calories in the iPhone, very good value at only $1000+. 

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    it's possible to live here on 20,000 baht a month. I have several farang friends that do. It's a matter of not buying overpriced pickups and cars.

    Rents here range from 3000 baht a month to 25000 baht a month.  It's a question of how well one wants to live, and how much one wants to impress friends and neighbours.


    I feel you. I can and do live on less than 10k a month. I've got no interest in keeping up with the Jones' and neither does the missus so that makes life nice. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    Sorry if you are joking in your post or being sarcastic... I hope you were.  Also its pigeons... not 'pigions.  


    Sacred area? ANCIENT wall.... 40 years old.... You think 40 is ancient? How will the pigeon poo ruin it forever?  It washed off with the rain!  The real ancient walls are ruined literally, look at them... most bricks taken by Thai people to build houses many years ago.  That new wall is just a mock up of the old one, using new bricks.  


    OP article has misleading facts.  No people have got sick from pigeon diseases or viruses EVERY from that place.  They have got sick from other human beings, bars, restaurants, smoking, beef burgers and sunlight, and been knocked down by cars.  Need to get things in perspective. 


    How can they say fine people for feeding birds, but not DOGS?  People have actually got RABIES from dogs here, and also many thousands of people get bitten and have to go to hospital for treatment..... A REAL PROBLEM.... not the poor pigeons which have not done anything wrong at all!!!  How come the Buddhists love to get merit by feeding dogs, but not birds?


    How hard can it by just to put some Thai low ranking official in a little booth at the gate and have him go up and speak to people and tell them to stop feeding the pigeons?  That would solve the problem.  How come there are always Thai people openly selling bird food there?!  The thing is petty, stupid and not worthy of news. 



    But it's an ancient wall and anyone seen defacing it should get ten years in the slammer or re-education, which ever is more worser, even the pigions. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, johnnysunshine said:

    Wow!   Has everyone forgotten about GRAB?    They are so efficient and affordable.   I have a car and motorbike and bicycles and Grab is still my preference for less traffic, less danger, and time to relax and let someone else traverse our Chiang Mai city for us.   Bicycle is great also, minus the inherent dangers.

    How exactly do Grab cars manage to avoid the traffic?

    • Like 1
  8. Bicycle is the way forward. Smokey season is on its way so invest in some N99 masks with valves and you can cycle in some comfort. I wear mine all year round because the songtaews, tuks tuks and the countless number of filthy fuel vehicles makes it essential to me.


  9. 4 hours ago, Thian said:

    I know several farangs from Europe who went to thailand to cycle......and one of their pest hates was rabies soidogs..


    But for me anybody who wants to bicycle in Thailand is an idiot...they go too slow for the traffic here.

    So it's the cyclists who are to blame because they aren't fast enough. Accidents have nothing to do with drivers not slowing down or being more safety conscious. 


    There was that news story from the UK where a cyclists killed a young mother. I thought she died because he was riding recklessly and not thinking of others but now I think maybe it's because she wasn't walking fast enough and got in the way.

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