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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. 3 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

    I defer to Bangkok to deal with Bangkok. As to my home city of Chiang Mai, and as a foreigner, I want to see th3m caught, hauled before a Thai Judge, given a bit of jail time, deported and banned from entering Thailand for life. No excuses, premeditated act, send them back to where they came from.

    Jail? It's stupid and moronic what this guy did but jail, really? With the murders, rapists, etc. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, changmaichillin said:

    Sent a link too the Liverpool Echo. Can't be many Lee B's in Thailand and even fewer in Chaing Mai. Really cannot understand the mentality of someone travelling from England to the north of Thailand just to carry out some mindless vandalism. Hopefully the Echo and other news outlets will publicize this and the Muppet (no offense muppets) responsible will be caught. 

    Some would call you a grass. 

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  3. Hitler, obviously not a nice chap and I wouldn't want a picture of him in my room but then again my schooling included WW2. What can the PM do, change the education system to include world events? If that happened then Thais might realise the world is bigger than the Chinese empire. Is there any Thai law stating that people can't display pictures of Hitler? Or is this the Israeli thing that if you say anything against the state of Israel you're anti semetic. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, LolaS said:

    do you have any foto to prove this? or are you telling me I am making things up?

    Prove what? I'm saying you're in denial about the air, smoke and pollution. Your previous comment proves this. It doesn't need a foto to prove that, just read what you wrote. 

  5. On 9/17/2018 at 8:46 AM, LolaS said:

    where did you find smoke in this time of year?

    Do you work for the government? I only ever see you comment on this thread and you always deny the fact that the air quality in CM is poor. Even these past few days there's a haze when you look out at the mountains. It's going to be a long, dry and smokey this year if it really has started already. 

  6. On 9/14/2018 at 5:53 PM, scottiejohn said:

    If it "requires a prescription elsewhere" what in hell makes it a  "pretty nice opioids over the counter" here?

    You seem to be suggesting some dangerous stuff here. 

    That is why doctors are meant to "Prescribe" them!  It is to protect both the taker of the potentially dangerous drug  and other innocent bystanders who may be on the receiving (side) affects of a third party's side drug influenced actions.  How many aircraft diverts as caused by drugged and especially combined alcohol  induced violent outbursts.

    Also remember that a "sleeping tablet/drunk" induced zombie on an aircraft who cannot be roused from deep "sleep/stupor" is a danger to all around in an emergency.

    Stay alert or at least be capable of becoming immediately alert when required to on a flight.


    You've managed to go off on a tangent. No one ever said anything about flying or mixing with alcohol or roaming the streets on opioids. If you've been prescribed opioids, you'd know they aid sleep, a side effect, and don't really turn you into a maniac. Sounds like you're referring to other drugs like meth, crack etc. 

  7. 52 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    I tend to believe this guy rather than the lefty Guardian, UN or other liberal do gooders



    Who is this guy?


    Yeah, the Burmese are not known for creating fake news as a way of justifing its actions nor are the Russian bots writing for MGBA News! What this one chap says goes. 


    Posting news stories from Make Britain Great Again News to justify genocide and crimes against humanity really does show the kind of person you are. 


    What's your view on the final solution?

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