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Posts posted by ZeVonderBearz

  1. 15 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

    One more idiot cyclist I bet.

    Are you one of the idiots that ride the wrong way up the road as well ?

    Ride two or three abreast going down the road. ?

    Turning left at red traffic lights only to cut across in front of cars and bikes 

    so you don't have to wait like the rest of us to go straight on. ?


    You lot are the new arrogant, Ignorant people of the highways of Thailand. :bah::bah::bah:



    I care enough about to ride with safety in the forefront of my mind and I hope others, even cyclist haters like you, care at least enough to not want to kill me. I obey the traffic laws better than 99.9% of the motorists on the roads, including the farangs. Of all the things that annoys you about cyclist the one I do is turn left at traffic lights as long as there's no on coming traffic, a completely legal thing to do here, just like turning right at lights is legal in the USA.


    Maybe next time you're out and about and see some pesky ignorant cyclist causing havoc and being an arrogant menace to society you should mow em down with your twist and go. Sock it to 'em, show 'em who's boss! God damn commies! 


    Now wind your neck in and remove the sand from your vagina.

    • Like 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, stanleycoin said:

    Bull shit.

    They ride side by side to chat, and disregards

    other road users, and they think traffic lights don't apply to them

    as well. :bah:



    45 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

    Exactly. They are a nuisance!

    The ignorance is strong with you guys. Yeah bicycles really are a nuisance with all the traffic they cause, the emmisions they produce and the racket they make. Instead of just taking your cues from what your read on the internet sit yourself on a bicycle, take to the roads and experience the danger people with your ignorant minds put cyclis in. You're probably the same people who lambast Thai driving yet you're just as moronic. 

    • Sad 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Vacuum said:

    Speaking of "occupy the space", I think cyclists (with their silly looking outfits) going side by side (for some reason they always do) occupies much more space.

    They ride side by side so when riding in a convoy they are a lot easier to overtake as the lentgh of the line of cycles is shorter. It's also safer for the cyclist as the drivers must wait till the road is clear till they overtake. Cyclist have as much right as everyone else to be on the road. 

    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 7 hours ago, EL159 said:

    A bit of straw clutching going on here! Chiang Mai is nowhere near Bangkok, but then again that would be like comparing London to Milton Keynes! Simply cant be done! Theres actually hardly anything goes on here of a "modern cultural" nature ( as distinct from all the "Lanna" type stuff). Theres never, ever been a concert here featuring a major international artist, classical or modern,  despite having some big venues available ( eg the new exhibition centre),  and if Northgate Jazz ( packed with backpackers and you have to stand outside on the pavement most of the time), and Boy Blues Bar ( mostly empty until about 10.30) is the best on offer thats a bit of a sad admission!


    Having lived here 12 years, and often jealously missing real culture ( music and art)....but of course Chiang Mai has other good reasons to live here as could never live in the madness that is Bangkok. Therein lies the dilemma !!! Occasional  weekends in Bangkok is the closest I get to a compromise.

    So many !!!!!'s, ()'s and ""'s. So what if there's never ever a modern concert in CM, who in their right cultural mind ever wants to see Madonna, Coldplay or Bruno Mars at a massively inflated price compared to anywhere in the western world anyway? You're so out of touch with it hurts pal. All the bars you have mentioned are not so great. Having been here 12 years, please tell us were to go. 

  5. 2 hours ago, EL159 said:

    Dont think I am. Try offering a meal at an Indian Restaurant to 90% of the Thais you know, and I promise you ll be going alone!

    Not because Thais don't like Indian, most haven't tried it because they believe so wholeheartedly in their food that they can't bring themselves to try anything else! If they knew the superiority of Indian food they'd be on it in no time. 

  6. Classical concerts at CMU. All cinemas , that I know of are at the shopping centres so Hollywood movies, they do sometimes have European and Japanese film festivals which is cool. Art is good, MIIAM is the first major gallery in CM and there are lots and lots of artists and studios in CM. My issue with BACC is that it just seems to be a place for the country to shove nationalism down people's throats, that's how it felt when I was there. CM is a lot more independent and free thinking with its artists. Some great music spots also. Overall, it's propably one of the best cities in SE Asia that I've been to for all of what you're asking about, maybe Singapore is better but they have money and I've never been so I don't know. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/2/2018 at 7:37 AM, EL159 said:

    Absolutely not "stupid"....absolutely correct and logical. There is no "Indian Food" culture in Thailand, in fact, most Thais dont like the mix and type of spices used in "Indian Food", therefore dont like "Indian Food", therefore Indian Food such as it is in Chiang Mai  tends to be where the tourists are, ie Downtown, near the Moat area.


    By the way the Indian food at Papa Rock/ The Venue is no more than average at best, and in any case, the chap who did the Indian cooking has left hence the change of name. Good luck to Patrick, the owner there, but with the rent and overheads he has to meet I fear hes swimming against the tide making that place profitable 

    Thai and Indian use most the same spices and herbs. The only things I haven't found in Thailand that are used in Indian cooking is green cardamom and mustard seeds but I'm sure they both are a thing if you know where to look. Think your knickers are twisted. 

  8. Unfortunately there's no better alternative to Grab, especially with Uber gone. I'm sure they know About the issues with the app and are working to fix them. Even in its current state Grab, with a buggy app and inexperienced drivers, is far superior than sitting on a wooden plank in the back of pick up or having to deal with tuk tuks. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Tengtai said:

    If someone absolutely need to drink alcohol this weekend go to 7-11 and by a 6 pack Leo or 2, sit at home and get drunk. What's the problem? Thailand is a Buddhist country and we are guests in the country so we just have to take the bad with the good.  

    Hold on a second, pal. The article clearly states Thailand is secular. That means it is not affiliated with any religion and all are welcomed to practice as they please. The blanket ban on alcohol is because of the Buddishts and means Thailand is not  secular. Even the UK, officially Christian, does not make it's  non Jesus loving citizens obey Christmas or Easter. Pull your head from the sand it's buried in. 

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