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Posts posted by yodsak

  1. Just did my 3 mth bankbook check.   set off 13:00.  1 hour in bank to do a transfer & update book.  ,  soi 5 pandemonium.  but no need for queue ticket,  straight to desk 8. present bankbook with paperwork.  IO asks for copies of bankbook.   get copies 10฿.  hand them over ,  ok thats it until renewal.   back for 15:00.  didn't get stopped by the police.  A nice pleasant 2 hrs.   thailand 4.0 the digital age. more like stone age.   sclerotic bureaucracy indeed.


    I did ask my agent if she could do it.  no, cannot.



    • Like 1
  2. Human beings have been around for some 150,000 years, and the vast majority of their religions have never been documented and have left no trace of, never mind the names of, the various 'gods' that were worshipped. For 148,000 years no one had ever heard of christ, son of a god. 



      Recorded history started circa 5000 years ago.  


    So we have thousands of gods throughout history,  And just as past cultures, and civilisations have all but slipped from our memory, so have the gods they worshiped. Defunct gods are relics of the past.

    If these gods are remembered at all they are only thought to be quaint relics of a distant, more primitive people.


    It's mind boggling how many gods people came up with. And also mind boggling how people today seem to think that everyone has always believed in the christian version of their god who created the universe.

    The one and only true god was created by man 3000 years ago. All the thousands of others are /were false gods.


    The fact is, as humans change, so do their gods. Gods are human inventions. And live only as long as groups bound by common belief survive. Gods live only in the minds of men and women, and are conjured up to serve very human personal and political needs.


    ''The day will come when the mystical generation of jesus, by the supreme being of his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter''    Thomas Jefferson 1823.


    Correct Thomas, it's happening now, christianity in decline. Especially in Europe.

    USA will catch up later.  Will fizzle out one day.   Another quaint relic of the past, and will eventually become as offensive and unacceptable as racism...  


     The Romans believed Minerva came from Jupiters brain after Apollo split Jupiters head open to relieve his headaches. 

    Jupiter was the Roman sky god , one of many they worshiped before the christians took over and exported their beliefs to the 4 corners of the globe. Killed or converted millions of pagans that worshiped false gods..  The religion of peace. Thou shalt not kill. 

     Went from zero christians 2000 years ago to 2.3 billion in 2015.

    Quite an achievement. The power of indoctrination.  







    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Benroon said:

    Nice bit of photoshop work - how long did that take you


    Here is the slump




    Do you or any body else on this forum really think i've photoshopped this ? the day before brexit ref and the day after.39765295_ScreenShot2019-06-01at13_36_58.png.ffadad02aa2af3dace2a2e03607e7413.png

    or this full page?



    or this


    Why don't go on fx top and post back what you find , do a screenshot . or maybe some one else can.

    Which will be the same as i've posted


      Remember 25th of june 2016 to 28th june 2016. 

    you said


    It wasn't.

    • Confused 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, smedly said:

    apparently those that have used an agent to bypass the rules and don't have the money in the bank don't need to report their balance after 3 months, like I said above, it will be interesting in 12 months time when they apply for renewal and have no 400k minimum balance to show

    If they use an agent again to bypass the rules there will be no problem.

    • Like 2
  5. 46 minutes ago, kuma said:

    So you are suggesting that when visiting the IO you must specify you are there to do:

    1. 90 day report

    2. Confirmation of 800k bank balance



    90 day report is not at the same time.  separate. different desk.

    3 mth bankbook check is 3 mths after you got your retirement visa. so you need to go back 3 mths after renewal.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, kuma said:

    Update for everyone on the 800/400k requirement.

    I just went today for my first 90 Day on this visa extension. I was at the Jomtien IO. 

    When I did my visa renewal in March, they gave me a one pager explaining that at my first 90 Day I would need to bring an updated bank book showing a balance over 800k. 


    90 day report has nothing to do with 3 mth bankbook check. check your paper again.

  7. 14 hours ago, Benroon said:


    The day before the Brexit referendum the pound was worth 52 baht, the morning after the Brexit referendum the baht was worth 43 baht - now what do you think caused that in that specific 24 hour period where we coincidentally had a referendum …...slowly does it …...

    The day before the referendum it was  48.4.  The day after it was 46.6  The day after that it was 47.2


    25th June 2016 >>>>> 28th June 2016



    Hit 43 on the 9th of October 2016




    • Confused 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Spike1938 said:

    I thought it was to make sure you will not be a burden to the Thai government in case you have an emergency.

    However, now that they are requiring insurance the 400K should not be a requirement.

    Of course, you can get around that 400k by showing a monthly income that satisfies the type of visa you have.

    At least that is as I understand things and I have been shown to be wrong a few times in the past.????

    They are not requiring insurance, only O-A. 

    • Like 2
  9. 21 minutes ago, owenm said:

    Prior to the most recent changes for money in the bank options for those getting an

    This was implemented also to stop visa agents, charging 15-20k, to cheat the system, although I'm led to believe that some are still offering full services for those with insufficient funds.. How, I don't know? 

    Same as before ,they flash 800k into your bank and get you a visa.   And will do the same next year. Adinfinitum [probably]

  10. 14 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    I never said he had to explain it to anybody.  But in many countries even carrying around xx amount of cash is legal cause for questioning.  And in Thailand where working illegally, doing business illegally, etc. if I were a Thai official I would inquire

    He wasn't carrying a load of cash.  He didn't leave it in a taxi.  The driver didn't run to the radio station, and return it..

      It's a publicity stunt that comes around every 2 weeks to show the honesty of thai people..And some people believe it.

    • Like 2
  11. 16 minutes ago, Chicken George said:

    Totally not true.. Agents still everywhere even openly advertising on Thsivisa.. 

    Yes i know, I didn't say agents have been stopped.  I read somewhere that the money all year round, + bankbook checks, was to make it more difficult for agents to flash the 800k in for an hour.  As we all know It didn't work. It will drive more people to agents, maybe it was supposed to.  But it makes it more difficult next year if you want to get out of the agent system. Not that many will.    

    • Like 2
  12.  Wow thats an amazing story;




    In 1964 James Randi was offering one thousand dollars to anybody that could demonstrate supernatural or paranormal  activity under scientific testing criteria. . It was later increased in 1996 to one million dollars.

    Thousands applied but very surprisingly non were successful.   The challenge was terminated in 2015.  

      So that's no scientific proof for paranormal activity. 


    Penny Satori 968645692_ScreenShot2019-05-30at15_15_45.png.dce2c2eae60f098f181c01e2f51caa71.png



    As for Peter Fenwick.



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