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Posts posted by yodsak


    Gallup poll USA may 2017.  48% of people educated at high school level or less believe in creation.

    postgraduate  21%.  

      Something is wrong with the USA education system.



    38% believe in creation. 

    38% believe in god guided evolution 

    24% believe god had no part.

    So thats roughly three-quarters of Americans believe god was involved in mans creation.


    Poll in 2016.  Iceland. .


    Denmark and Sweden not far behind where over 80% believe in evolution.    


    Do not indoctrinate your children. Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, to question, and how to disagree with you.

    • Like 2
  2. 13 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    Any time I am having a problem going to sleep, I listen to Richard Dawkins attempt to explain how something came from nothing.  Instead of listening to this moron or other like minded individuals, please listen to a few of Ravi Zacharias interviews or speaking engagements.  You can find plenty of them on YouTube.

    Sounds like you've been indoctrinated.  Believing a fairy story written pre science  2000 years ago;


    Evangelical nut job, Fire and brimstone stuff.  Say no more.


    The world needs more people like Richard Dawkins, Neil De Grasse Tyson, Steven Hawking  [RIP] and their ilk, , and less people like zacharias.  

    These are the people you should worship. [IMHO] 

    Please read Dawkins The god Delusion , or many of his excellent books.. also on you tube.


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  3. 9 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    Just out of curiosity, where do you believe we came from?  


    I know this one. Not a belief though. Evolution, fact.

      The earliest known hominids appeared circa 7 million years ago in Africa. 

    Researchers generally agree that hominids evolved into Homo erectus from a small-brained genus called Australopithecus, circa 2 /3 million years ago..  Homo sapiens came along 315,000 years ago.   

    All data backed up with peer reviewed science, fossils, carbon dating, DNA  et al.


    Or you can go for the version where a god created the universe, and everything in it including dinosaurs,  in 6 days.   6000 years ago.

     he made adam from dust, and eve from adams rib 

    So we are all descended from adam and eve,   the first ever human beings.    

     Quite an achievement ,  sounds plausible enough, makes perfect sense.

    Backed up by <deleted> circa nothing.  


    we are in 2019 and indoctrinated, brainwashed people still believe this stuff. and indoctrinate their kids to believe it.   Popular in the USA.  


    Science dates the earth at 4.543 billion years old. Give or take. Bit of a discrepancy there.

    What do they know ?

    Measured using independently cross-validated geochronological methods including radiometric dating. 


    The good thing about science is that's it's true, whether or not you believe in it.





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  4. 1 hour ago, Tuvoc said:

    Oh so it is that fast ? Three day turnaround ? So they produce them in Thailand and not the UK ? I had imagined it would be a week or so. Then yes a short "holiday" in Bangkok makes sense.


    Nope, not a 3 day turnaround, unless you go to khosan rd.  Produced  in uk.  Soon to be France post brexit,  if there ever is one,   no more burgundy as of oct 2019,  back to blue and gold.  

  5. 7 hours ago, fredob43 said:

    All depends where you are. I had a 350+km trip to office had to stay overnight in hotel, as had a morning booking.

    As luck would have it I was going to BKK had a phone call to tell me it was back so that saved me an extra trip.

    I would have still had to go to BKK to go to an agent so would have only saved me 1 trip. Yes I know you can do it by post to an agent. But if it gets lost in same your buggered. Big time.

    How unreliable /reliable is EMS ?    Yes, if it gets lost your buggered big time. Better do it yourself to be safe.

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