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Posts posted by yodsak


    35 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

    Years ago it was too easy for people to use an agent as they only needed to "borrow" the money for an hour (literally) in order to get a passbook update and bank letter. Then the money was returned to the agent along with a hefty fee.


    Thats exactly how it works now, nothing changed, except there will be more expats using them.    hefty fee same as before.  13k/15k all in. [pattaya]

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  2. On 5/3/2019 at 7:45 AM, VocalNeal said:

    I see nothing out of the ordinary in any of the pictures. In this country we (farangs) are the ones out of the ordinary. 

    We simply need to change to become part of society. Or maybe like the Borg we need to be assimilated.

    Then the out of the ordinary will become the ordinary.

    imageproxy_php.jpg.000ae0d83618504f96ba0ceab8537850.jpgExactly , totally normal in thailand. This is not Singapore.

    Falunks should assimilate.

    The thais are low IQ and poorly educated.

    People should stop judging them by western standards.


    Lucky it wasn't a high speed rail line 


    Makes a lot more sense when you know an elder ghost lives there.




  3. On 4/21/2019 at 12:29 PM, mauGR1 said:

    Children can see realities invisible to adults, unless you think they are all liars.

    Yes children can.

    On 4/21/2019 at 12:20 PM, JWRC said:


    My second experience was a very nasty ghost who moved houses with my family, the ghost became very jealous of my grandson and would appear to him as a big Teddy Bear, after several months this teddy bear would attack my grandson while he was sleeping and bite him. Now I don't or didn't believe in ghosts until all this happened, my grandson who was only 4 at the time would not go to bed on his own because of the "Teddy Bear". My Thai partner was unperturbed at all this and we visited the local Monks together with my grandson, they were told of the situation and did their chanting over my grandson, they then gave me some "blessed water" and told me to sprinkle it all over the house and tell the ghost that we never had a problem with it, but would it please leave the house. Here's me thinking "what a load of twaddle" but game to try anything I  got some reeds and sprayed the water all over the house, not forgetting a particular wardrobe where the ghost lived. I have never felt like such a prawn in all my life doing this and telling the ghost that we didn't want a problem with it and that it was ok for him/her to move on and would it please go and live elsewhere. That night was the first peaceful night for months and we never never heard from the ghost again.






    The 4 year old child isn't telling the story.   It's JWRC's experience.   He is saying the very nasty teddy bear ghost was in the original house, then moved houses with the family.,

    [ Was the ghost a problem in the original house ?].  


    It became jealous in the new house ,and after several months began to attack the the 4 year old grandson and bite him , the monks get involved, and JWRC  sprays the house with special water,  including the wardrobe where the nasty teddy bear ghost lived.  He talks to the ghost and asks the ghost to move on and go live else where.   And the ghost does.   JWRC now believes in ghosts, as do the thais.

     So where has the nasty teddy bear ghost gone to live ?  do spirit houses not stop ghosts from entering the house?

      All's well that ends well. 



  4. 1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    13K, I need to get into this agent business, it's money for old rope. The process is so easy and straight forward that it is a joke for anyone to take money to do it for you.  My advice would be to get to Jomtien immigration and get the most up to date information on your actual situation. After that you can make an informed decision regarding your next step. 

    Its easy if you have 800k


    13k  fee is for people that don't have 800k. or don't want to put 800k into a thai bank

     as in the agent supplies the 800k and does all the legwork


    so at 13k inc thats  11k more than  diy.   less than 917 bt a month.  or 211 bt per week .  cheap IMHO  


    setonal beat me to it.



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  5. 6 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

    My understanding from my local IMO it’s 2 months for 1st time applicants and 3 months for renewals they have made that clear on the new guideline sheet of paper that they have for general issue for those who can be bothered to take one . 

    Your local IO, Not everybody's.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

    Have never used an agent or lawyer to get extension of stay (retirement ) it’s straightforward if you read the requirements at your local IMO .why pay rip off prices for something you can do yourself.

    Try doing it yourself if you don't have 800k


    As for rip off prices see post #19  

    • Like 2
  7. To OP.  You opened a BB AC in Bangkok.  Did you put 800k in it.?


    You then got some kind of  visa from TI in Bangkok.  NON-O ? 


    You then went to Pattaya and the IO said you must open another BB AC in Pattaya.


    Did you open one, and put 800k in it ?    or was the 800k flashed in/out by the lawyer staff ?


    The only reason to travel to Pattaya is if you don't have 800k. 


    Avoid lawyers , use agents.



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