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Posts posted by soap

  1. I think Limbo is loosing it--?? :o

    Hi mumbo! Where have you been? I have not seen you for a long time!

    Have you been banned or what?


    Hi Sven,

    Don't come here too often, really don't have an addition to the "haze". Yeah its there, go seed the clouds, if there were any.


    I am sorry to say but...I see this thread has gone waaaay off topic.

    Looking for places to drink...and drink a lot!!!! I am on a budget but like a lot of action. Where can a guy get the most beer for the buck in Chiang Rai?? Are most places open by 9:00 am?? I find an early start is always good.

    A little side action is nice as well ( if you know what I mean :D ). After a few in the afternoon one gets a bit of desire...if you know what I mean.


    just head for crazy joes bar,you and him should get on like a house on fire


    Hares: Wirgin Bluce assisted by G.M. Able Semen and Wild Woman

    Location: Wild Woman farm at Pa Rim Korn village off the Khun Korn road

    Attendance at the 65th hash seemed uncertain when it was discovered that Nam Ron had departed for Indonesia the day before with Kenji, Put In, Take Out and other unmentionables. Wild Woman reduced her food rations accordingly. That was a mistake. Forty-four adults showed up plus ten children. Ten declared themselves virgins to the Hash Cash Do It Yourself but later many more entered the circle to share in the photo and down down. Eight were volunteers at a nearby orphanage. Wild Woman’s reputation for hospitality had spread so far that two families and a dog drove an hour and a half from Phaya Mengrai.

    As usual all 21 of the men were farang. For the first time, females outnumbered the males. Of the 23 women, 14 were Thais. As hash groups go, ours would be considered dangerously sliding downwards. Only 16 consumed beer while 28 stuck to soft drinks.

    The trail began gently enough along a country road. Within ten minutes one of Virgin Mark’s three young daughters began to rebel so he obligingly carried her. A few hundred meters later it turned on to a foot path where a helper handed a walking stick to all who desired one. The quality of that trail was excellent for about 200 meters but then it suddenly dwindled into an array of offshoots. That was the perfect spot for a check. A FRB stumbled upon paper in a creek but the followers failed to identify the path he had taken. They stumbled through virgin jungle to the source of the “On! On!” Thus they created an entirely new path for others to follow.

    The next check was located at the base of the high hill. There were various alternatives to explore but these young FRBs, all virgins were far smarter than our usual crew. Rather than search the easy ways, they immediately took to the hill and 100 meters perpendicularly uphill they again found paper. Nothing slowed them down.

    That hill was a greater challenge to the others. The most popular G.M. ever, Shocking swore that it took a few pounds off his ample frame. Mark had to off-load his daughters in order to help Sandy up the hill while husband Peter struggled nearby. A villager’s field hut proved to be Sandy ’s salvation. Many were thankful for the walking sticks which served as a third leg.

    At the top of the hill the trail divided into two tracks. Most of the smarter ones took the short way. Many blindly followed the FRBs and were suitably punished. Only one check significantly delayed the group. This was beside a farmer’s house from which many field paths led. Counter-intuitively the path led back up the hill. It took the FRBs ten minutes to sort that one out.

    Back at the farm house Wild Woman was well prepared to replace all calories lost on the run. There was spaghetti, salad, sweet mangos with sticky rice, and for local tastes, sour mangos with spicy sauce topped off with ice cream. No one left with a net calorific deficit. Several of the orphanage volunteers commented that it made a welcome break from their usual fare. Wild Woman shared the thanks of the group with Pat on the Back, Pailin, Oiled Well and Rolling who contributed to the feast.

    Boy Magnet, our usual voluptuous model, refused to appear when the call for t-shirts went out. Well Oiled stepped into her place but somehow the magic was missing. When Shocking asked all buyers to form an orderly line, there were no takers. Later when no one was looking, six people snuck up to buy their shirts.

    Hares volunteering for future runs are:

    April Hand Cock and Helping Hand

    May Do It Yourself and Do It Better

    June Stoned and Rolling

    July Still open

    August Doesn’t Matterhorn and Swiss Roll

    On! On!

  3. FYI. I was told by an immigration officer in Chiang Mai that you can only obtain two single re-entry permits in a year. If you need another one, you'll have to get the multiple rentry permit. So, plan ahead accordingly. If you think in the future you'll need more than two re-entries, go for the multiple.

    can anyone confirm what the chaingmai immigration office told jimmym40

    (1)how many single re-entry visas are you allowed in one year

    (2)if you are allowed more than one single re-entry visa in one year do you have to apply at the same immigration office

    that you applied for the first one or can you apply to any immigration office

  4. Just head south from Big C and you'll come to the new traffic lights on the Super Highway.

    It might be good to add that it is exactly there where the 'holy' tree was before (tuut-tuut, honk-honk).

    So if you don't see the tree, you know that you are at the right spot.

    The tree was moved to the temple of Ban Pa Kluay (Village Forest Banana) were its wood is used

    to carve religious sculptures.

    At your service,

    Limbo :o

    there is still one holy tree left (tuut-tuut-honk-honk) just across the highway from the tree that died about 2 years ago,

    the locals still treat the remaining tree with great reverence


    Saturday the 21st will soon be upon us and that of course is the day of our next Chiangrai "Start Slowly and Taper Off" Hash. This time Wild Woman and I will be the hares. The location is our farm off the road to the Khun Korn waterfalls. Here are the driving instructions:

    Going south from Big C along the Asian Highway (Route no.1) drive to the second set of stop lights (about 10 km) and then turn to your right. The overhead green sign will indicate that this is the direction to Khun Korn. You will pass the white temple (Wat Rong Khun) and continue about 2 km to the a t-junction. Here you will turn left to go south along the Old Chiangmai Road. Drive 3 kilometers until you reach another t-junction where another sign indicates the way to the Khun Korn waterfalls. Turn right here and drive yet another 5 kilometers. As you climb a hill and approach a steep left curve in the road, you will see a temple on your left. Turn right into a village road (HHH sign) and descend the hill through the village about 100 meters. Turn into the second road on your left (HHH sign) and drive over the bridge. Turn left into the first farm (HHH sign). Park your car and get ready to run.

    Expect to take about 40 minutes from the Big C to the Wild Woman farm. The run will start at 4 pm. There will be lots of ups and downs so wear good footwear.

    On! On!

    Hash Scribe Wirgin Blue

  6. Does anyone else thing star world are going completely over the top with their coverage of American Idol ?

    Wednesday and Thursday 5-7, then again the next day at 8am-10am, then 1pm till 3pm Thursday, then new program 6-7pm, then 8-9pm - whic wil then be repeated all day Friday.. and then all these episodes will be repeated, repeatedly on Saturday and Sunday !

    Overkill methinks !

    Totster :o

    if its anything like the last American Idol on the agila ku satellite they DROWNED the show in adverts, maybe thats why they have gone over the top again

  7. I think most of them run at night as well.

    You know of any daytime buses MJ?

    i have caught a bus cr/bkk at 8am its a couple of years ago but i cant see any reason the service

    is not still running.


    the new chaingrai bus terminal is scheduled to open on friday 13th march dont know what

    will be coming or going from there we will wait and see.

    its located about 3 km from the big c heading south just off the highway,they have installed new traffic lights

    on the highway


    Tired of constantly being broke & stuck in an unhappy marriage, a young husband decided to solve

    both problems by taking out a large insurance policy on his wife with himself as the beneficiary,

    and then arranging to have her killed.

    A 'friend of a friend' put him in touch with a nefarious, dark-side, underworld figure

    who went by the name of 'Artie..' Artie then explained to the husband that his going

    price for snuffing out a spouse was £5,000.

    The husband said he was willing to pay that amount, but that he wouldn't have any cash

    on hand until he could collect his wife's insurance money.

    Artie insisted on being paid at least something up front, so the man opened his wallet,

    displaying the single pound coin that rested inside. Artie sighed, rolled his eyes,

    & reluctantly agreed to accept the pound as down payment for the dirty deed.

    A few days later, Artie followed the man's wife to the local Tesco where he surprised her

    in the fruit & vegetable department. There he proceeded to strangle her with his gloved hands,

    but as the poor unsuspecting woman drew her last breath and slumped to the floor

    the manager of the fruit & vegetable department stumbled unexpectedly onto the murder scene.

    Unwilling to leave any living witnesses behind, Artie had no choice but to strangle the manager as well.

    However, unknown to Artie, the entire proceedings were captured by hidden security cameras and

    observed by the store's security guard, who immediately called the police.

    Artie was caught and arrested before he could even leave the store.

    Under intense questioning at the police station, Artie revealed the whole sordid plan,

    including his unusual financial arrangements with the hapless husband who was also quickly arrested.

    The next day in the newspaper,the headline declared.............


  9. Report of Run #64: Saturday, February 21, 2009

    Hares: G.M. Able Semen assisted by Willing-and-Able

    Location: Near Wat Rawng Khun in the shadow of Hua Doi mountain

    Our February hash was notable for the number of core hashers not present. Hash Cash, Do It Yourself and Hash Beer, Hand Cock found replacements in our most popular G.M. ever, Shocking and the perpetual Scribe, Wirgin Bluce. Bushwacker was also missed but less so her inseparable companion, Nam Ron. The later it got the more surely we all expected the Oileds to appear. Eventually Wild Woman phoned Well Oiled. That’s how we discovered that they plan to come on the morrow.

    Nonetheless 25 people showed up for the run of whom seven declared themselves virgins. There were eleven farang men. The women numbered six Thais and two farangs. Six were kids.

    The G.M. tried to get the hashers moving promptly but no one would leave before seeing the beer properly iced. There was no shortage of helping hands when the temporary Hash Beer finally arrived with the stocks.

    Front Running Bastards Hallo, Hallo, Doesn’t Matterhorn and Brussels Sprouts disappeared as soon as the door to the beer car was locked. Having learned from previous experience how easily these FRBs can lead people astray, the hare, G.M. Able Semen ran with them leaving his assistant, Willing-and-Able to sweep the route. The next time we saw the FRBs, they were retching in withdrawal symptoms waiting for Wild Woman to return with the car key.

    The rest of the hashers spread themselves out in a long row. Virgins Peter, Paul and Marty closely followed Ben and Yvonne incorrectly assuming that they knew what they were doing. At the rear, Pat-on-the-Back led a pack of female virgins and children including Wee, Som O, Doi, Nawng and Yo Yo. Mike destroyed a bamboo bridge stranding daughter Jo on the wrong side.

    The prospects of selling more t-shirts did not look good as the curvaceous Boy Magnet neglected to don her form-fitting wear. However Mike was so impressed by the way the t-shirt flatters Superglue’s stocky frame that he thought it might hide his paunch as well. Fortunately he also bought one for svelte Jo who will surely have more success prompting future sales.

    Before asking for volunteers to hare future hashes, the G.M. honoured Smoked Wiener who has always responded positively to such calls. Mother Jolly Molly looked on proudly as her five-year-old downed his first glass of beer. His grandfather, Reverse Thruster, will be pleased to see how precociously the boy masters essential HHH skills, she said.

    Future hares, mostly absent, answering the call were:

    March Wirgin Bluce and Wild Woman

    April Hand Cock and Helping Hand

    May Do It Yourself and Do It Better

    June Stoned and Rolling

    As the meeting broke up, first off was the temporary Hash Cash with the collection before the temporary Hash Beer could present the bills. Thus our group continues to have a positive cash balance for a few more days.

    Hint the link below for photos of this run.

    On! On!

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce


    HI ALL

    Here are the directions to the next hash on Saturday Feb 21. As the days are getting longer and hotter, we will begin this time at 4 pm.

    Take Super Highway south from town. Proceed as far as the traffic lights at the White Temple turning.10 metres beyond the lights there is a small soi leading off to the left. Take this road but it is quite difficult to spot (there will be a Hash sign here). After 900 metres the road bears sharply right; follow main road round to right. After 200 metres, main road bears sharply left. Again follow it to left.Take care here because there is a road which goes straight on. After about 1.5 kilometres, there is a village. 300 metres beyond village, there are two dirt roads leadingoff to the left and these are seperated by a canal. Turn left on to the second of these roads (there will be another Hash sign here). Follow this dirt road. After 150 metres, road turns right, and after another 300 metres turns left (another Hash sign). Proceed for 800 metres to Hash Meeting point. Count on 30 minutes drive from the Big C.

    On! On!

    Wirgin Bluce

  11. Have a nice, secluded 3 bedroom, 5 bath, country home for rent. It is located about 2 Km from The White Temple. Located on approx. 3.5 rai of land and has a beautiful view of the surrounding hills. Great for pets and children.

    Asking 17000 baht. If you would like more info you can contact me at [email protected]

    I can send pictures or make an appointment to come and visit....

    Where IS chang35baht with his red card when we need him? :o

    maybe hes afraid to put the advertisement were it should go in the CHAINGRAI CLASSIFIED because you wont get better

    value than the HOUSE FOR RENT in the classified for 5,500 bhat pm, whitch is the best value house for rent in chaingrai

  12. Does anyone know if there are any Gyms around the town centre that have a Sauna or steam room. I know I'm probably being a bit optimistic ;-)

    I have a few hours to kill each saturday morning whilst the girls are having Dancing lessons.

    A good steam clean wouldn't go amiss once a week also.

    If not a Gym then any other place where I can get a Sauna or steam.

    All suggestions welcome. I'm not thinking about accompanied Bubblebaths because that would be against the rules of our beloved Forum .

    there is a newish hotel right opposite barrys golf/driving range at the old airport,the name escapes me at the moment but i think it starts with a P you should find what your looking for at this hotel.

    it works out about 150 bhat per day but if you buy tickets by the book the price comes down to as low as 70 bhat

  13. Singapore; Kuala Lumpur; same , same.... British Empire. The Sun Never sets and all that. ......

    Oh How the Mighty have Fallen :o

    We'll have Kids in tow, 3 'Coke' addicts, whats the fees for them ?

    kids go free

  14. Hi there,

    I have recently moved to Chiang Rai, the HHH sounds great and my Thai Wife is into mini marathons and the like, whats the date of the February run?

    In hope,

    Peter & Wi

    in darkest BanDuu

    hello peter

    welcome to chaingrai,we have the hash once a month on the third saturday of the month

    so our next hash will be on the 21st february.

    directions are posted on thai visa or if you PM me with your email address we will put you on are email list

    ypu are most welcome

  15. Hares: Smoked Wiener assisted by JollyMolly and Reverse Thruster

    Location: The Reverse Thruster orchard at the foot of Doi Khao Kwai

    Word must have gotten out that pizza would be served at the Reverse Thruster palace following the 63d Hash, because the turn out exceeded all expectations. Altogether there were 41 adults and ten children. Twelve confessed to be virgins. For the first time ever, there were women than men. Of the 25 women, exactly half were Thai. As usual all of the 16 men present were expatriates.

    Our ever vigilant Hash Cash, Do It Yourself ably assisted by Do It Better was there with his hand out to greet one and all. Upon the arrival of Well Oiled and Oiled Well, our leaders determined all who were coming, had indeed come. So the run began.

    Rather than hang back to sweep for lost souls, the hare Smoked Wiener delegated that task to his mother while he and his cohorts swept up the hill rendering the first set of checks utterly useless. Meanwhile Reverse Thruster drove to the top of the hill with water and two grandmothers. Shockingly, our most popular G.M. ever, now returned from a Liverpool taxi, also grabbed a free lift to the top.

    In remarkable similarity to previous runs in the Doi Khao Kwai area, the trail went up and down the hill in reckless abandon. The only thing it didn’t do, is go level. Eventually it ended up (predictably) at the temple at the top of the hill which provided commanding views over the town of Chiangrai . It was sunny and warm up there and only the prospect of after-run treats could persuade Wild Woman, Rolling, Stoned, Pat-on-the Back and Superglue to leave that beautiful spot.

    About an hour after setting off the last stranglers found their way to the palace. Nam Ron gallantly struggled to get sons Kodi and Kenji to the end. By contrast, Doesn’t Matterhorn abandoned Swiss Roll in his race to the pizza. Yulia and Polly kept a low profile hoping no one would remember that they were overdue for a hash name.

    In toasting the hare, Smoked Wiener found the cup of coke too big for him. After a few sips he dumped the remainder over his head. This prompted the G.M. to complain about the environmental hazards of seepage.

    Boy Magnet looked gorgeous in her freshly ironed HHH t-shirt. This stimulated unquenchable demand for t-shirts among the female virgins who observed the focus of male hasher attention. Then G.M. Able Semen confessed that he had forgotten to bring t-shirts for sale.

    Only four of the virgins (Philip, Simon and consorts) dared indicate any interest in joining our group. As for the others, Hand Cock and Helping Hand admitted to enticing four short-term volunteers under false pretenses while Tricia dragged several relatives off the plane from America . Guy and Walter confided that they came only for the free pizza. They refused to give your faithful correspondent their email addresses for fear that the neighbours might think that they regularly associated with a group like this.

    On! On!

    Notes by Hash Scribe Wirgin Bluce

  16. I just moved to Phuket from Chiang Rai where I had a satellite system purchased from a local shop that got the Dream system from the Philippines.

    So far in Phuket I can not find a supplier here that knows anything about the Dream system, they all want to see me a giant dish to get some Indian and thai channels.

    Does anyone have the Dream system in Phuket. Perhaps the footprint is not over Phuket for this bird? If you have it please advise where I can purchase the gear.


    i believe the footprint does not cover PHUKET


    Dear all,

    The chosen hare for this month's hash is Smoked Weiner; for those of you who don't know him, he might appear a bit younger and smaller than your average hare. But not to fear--this won't be a bunny trail--as the hare's grandfather, Reverse Thruster, has eagerly laid out once again the trail for our brave and mighty C. Rai HHH.

    The 17 January hash will follow shaded trails on and around Doi Khao Kwai, the hill 4km south of town.

    Driving directions: Starting at the Little Duck Hotel (the architectural

    marriage of Potala and San Quentin), leave by the western entrance, setting

    your trip odometer to 0.0. Turn right from the Little Duck Hotel parking lot onto Phaholyothin Road, heading north toward town.

    Take the first left at km 0.6 onto Doi Phabaht Rd. heading west. This T

    intersection is marked by a sign for "Napa Lodge." (If you miss the turn,

    make a U-turn at the PTT gas station 50m beyond on the RH side of Phaholyothin Rd.)

    Follow Doi Phabaht Rd westward, crossing the old runway at km 1.0, heading toward the temple entrance archway.

    Before the temple entrance, turn left to head south along the temple wall.

    Turn right after the crematorium grounds at km 1.3 and head west along a

    narrow paved road.

    Turn sharp left at the King's portrait at km 1.5. Follow Doi Phabaht Rd.

    curving generally southwest for two and a half km. Please drive slowly

    through the community.

    At km 4.0 turn right through a high wooden gate (HHH sign) onto a straight

    laterite road heading north toward Doi Khao Kwai. Turn right at km 4.2

    (HHH sign) heading east on a narrow dirt road past a lumber shed. Park

    in the orchard beyond.

    The hash will start promptly at 3:30 PM to ensure that no participants are

    left overnight in the deep woods. On On.


  18. Can anyone tell me where I can find, in Chiang Mai, a modern, efficient, place to send a fax to the UK? Some places have very old looking machines, some can't send abroad, some don't give you a receipt.

    there must be a C.A.T office in chaingmai, i wanted to send a fax in chaingrai and got quoted 150 bhat to the UK

    so i went to the C.A.T office in chaingrai they sold me a 100 bhat fax card and sent the fax when i got back home

    i checked how much money was left on the card to my surprise there was still 87 bhat left on the card.

    i dont think you can beat that for value

  19. Report of Run #62: Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Annual Christmas Hash!

    Hares: Well Oiled assisted by Oiled Well

    Location: The Oiled House off Soi 5, Ban Sai Mun

    Celebrating Christmas at the Oiled’s house has become a tradition over the past three years with the Chiangrai HHH. This year’s gathering began anxiously as Hand Cock, the Hash Beer had yet to show up with the beer. People began to wonder, “Why is Do It Yourself, our super efficient Hash Cash collecting when the outcome of this event is still uncertain?” At the last moment as the Well Oiled was herding a skeptical public unto the ithaems, Hand Cock finally appeared in a well stocked pick-up. The collective sigh of relief was audible at the temple at the top of the hill where monks were trying to meditate through all the grumbling.

    Thirty seven hashers showed up on this occasion. Nineteen were men, all farangs as usual. There were fourteen women, ten of whom were Thai. Finally there were four children all boys and all half Thai. The youngest was virgin Kodi, aged four who Nam Ron carried in a seat strapped to his back and thus found an excuse to linger among the walkers.

    The ithaems took the hashers in comfort out along Soi 5 about one kilometer. Then, for reasons still untold, they stopped in a side soi and obliged their passengers to off-load. Multiple layers of paper discarded from Christmases Past led our heroes down country lanes, over hills and through rice fields. Flaps was the only one to try to run. He soon became discouraged and was soon caught up by Do It Yourself, G.M. Able Semen and virgins John and Deon (son of Stoned). These four fast walked their way ahead and reached the final drinking point about ten minutes before the others.

    At two points it crossed irrigation ditches where Smoked Weiner, momentarily escaping his mother Jolly Molly, found it convenient to ignore the bridges and step into the middle of the flowing water. Thus he acquired a new hew to his long blue pants. Many others like Scotch on the Rocks, Loose Spoke, Pat on the Back and Dirty Hairy cheated by using a pole to stop sliding down the muddy bank.

    The trail ended on Soi 5 but before one reached the ithaems, there was one last deviation off the road signaled by chalked arrows. No sooner than one stepped on to this trail but we came across a chalked bar indicating a false trail. This confused Pickled Prik and Doesn’t Matterhorn who thought they had stumbled upon a new lexicon of HHH symbols. While Hand Cock searched vainly in the woods before the bar, your fearless correspondent soon discovered paper beyond the false trail sign and then led the others back on to the original trail in reverse direction. That soon led to the itaems where some remained while the thirsty walked the remaining kilometer back to Oiled house where they hoped to get an early start on the beer.

    Your faithful correspondent was among the latter group but to his surprise and annoyance the ithaems collected their charges quickly and arrived at the house before him. Then he discovered with horror that Barry, his wife Jan and his parents visiting from Canada who were supposed to guarding the beer were themselves indulging with the FRBs who must be renamed because none of them ran.

    Oiled Well produced a fine buffet of grilled chicken, sticky rice, shredded shrimp and spring rolls. This hungry, besotted group made short work of that feast.

    Well Oiled produced a bag full of stuffed animals as Christmas presents first for the children, notably Kodi, Kenji, Smoked Weiner and Superglue and then for the child at heart. The G.M. received a pink rabbit in recognition of his efforts.

    G.M. Able Semen then called for a circle to honour our host-hares with the usual down downs. Virgins were similarly toasted. Nam Ron drew attention to our host’s predilection for a high class Bulgarian beer while serving us the local cheap stuff.

    Before closing the G.M. tried to sell some t-shirts. He pointed out that Christmas was coming and he couldn’t think of a better present to a loved one than one of our beautiful surplus t-shirts. However in the absence of our beautiful model, Boy Magnet that line got nowhere. On the contrary when the G.M. showed off how wonderful the t-shirt looked on him, Reverse Thruster asked if he could donate his t-shirt back to the pile.

    Before concluding the G.M. endorsed Well Oiled’s call for annual statistics. They are as follows:

    Altogether there were 363 person-events during 2008. The average attendance per hash was 30 people. The lowest turn out was 21 at the March hash. The best turn out was 44 people in July when we met at the Wild Woman house.

    Exactly one half of the participants were men. All but one of these was a farang. The one Thai never returned after that first appearance. Women made up 36% of the participants and 88% of these people were Thais. The remaining 14% were children who are mostly half Thai.

    on on

    wirgin bluce

  20. Greetings To All: CHRISTMAS HASH 20 DECEMBER START 2-30PM

    As the days are getting shorter and the Hare, Well Oiled plans to use ithems (as in past Christmas hashes) to carry hashers to the starting point

    we have decided to BEGIN THE HASH EARLIER THAN USUAL ie 2:30 PM. Please all be on time.

    Here are the driving instructions to the Oiled house where we will meet the ithems (locally constructed farm trucks).

    Driving Up From the South on A1, Super Highway towards Mae Chan:

    As son as you cross the Rim Kok Bridge look for a red light and turn left.

    Follow that road to the west for a distance of 3.3 km to a three point intersection.

    Look for a HHH sign and then turn right and proceed north to Ban Sai Moon for a distance of 4.5 km.

    At the Ban Sai Moon 3 point intersection look for another HHH sign and swing right and proceed 90 meters to a Soi 5 sign (and another HHH sign)

    Turn right into the Soi 5 and proceed east for a distance of 900 m to a Wat sign (and HHH sign).

    The Oiled house is just up the road to the Wat on the right hand side. Park your car along Soi 5 and we will get on the ithems at that point.

    It will take about a half and hour to get to the Oiled house from the Ha Yaek Mengrai statue.

    Driving Up From the West of Town Using The Mae Fa Luang Bridge

    Once you have crossed the bridge, go straight up (north) the road through Nam Lat village for a distance of 4.5 km to the Ban Sai Moon 3 point intersection.

    Look for HHH sign number 2 and swing right for a distance of only 90 m to Soi 5.

    Then follow the directions as above.

    Then you are there!!

    Start Time is 2:30 pm sharp.

    On! On!

    Wirgin Bluce

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