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Posts posted by soap

  1. I could swear that I have seen bottles of Beer Lao in the coolbox of the Hash House Harriers last Saturday, but it could have been wishful thinking that distorted my perception.


    no limbo you did not see beer lao in the coolbox on saturday,but what you did see in my opinion was the best beer i have tasted in over 40 years of being a real ale supporter, LCR beer ie lan cang river beer from yunnan province of china, it would be an insult to speak your beer leos,beer changs cheers beer, even heinacan beer in the same breath as LCR beer.

    pity you were on the wagon, but i hope you enjoyed the hash

  2. I remember someone once posted a couple of websites for car and/or motorobike auctions in Bangkok...

    After doing a search I can't find the relevant threads... :o

    Can anyone do me a favour and post a link or offer any advice on how they operate???

    Thanks in advance

    check out



  3. anybody know of a crew available for land clearing?

    and what is the going rate for a dozer to clear land?



    how many rai of land do you want clearing ?

    were is the land situated in chaingrai?

  4. [

    Is it really sure, that you can walk as well? I mean walk like in 'walking'. Simply put the one foot in front of the other without making little jumps and without acousticly accompagnying it with the sounds of a steam locomotive?

    I would love to try it out.

    Can I sleep another night over it?

    Limbo :o


    do you think i run around the course; we leave that to the FRBs, the old hands have a nice 2 hour stroll around the course

  5. yes sven i will be there on saturday, and i consider it a great honour to have played a very small part in setting the trail under the guidence of our lord and master wirgin bluce with the help of american george,

    they turned my first sugested totally inadequate trail into a trail that im sure will have them FRBs running around in circles.

    so far we have had a good response by e-mail from those who will be attending (mabe they know that the first drink will be on me).

    i even got an email from one mr saddam who said he heard this was the mother of all trails and would do his best to attend, "but everything depended on his mate a mr houdini if he could get away"

  6. [

    hello soap

    The hypothetical 10m and 1m was to show assets don't count, and has nothing to do with wife trust and divorce. Besides, many people would like to keep this 800,000 spare cash in an overseas bank, where they can get better interest :o

    hello mumbo

    you did not say it was hypothetical, i am sure that there must be plenty of expats living in thailand with land/house/vehicle to the value of 11mb,when you consider that you can sell the likes of a dog kennel in london for over 200grand, and i am sure there must be plenty of people getting a better interest rate in a thai bank than they would be from a euro interest paying account

  7. Rai,

    You can have a 10 mBt. house paid for, a 1mbt vehicle paid for, but you still need 800,000 bt. in bank when you apply or show you have 65k coming in to a thai bank monthly. The 800,000 can be touched during the year, as long as it is replenished by your next year extension time. A within 2 day of verification of amount letter from your bank is required, which costs 200 bt from most banks. :o

    hello mumbo

    lets face it mate if you have a 10mbt house paid for, and a 1 mbt vehicle paid for, and you dont have 800,000bt in the bank thats spare cash. i would say you dont trust the wife and divorce is written all over you.

    i have had a marriage one year visa for over 14 years now,never had any problems with getting the visa just brought the paperwork up to mae sai and as long as everything as been in order within 6 weeks i have my one year visa , and i must stress excellent service from the mae sai immigration office.

    rules our rules no matter were you go in the world, and one of the main reasons i have lived here for the past 15 years is to get away from the beaurocucy in bulk (excuse the spelling) that excists in the uk

  8. I can't see where Thailand will get much of this storm. Since early today, most models have had it tracking well to the north and dissipating in southeastern China within the next 48 hours.

    "The tropical storm will increase in power and reach land on Sunday. It will bring heavy rain to 80 per cent of the Northeast," Kriengsak said.

    What? Everything I have seen says that Typhoon Prapiroon will make landfall in the next 12 hours, well up the Chinese coast. And it probably will have totally dissipated by Sunday.

    If you look at the typhoon tracking, and it doesn't show your area very close, these storms have a very big diameter, and if you are on the outskirts, you can still get dumped on good. We don't need any more in th North for a while :o

    i agree with mumbojumbo

    i have lived in chaingrai for over 15 years and last night we had the biggest storm in my village that i can remember,it lashed down all night,the thunder and lightening was frightening,the electric went off about 11pm and did not come back on till 4pm today,the rice fields are completly saturated with water a month before they should be.

    lets hope it just stops raining.

  9. My husband & I (both English) are on a retirement visa but we are getting rather old & I wonder if it is legal to just keep getting a 30 day visa? We are thinking of moving from CM to CR which of course is close to Mai Sai.

    Thanks in advance

    hello murni

    i think i read in another post that you must have the sum of 800,000 baht each in your account is this what you are worried about.

    i would think on the lines of having two seperate bank accounts, say your wife applies for her retirement visa in january,once she has her visa transfer the money into your account and you apply for yours say six months later.

    i cant see any reason you cant do it this way, you will each have had 800,000baht in your accounts for 5or 6 months prior to applying,

    if any thing is said and they stop you,just go for the 30 day extention or better still let your wife get the retirement visa and you being the gentleman that no doubt you are,you go for the 30 day extention,

    worth thinking about


    im sure you will enjoy chaingrai (if it stops raining)

  10. moer interest in israel lebanon, afgahn, iraq, Brad Pitt and Beckham´s latest tattoo.

    Sad sad world.

    I remember why i drinking it away at times llike this.

    Unfortunately, the wrong kind of interest in certain cases.

    Well atleast its a change in always reading about 30 people die in bomb blast, man was ripped off, old lady was robbed now crippled, and all the other bad stuff going on all the time.

    i started the post but i must admit i did not even watch the miss universe contest, i browsed a couple of satellite forums and found there was a lot of jovial interest (mainly from the middle east) so i thought it might be worth a mention on thai visa.

    and i agree with donz i am sick and tired of every time i put the bbc world news on all it is gloom gloom and more gloom,what is the world coming to.


    did miss erable come any were. the wife has'nt spoke to me since

  11. Hi all,

    New to this board.

    Would like any information on Nakhon Phanom that any one can enlighten my on.

    I am thinking of going there to live with my Good lady and build a house there. She has the land so looks like it is up to me to build the house.

    I understand there is not a large population so was wandering what would be the type of business etc that one might get into.

    Any Web sites that i can take a look at would be much appricated .

    Thanking you in advance


    hello brief

    my wife was born in nakhon phanom,we have been happily married for over 14 years.

    the main reason we are happily married his because we live a 1,000k from nakhon phanom,and i built our house a 1,000k from my wifes family.

    dont get me wrong i have not had a problem with the family, her mother has visited us a few times and shes a very nice person.

    but over the years i have seen so many farang regret their actions who started out with similar ideas as your post .

    my advice PLEASE TAKE NOTE.

    (1) dont build a house on/in the family land/compound

    (2) only put into thailand(money wise) what you can afford to lose and walk away from with a smile on your face.

    (3) forget about a business in nakhon phanom (if the thais struggle to make a living what chance have you got)

    sorry to put a damper on your post and i do hope every thing goes well for you but please


  12. im surprised theres been no comment about the miss universe contest,

    i can understand the likes of the pattaya/phuket members not being

    interested,we all know they have enough on there plate coping with what they have

    but what about us up country woolly backs,we dont get the chance to see talent like

    this everyday.

    some :o:D:D hot tips if you like a bet

    have 10 pound win miss behaviour

    fiver each way miss conduct

    long shot bet miss erable (she looks like the wife)

  13. If I promise to keep the "CR is paradise" secret... :o ..can anyone help with:

    Any rec's for a good gym in Chaing Rai?

    Any rec's for a good long term serviced apartment rental?



    hello webworldly

    you can browse /removed/ for a rental in chaingrai,

    they are a sponcer of thai visa,

    my advice,stay a short time then if you like,stay a long time


    Sorry that I have to edit your post Soap. Lannarealty is not an official sponsor of Thaivisa. The ads above and at the right side are google or yahoo ads which are not related to Thaivisa.



  14. !!

    So, is there money to be made? Yeah, maybe. But I don't see how buying a new car, fitting it out, watching it depreciate at a rate of knots, getting bunged up by an up country driver who has no idea how a clutch works and has no guarantee of making the rental for the day is a good market to enter. It is very very competitive, and a bit like opening a beer bar in Thailand, full of people lining up, willing to investing in a loss making industry which gives the appearance of a lively and profitable market place.

    The only drivers who I have met and are making a living are owner drivers who take care and maintain their cars, NEVER let anyone else drive them - ie don't rent them out and slog it out 15 to 18 hours per day. And they aren't retiring to the Thai equivalent of the home counties either, like many of the east end owner drivers did.


    the principle of renting taxis or cars out all over the world is the same,thats why the likes of avis,buget etc make a profit even after depreciation.

    at least if you get a up country driver in bangkok he will be able to understand 90%of his customers by speaking thai.

    not the same in the uk mate,i read a article in a taxi mag a couple of months ago,one city council i think it was bradford (not sure) had received many complaints that the drivers could not speak english, so on the test form the council put a question and answer section in the test,

    the driver had to tick the box with what he thought was the right answer, there were 5 questions but i only remember one,but the 4 other questions were on the same par.

    if the customer asked you

    will you take a blind dog? would your answer be

    a) only on a sunday

    :o yes of course

    c) put it in the boot

    the failure rate was about 85%

    i rented taxis out for over 30 years, now i am retired enjoying the l o s. a few of my friend s who are still renting taxis out are millionaires.

    all i am doing is putting the other side of the story forward.

    if i was 20 years younger,lived in bankok (i dont) could speak thai (i cant) knew the ins and outs of repairs etc.

    THEN AND ONLY THEN i would take a look at the bankok taxi game

  15. [

    Big difference here is that there is no regulation restricting the number of cabs. The industry is for all intents and purposes de-regulated. Imagine if they tried to do that in the UK!!

    i think you will find that over 50%of the city councils in the uk have deregulated,whitch means that if you meet the requirements of the city council you will get a free licence.

    london is a prime example if you pass the knowledge you will get a licence to ply for hire,

    there is no monetary value on the licence

  16. i agree with everything svenivan says plus if you want to look south of chiangrai you will pass the white temple (worth a look )and if you want a drive out, i like going to phayao for lunch about 75 k further on from the white temple were you can sit in one of the very reasonable restraunts that look over the biggest lake you will find anywhere.

    also if by any chance you own a set of golf clubs you will feel at home with the likes of svenian and a few more of his golfing pals

  17. i have read the posts on this topic and can understand their concern about going into the taxi business in bangkok.

    but if nobody was making a living out of taxis in bangkok there would be no taxis,so the owner of the taxi who charges rent is making a profit the same as the driver who pays rent.

    and the more taxis you have the more money you can make "that is logic"

    i had taxis in the uk for many years and i made a living out of renting them out ,i sold my last one about 10 years ago and since then the price of a new hackney cab as gone up in some parts of the uk from 35 grand with LICENCE PLATE to 80 grand WITH LICENCE PLATE.

    so even paying more for the licence plate than what you would pay for the taxi, plus insurance,repairs etc people are still buying.

    now dont get me wrong i am not advising anybody to buy taxis in bangkok,we all know t.i.t not the uk and if you cant speak thai and you dont know anything about the repair side or the ins and outs of the business then forget about the venture

  18. Greetings!

    Thanks to everyone here....this first month has been a good one. I was able to learn so much from this site in advance of my arrival by reading.....searching....and then reading some more. Very cool!

    So....my serviced apartment in Bangkok has the three things I need.

    1. High Speed internet access directly in my room

    2. First class gym within walking distance

    3. Grocery store within walking distance

    I pay 45,000 BAHT per month for a studio apartment, and that pays for.....rent, all utilities, laundry (there's a washing machine in my room), internet, gym, and daily maid servicing.


    There's just one thing. Bangkok doesn't offer the healthy lifestyle that I desire. I crave....clean air, peaceful surroundings, lots of trees and greenery.

    I leave Bangkok in search of healthier surroundings....where should I go? North? South? East?

    I need a city that is modern enough to have High Speed internet available in the hotel/apartment room (not just the lobby).....and a modern gym......but I need a city that is not overrun with pollution or noise......and I need a city where 45,000 BAHT per month for a studio or 1-bedroom place can cover rent, internet, utilities, gym, laundry, and maid service.


    I know there are great places like this......and I know some of you are reading this message right now while LIVING in one of these great places. I can picture how happy you are there!

    Where are the places like this?



    hello webworldly

    everything you want is here in chaingrai,over the years the ex-pats that stay here for more than 3 months finish up making there home here.

    if you want to spend 45,000 baht a month on rent etc you can take your pick of buckingham palace or the white house,but if you only want something that is on par to what you are renting now, i would say you can get for 8 to 10 thousnd baht .

  19. Yes both are real businesses,up and running.I bought some gear of satthai last month and was favourably impressed by the service.Believe they are opening a showroom shortly

    thank you for the info

  20. hello mumbo jumbo

    i was recommended to buy a canon pixma ip 1200.

    i wanted the printer mainly to help my daughter with her homework,

    when the colour ran out (rather quickly i thought)but the black was still working i priced the replacement cartridge at 400 baht,before i bought i was told to try the shop opp the big c in chaingrai, i asked him to refill the ink, when i tried to use it again it still only prints out in black but the guy only charged 60 baht, i will go back to him later this week with my wife to speak thai to him

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