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Posts posted by soap

  1. The best rate this weekend for sterling notes is 70.60 in Pratunam Bangkok

    Anybody get better rate, please post with location

    NB Please do not criticise ! This posting is to help those wishing to change pounds this weekend to get the best rate and know they are not being ripped off.. It is for information purposes only and not intellectual ones ! Not sure if the Aministrators will allow us to name the bank / change office concerned as they might feel this is advertising.

    Stop all this nonsense ! :o


    i have had my run ins with topfield in the past, but with his posts over the last couple of weeks on the fx rates i think he has been spot on to post whats been going on with the sterling/baht rates.i came back to my home in thailand on the 3rd january,i changed some pounds at the airport at 70.7 the next day the best i could get was 68.50 the last time i can remember a overnight change like that was when the bubble burst in 1997

    i checked bloomberg on friday evening they had the baht 35.21 to the dollar i clicked over to cnbc and they had the rate at just 36 to the dollar later in the evening they came into line with bloomberg ,the pound was shown at 197.36.

    at these rates, baht 35.21 sterling 197.36 i would expect to get about 69 baht to the pound .i took topfields advice and changed more sterling this morning at over 70 to the pound.

    the baht as been bungee jumping over the past few weeks and i have been very interested in what topfield has posted,if you have looked in on his posts over the past year or two you know that in his YOUNGER days he must have spent all his working life in finacials and lets face it old habits die hard

  2. thanks for the tips

    my house is a bungalow and we allways keep a large bin full of water in the toilet.

    i will go with the tank just off the ground connected to the pump,just one more question,

    do you think has naka posts that a A05-1.0kw would be enough for a single house or has billd766 posts a mishubishi 2.05 wp would this be for a 2 storey house rather than a bungalow.


  3. my village as mains water and for most of the time, in the day time

    we have no problems with pressure etc,our problem is that they turn the water

    off from about 11pm to about 6am

    i would like to know the best way to go with regard to a storage tank to obtain water during the night or if low pressure occurs.

    i presume for a one storey house i can erect a platform with the storage tank on top,if so how far off the ground does the tank need to be before the pressure is good.

    or can i leave the tank on the ground and use a pump to relay the water from the

    tank to the house if so what size pump/make do i need for good pressure.

    any tips appreciated

  4. i agree with chownah,

    over a 3 year period 2003-2006 i attended at least 30 bank land and house auctions in chaingrai,i have kept a record of all lots sold and unsold and i would say that only about 7% of the thousands of lots that went through were sold to the floor even after a 50% discount from the court on the book price, most of the 7% were the original debtors who had come to a prior arrangement with the banks. the majority of unsold lots were then bought back by the banks at the discount price i presume to be sold later when market conditions improve,

  5. a report in yesterdays business post states that lebua, a member of the small luxury hotels of the world

    intends to invest 800 million baht to create 20 tented villas in chaingrai on a 800 rai plot

    the villas will have 1,100 sqm with a daily rate of 10,000 usd plus service and tax for the accommodation.

    chaingrai was chosen because the province has sunshine and breezes whitch matched the demands of

    many rich people around the globe

  6. Thanks for the reply...don't have international drivers license...do you know if they offer drivers with these cars?

    hello flightcrew

    you wont have any problem getting car/driver in chaingrai.just check out a few cars for rent

    places out and you will get what you want no problem

  7. You guys have to realize this is an elliagal system, since you are not paying a monthly fee. I have had it for a long time and if i loose it, i have got my moneys worth. The scramblers have got better, and our local descrambler can't keep up now-i think. :o


  8. Are you meaning that all those other satellites may provide other channels ?

    It does seem wasteful not to have some access apart from Agila KU.

    if you have a 10 foot remote control dish you can pick up maybe 10 other sats plus agila ku.

    the problem is 99% are not in english so its not really worthwhile going down that path

  9. Today, Friday November 16, Bo and our member Erg became parents.

    It's a girl!

    She entered life with a weight of 4,47 kilo. Gigantic, with other words.

    Erg, congratulations!

    I mean we knew that you are not a person who takes halve measures, but now only a respectful silence is appropriate.

    Anybody who beats him on this?

    Good luck Erg!

    Limbo :o

    hello yohan

    give my best wishes to erg and bo next time you see them,by the way my lad shaun was 4.9 kilo when he was born in overbrook hospital, the doctors and nurses could not believe it.



  10. Hi Guys,

    I was wondering if anybody could help me to locate a freind, he is called Len Teasdale and lives in a condo somewhere around the Jontiem Beach area of Pattaya.

    Len is around 60 years of age and is quite a over weight man, he used to live in Liverpool and had retired to Pattaya in November 2004, after holidaying in the area for over the past 20 years, i has lots of Expat friends in Pattaya

    We used to keep in contact via email and telephone but i have been unable to contact him for over a year now

    If anybody has any infomation o his wherabots i'd be very grateful.

    Thank you in advance

    hello koh tao man

    i am very sorry to inform you, that lennie died last year in the bangkok/pattaya hospital from a heart attack

    he his sadly missed by all that knew him

  11. im afraid i cant agree with the negative posts on the communi thai magazine.

    i dont know about the business aspect of the magazine (thats a case of take it or leave it) but i enjoyed the magazine allthough i dont think its aimed at the long term expats who live in chaingrai but more to the

    visitor who his looking for information while staying in chaingrai.

    give the magazine a chance. after all its free

    i thought the article by dr william mac herring phd was excellent and so true

  12. [

    I can't follow your explanation. If they just want the money, why not make a counter at the immigration in Bangkok/Phuket/Pattaya, you go there every 3 month, show your documents, pay

    i dont know why you cant understand my explanation because by your post you agree with what

    i have said.

    it would not matter what immigration office you applied to for a visa, the only reason i said

    a border immigration office is because i live close to the border, but any immigration office in thailand could process a tourist visa and check all applicants on a computer

  13. The logic behind the visa crackdown

    the logic is simple,

    for the past couple of years many farang have gone over the borders of laos,burma,cambodia,

    and paid for a 30 day stamp to the border countries without giving the thai goverment a penny.,

    now the penny as dropped with the thais,hence the new visa rules,instead of paying the border

    countries 500baht (whatever)every month now the thais want their slice of the cake, so every 90 days they want you to pay for a visa with the visa fee going to the thai goverment.

    i can see in time the thais making it easier for people to get visas inside of thailand because then they can recoup all the visa fees themselves.

    when the thai goverment trust their immigration officers to issue a one year retirement visa the same day but dont trust them to give a tourist visa out at the borders so the farang have to walk the couple of hundred metres round trip (mae sai) hand their 500 baht over to burma then come back into thailand without paying another penny.

    the logic for me is for the thai immigration officers to issue tourists visas etc at their border office compile all the passport info on their computers (for the blacklisted) and keep all the cake for themselves

  14. <deleted> can't believe the goings on down in Welsh Wales.....

    another 4 - 0 and this time Wolves.

    Full capacity but thats only 20k now,,,a new stadium on the way.

    We are 5 points clear..

    Scored 5 more goals than anyone else

    Conceded less than anyone else

    Only 30 odd games to go before we are in the Prem. :o


    how does one know dream tv as gone off

  15. my seven year old son leaves the house at 6-30am for the 40 k taxi ride to school,he returns home about 5-30 pm,a couple of times a week he brings homework,thai, english,maths,

    last night he had maths,decimals and fractions i could not help him with because i dont think i learned them at school or if i did i have forgot them after 45 years.he had about 4 or 5 multiplication sums,

    example 87x96 57x82 etc plus some division sums etc

    ok i agree with sitting down with him and helping him has much has i can but i do say to myself whats the point of giving homework like this when its to difficult for him.

    if he his the worst in the class,so be it but i cant believe that all the other seven year old kids find it all to easy doing the same homework.

    the way i learnt my times table years ago was by sitting in the class and reciting over and over again my times table so even now if i want to know whats 8x7 it comes automatic to me without the use of a caculator.

    i agree with getting children to use their brains but i dont think they should be thrown in at the deep end from the word go because i am sure the will only turn to the calculator one day.

  16. Anybody got any experience growing mushrooms on a small scale, nobody I know here grows them they all seem to go pick them from the wild.

    Any help appreciated :o

    i am no expert on mushrooms but have wanted to grow them for the past couple of years.

    but as yet i have not found a suitable piece of land near to my house or i dont have the time

    to do it big time.

    many people get wages out of growing mushrooms in my village in northern thailand,some grow them in the rice fields in the dry season,growing them under straw with plastic sheets,when the rains come they move into bamboo straw huts and repeat the process under cover on bamboo beds.

    others grow the brown mushrooms in bamboo huts on wooden tressils,they put a compost into

    little plastic bags and stack them on top of each other,you can stack thousands in a very small space.

    what ive seen you must get the temperture of the room right other wise they dont grow very good ,

    you have a go m8 you can start with a small outlay and build it up if you want to

  17. Allo,

    In the UK at the moment but coming over to Chiang Rai soon and want to be looking at land the whole holiday, cant find much for sale from here on the Net.,. Does anyone know anyone selling land or are you selling??

    PM me so when I get there we can view view view!

    Budget only 600k and want no less than a Rai not more than 15k's from town (maybe asking to much) but dont ask dont get and all that!........

    Hope I get some DECENT replies!


    if you contact the local banks in chaingrai ie bangkok bank kasikorn bank,scb bank,yhey have plenty of land for sale in chaingrai

  18. I am married to a Thai National but am presently working (finishing a contract) in China. I am finished the contract in February 2007 and was planning on returning to Thailand to live with my wife. What type of visa am I to apply for and what are the particulars about it. How long is the visa for, can it be extended, how much is the visa, etc...

    I am originally from Canada and would like nothing better than to live permanently with my wife in Thailand. What steps do I have to


    Thank you

    before you come back to thailand,get a non immigrant o visa by showing your marriage certificate

    to the nearest thai embassy /consul,even if you only get a tourist visa you can still upgrade to a non immigrant visa within thailand as long has you have 21 days left on your tourist visa.

    go with the wife to thai immigration and apply for a one year marriage visa ,you must have a letter from your bank stateing you have over 400,ooo baht in your account plus photo copies of your passport,wifes id card,tabien bann. etc.

    when you get your one year visa,if you want to go out of the country you must get a re-entry visa that covers you while you are out the country


  19. anybody give any advice on the statutory declaration needed

    to marry in thailand

    (1) can you obtain this document from your embassy in bangkok,

    or do you have to return to your own country to obtain the document

    (2)is there any agencies in bangkok that would take care of the paperwork involed


    i have been asked by two friends (its not for me honest)

    to check on what documents are needed to marry in thailand.

    i browsed a couple of web sites and come up with the following

    (1)complete a statutory declaration with the vice consul to witness your signature

    from the embassy of your country.

    (2)birth certificate

    (3)certificate of divorce if previously married

    (4)proof of identity with your passport

    can you get the statutory declaration from your embassy in bangkok.

    any other documents needed

    what about the wife i presume tabien ban, id card anything else

    i think they will want to marry up country any difference to bangkok

    thanks for your help

  20. I just had a call from a friend in Chiangrai saying that the border at Mae Sai is closed. Has anybody been up there today or have confirmed reports?

    try 053 731 008 ex 11. 12 for mae sai

    also try 053 777 118 for chiang saen (last time mae sai was closed they let you cross over at chiang saen for a stamp )

    last resort

    chaing khong--053 791 332

    please post any updates

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