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Posts posted by soap

  1. [anyone know new zealander Bruce H?


    american Mike O?

    No... Mike C yes, Irish M. yes!

    american name mike

    cat house mike--still comes and goes

    surfer mike --not been seen for years

    cowboy mike- gone to a better place

    newzealand bruce

    the name rings a bell but not seen him for years

    btw anybody heard anything from baitong ken

    and whats your name 20years sin thai should we remember you

  2. Although, it's been a while since I last had to walk back and forth the bridge between Mae Sai and Tashilek- brahmburgers way of saying things do urge an input ... First of all, if you're just doing an "ordinary" border run, you don't have to go that immi-office "a mile away" from the border - you just pass the border handing over your passport with its attached departure slip. second off all, guys like brahmburger, trying to do more serious visa-business in a bordertown are just plain fools.

    You need to re-read what Brahmburger said. Brahmburger was able to get a Catagory O visa and didn't even have to leave the country to do so. Filled out the paper work and waited two weeks, then went back and picked it all up. I'd say that this was a bit better then being a "plain fool"! Most of us have to go out of the country in order to get a Cat O visa.

    And this is accomplished Not at the Immigration border crossing office, but at the head Immigration office one Km back from the border.

    I've also seen the Cat O visa in another passport recently of someone else that accomplished the same thing. At first I thought it to be impossible; obtaining a Cat O visa and not have to leave Thailand to do so, but having seen the stamp in the guys passport, I gotta believe. Now Brahmburger has accomplished the same thing. Anyone else out there been able to do likewise either in Mai Sai or elsewhere?

    FYI - the passport holder that I know/saw that got the Cat O in Mai Sai, was told do go there by his local Immigration office. When he went to his local Immigration office which is at a border crossing, he was assuming that he would be told to go to his home country (the standard party line) or at the least to go to Singapore. But not to be so; they instructed him to go to Mai Sai Immigration - one Km back from the border crossing.


    to cyberstar

    if you are happy doing border runs without a visa for 3x30 days and then leaving the country to get a tourist visa thats ok

    but some of us who live in thailand would prefer to apply for a one year marriage/retirement visa

    for the past 15 years i have applied at mae sai immigration office for a marriage visa,allways had my visa granted and never had any need to leave the country.

    to david 2up

    yes you can now turn a border stamp or tourist visa into a non immigrant 0 visa for a fee of 2,000baht

  3. I'd like to take back what I've said about Mae Sai in recent postings. I said the Immigration officials at the office (1 mile in from the border) were not very helpful and overly subjective. I went there today and their attitude was helpful and professional. I went to apply for a non-immigration type O (retirement) visa.

    At first they insisted I had to go out of country to comply. I protested tepidly, and was about to leave the office, when they called me back and found a way to accommodate my request - granting me a 3 month visa for Bt.2,000 fee (to be retrieved picked up at their office in two weeks). I don't know why they couldn't issue it at that moment, but I doth protesteth not.

    Near the end of that subsequent 3 month visa, I can apply for a one year 'extension' (that's my understanding anyway). Apparently all can be done without going outside Thailand.

    By the way, I had the income verification, but they asked to see a bill of health (I got the paper the day before, no hassles and cheap). The hospital doctor came in, asked me if I was healthy, I said I was. He then scribbled his name on a piece of paper and was gone.

    i am glad your opinion of the mae sai immigration office as changed,i have allways found them very helpful even when my paperwork was not in order.

    the 2,000 baht you paid was to change whatever visa you had (if any ) to a non immigrant 0 visa in order for you to apply for a retirement visa

    i think why they issued you a 3 month visa is because they want to see if you have the required 800,00

    baht that MUST be left in your account for 3 months before they will issue a retirement visa

    the rule is you must have 800,000 baht in your account for 3 months before you apply,when you have your visa then you can use your money for what ever purpose you what as long as when you apply next time your bank book must show 800,000 for 3 months prior

  4. Well keeping the bad spirits away would have to be good luck.

    I thought that big tree was dead when I came here the first time, Cripes, where's the time gone, (hunts for old passport) April 2004.

    when i said it died last year i meant they cut it down last year,of course it must of been dying for a year or two otherwise they would not of cut it down

  5. [i know the one you mean, it's on the Super Highway just before Big C. I think it's what they call a spirit tree, I'm not sure of the significance that term.... Joel Barlow just came on line, I'll ask him, he's a local historian here.

    there were two trees on the super highway,but the one on the central reservasion

    died last year so they have trimmed it down so it does not cause any damage, the one next

    to the dead one (on the left heading north)is alive and kicking,

    if you beep your horn when you go past them its supposed to give you good luck i believe.

    i am quite often in the estate close to the trees and it took me over a year to figure out why everyboby was beeping me when i joined the highway

  6. Here are the directions:for the next chaingrai hash on june 16th start 4pm

    all wellcome

    1) From Big C travel south until the Mae Gone intersection (highway 1020 to Thoeng)

    2) Turn left onto highway 1020 driving east towards Thoeng

    3) Between highway/km marker 11km and 12km watch for the school on your left, (Phong Houng I think, but it is the only school between these two markers).

    4) After the school on your right there will be a Tambon Administrative Authority building (unfortunately no English) with the 12km marker laying on its side in the grass out front.

    5) Immediately following the TAA turn Right at the first road (see HHH sign)-picture attached

    6) Travel 0.1 km then turn left at the T junction (there is a small dirt road continuing nearly straight-slightlly offset-but you'll recognize it as a T junction) (see HHH sign)

    7) Travel 1km then turn right (see HHH sign)

  7. A 5.3-magnitude earthquake jolted border areas in Chiang Rai in the early hours of yesterday but no injuries or structural damage was reported. The epicentre of the quake, measuring 5.3 on the Richter scale, was in Burma, some 90 kilometres to the north of Chiang Rai, according to the Meteorological Department which detected the quake at 12.21am yesterday.

    Source: Bangkok Post. Please continue here for the rest of the article.

  8. Hi All, My first post here on TV :-) My wife and I will be in Chiang Mai on the 16th of June and then heading on to Chiang Rai. We'd love to come along on a HHH run (been a long time between drinks!) That is if you can accomodate a couple of "Walkers"

    Cheers, Wayne and Jan

    hello 2bb

    we only have the chaingrai hash once a month,the next hash is due on the 16th june but our mismanagement commitee have been known to change the dates from time to time,in the meantime if you ask on the chaingmai forum i think they have every week.

    on on

  9. Hi all

    Yes! There will be a hash this Saturday, May 26. Begins at 4 pm.

    Location south of Huai Sak close to the mountain which sprouts up

    behind the

    reservoir. Leaving the Big C travel south on the Asia Highway and then


    east on the Thoeng Road (Highway 1020). Go through the Huai Sak traffic

    lights, over the little bridge, past the 15 km stone and then turn

    right at

    the first soi past the temple (HHH sign). Then go straight out that


    You will come to a T-junction where you will turn left (HHH sign) and

    immediately be confronted with a large puddle of water. It is not deep


    it has a cement base. My 20 year-old Honda Civic can cross it with no

    problem. People on motorcycles might like to take the small trail


    around the puddle on the left. Follow the road until reach a t-junction

    where other cars will be parked. From highway to parking is 7 km. Plan

    on 30

    minutes drive from the Big C.

    On! On!

    Wirgin Bluce

  10. there is indeed an Immigration office in Mae Sai, northernmost Thailand. It's 1 Km back from the border on the west side of the hwy, very near a concrete overpass. Perhaps not surprisingly, Mae Sai Imm officials are very subjective. If you show up alone, and there's any 'gray area' on your visa request, they'll lean to a decision that bolloxes up the foreigner's plans.

    If, however, you show up dressed smartly, speak Thai, act like a used car salesman on speed, then you'll get more useful solutions. For optimum service, show up with respectible looking Thai man or, better yet, a glamorous Thai woman with lots of jewelry - then you're sure to get as good a deal as possible. They don't speak English there, and other than a cursory initial glance at the farang, they'll focus all their attention, questions, concerns toward the Asian person in attendance.

    If anyone has ever wondered where the thousands of gov't workers go when they get 'transeferred to an inactive post' ...it's places like Mae Sai border.


    Thanks SOAP for your post ....that was so help full and informative.

    well what more do you want me to say.

    mr brahmburger has a vendetta against the mae sai immigration office,if you looked at earlier posts before last month when you joined thai visa you would have known about his vendetta.

    has i have said before i have been getting a one year marriage visa from mae sai for over 15 years.

    i dont speak thai, i allways go in a shirt (no tie) shorts,i certainly dont act life a used car salesman,and with regard to speed,well if the cap fits mr brahmburger should wear it,my wife hardly ever wears jewelry,and over the years i have had many conversations with police captain tangkaew who speaks perfect english and mr dorn on the desk with whose english i have never had a problem understanding.

    i have allways been treated the same as the next person,and have allways found the officals very polite and helpful

    so you can rest assured when mr brahmburger and mae sai imm ofice go hand in hand.

    so does rubbish

  11. Thanks Redbycycle, I'm sure Joel never meant anything offensive by his comment.

    Have you heard of anyone going up there recently?

    you might get good info about taking a boat to china from four lens tours,

    they have a office on the super highway opp little duck lights and advertise

    boat trips to china

  12. there is indeed an Immigration office in Mae Sai, northernmost Thailand. It's 1 Km back from the border on the west side of the hwy, very near a concrete overpass. Perhaps not surprisingly, Mae Sai Imm officials are very subjective. If you show up alone, and there's any 'gray area' on your visa request, they'll lean to a decision that bolloxes up the foreigner's plans.

    If, however, you show up dressed smartly, speak Thai, act like a used car salesman on speed, then you'll get more useful solutions. For optimum service, show up with respectible looking Thai man or, better yet, a glamorous Thai woman with lots of jewelry - then you're sure to get as good a deal as possible. They don't speak English there, and other than a cursory initial glance at the farang, they'll focus all their attention, questions, concerns toward the Asian person in attendance.

    If anyone has ever wondered where the thousands of gov't workers go when they get 'transeferred to an inactive post' ...it's places like Mae Sai border.


  13. Is there any bar/restaurant in pattaya or jomtien that is showing the Oscar De La Hoya Merriwether fight today? should be an incredible fight.

    thanks in advance


    what a good fight

    floyd mayweather won the fight on a split decision,but for me the fight was all square going into the last round, i thought oscar del la hoya just shaved the last so in my book he should at least got a draw

  14. and if they insist on buying only multiples of 10 litres then I've worked it out for you......

    buy 500 bottles and that is 32x10=320 Litres :D


    what else did you get for christmas besides a calculator :o

    btw i could not believe this

    i bought 5 bottles of leo last month from a shop

    the price of 37baht was marked on the each bottle

    with me being university bred (reading gas meters)

    i worked it out in my head 185 baht

    i seen the girl pin in the caculater 5x37

    then she showed me the caculator

    it read 184baht TIT

  15. On a more upbeat note, they still have lots of beer in Chiang Rai and there is no indication that they are going to run out of it so every day you can sit and slowly boost your mood to euphoria every single day!!!! It doesn't get any better than that!!!!

    i know there must be lots of beer in chaingrai but my problem is every time i want to buy some i seem to fall into the 2pm to5pm trap in the big c.

    and the other evening i tried to buy some beer in two of the 7-11 outlets on the main highway but they have stopped selling the stuff all the time i think

  16. This posting is to warn anyone even remotely thinking of getting one of those Dynasat satellite systems……DON’T!!! [at least for now].

    If you are considering the English programming from Agila satellite wait until they break the code because it will only work for a couple of days at most, then you have to go back to the shop for an update.

    And when and if they do get back on line, I can warn you of a vendor NOT to deal with….although others may be just as bad. My vendor just sells and installs the equipment, then you’re on your own……no more service, doesn’t return calls or keep appointments. Meanwhile he continues to sell new installations of a faulty system. I’ve seen on several occasions [while getting useless updates in his shop] him selling new units to unsuspecting customers and I wanted to warn them to save their bhatt, but didn’t want to make a scene [in his shop]. Thanks to this forum, I can warn others.

    And every time I go into a superstore, there is a Dynasat demo that has ‘suckers’ waiting in line to get screwed.

    I hope this post doesn’t get me in trouble with the moderators, because I’m just trying to save some other 'thaivisa brethren' before they get swindled as I did.

    BE WARNED of the ethics of this vendor in Chiang Mai!!! Is there such a concept as [after sales] 'ethics' here in LOS??

    PM me if you want to know the vendor that took my bhatt.

    we will try again

    of course your post gives your opinion of the dynasat F1 receiver and the vendor you bought the box off.

    but in my opinion the dynasat F1 receiver is a excellent box, if you have the proper dish you can pick up over 10 satellites in se asia with over 300 free to air chanells

    i have had the F1 box for over 3 years,the box as been mechanicly very sound so i think that the many many thai and chinese people etc who have bought this box for its main purpose of receiving over 300 free to air channels are very happy with the box

    we also know that this box can also pick up the agilla satellite and for most of the time it is capable of auto rolling the keys but its like you organising a party and the every tom dick and harry gate crashes your party would you like that, NO you

    would do something to stop people gate crashing.

    there is no need to complain to the vendor every time it updates the key,with a little knowledge and patience you can input the keys/code manualy and be back on within 30 minutes

  17. This posting is to warn anyone even remotely thinking of getting one of those Dynasat satellite systems……DON’T!!! [at least for now].

    If you are considering the English programming from Agila satellite wait until they break the code because it will only work for a couple of days at most, then you have to go back to the shop for an update.

    And when and if they do get back on line, I can warn you of a vendor NOT to deal with….although others may be just as bad. My vendor just sells and installs the equipment, then you’re on your own……no more service, doesn’t return calls or keep appointments. Meanwhile he continues to sell new installations of a faulty system. I’ve seen on several occasions [while getting useless updates in his shop] him selling new units to unsuspecting customers and I wanted to warn them to save their bhatt, but didn’t want to make a scene [in his shop]. Thanks to this forum, I can warn others.

    And every time I go into a superstore, there is a Dynasat demo that has ‘suckers’ waiting in line to get screwed.

    I hope this post doesn’t get me in trouble with the moderators, because I’m just trying to save some other 'thaivisa brethren' before they get swindled as I did.

    BE WARNED of the ethics of this vendor in Chiang Mai!!! Is there such a concept as [after sales] 'ethics' here in LOS??

    PM me if you want to know the vendor that screwed me.

    of course your post is a matter of opinion.

    in my opinion the dynasat F1 receiver is a excellent box,it can receive signals

    from over 10 satellites in S.E asia giving you over 300 free to air chanells if you have the right dish.

    plus it can receive a signal from the agilla satellite, the one you seem to be complaining about,when i bought the F1 receiver over 3 years ago i knew that that the box had a one year guarantee but in no way anyone would guarantee a signal that you should be paying a monthly subscripion for.

    you dont get nothing for nothing these days if you want 100% network that you can watch uninterrupted then go and pay the 1,500 baht plus for a monthly subscripion.

    for me i am happy waiting 20 minutes when it shows updateing key then go to any one of at least 10 web sites to get the new key/code insert the code manually off the remote and hey presto its back on again,rather than go running down to vendor complaining

  18. hello livin los

    i bought a honda wave at auction last month in bangkok and sent it to chaingrai by siam first bus company who also have a freight service cost 1,200baht,not a scratch.

    if these scooters you are sending south are second hand bought from bangkok why dont you look up union auction,i am sure they have auctions in phuket from time to time

    Union auction is where I have been.. They have one in Surat but they say selection is low and price is higher..

    Nuovo MX 2007 with about 1000 KM's.. Essentially new, with mags etc.. 25 - 30k after all fees.. Mios >5k less..

    hello LL

    has i said i bought a scooter from bangkok last month,but then i noticed from union auction monthly leaflet that they had one in chaingmai on the 25th april

    so i had to go to chaingmai to renew the kids passports so i took in the auction while i was there.

    there was about 250 lots of scooters (most were sold) IMHO the prices in chaingmai were no dearer than bangkok, most of the scooters were bought by the dealers (same bangkok) it looked to me that the dealers had a set price and would not go over that price .

    if you add up your round trip expences to bring 3or 4 back you would have to put mabe 2,000 more baht on each one,i noticed they had a car auction in phuket on 9th april,i would check to see if they have any motorcycle auctions closer to you,you might surprise yourself with the prices

  19. hello livin los

    i bought a honda wave at auction last month in bangkok and sent it to chaingrai by siam first bus company who also have a freight service cost 1,200baht,not a scratch.

    if these scooters you are sending south are second hand bought from bangkok why dont you look up union auction,i am sure they have auctions in phuket from time to time

  20. What's happening with the BKK Post and the Nation delivery times?

    I've given up trying to get them myself as when I come to town I like to shop early, but occasionally ask my wife's brother to get them for me.

    Lately he says they're still not there as late as 1pm. He usually tries the convenience store in the Wang Come Soi or Big C which has long been hopeless anyway.

    I'm coming to town Monday and would like to arrange the time to be sure of getting at least one.

    i was told (but not sure if its true ) that thai had cancelled their moring flight

    bkk-chaingrai,my friend said he flew london/chaingrai with thai, arrived bkk at 5am but had to wait over 7 hours to connect to chaingrai

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