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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. All this does is increase the pool of money that police can put directly in their own pockets. No record of the offense means no record of the fine as well. Police graft has never been easier. The upside is maybe the police will start doing actually enforcement. But be careful what you wish for... not to mention fines aren't really a deturant so I doubt any of this leads to any real public safety change at the end of the day.
  2. Blockhead. Not just reckless driving (that happens everywhere everyday). But stunt riding. On Sukhumvit no less. Everyone knows why he does it. It's an attention seeking disorder. Well, now he has his attention. Would love to see that Ducati go up on auction. More likely we're to see a police officer riding it soon 😉
  3. 90 days visa free for everyone would be better. Until its not.
  4. Nothing good happens after 2am while still consuming alcohol.
  5. You can't be serious. Illegal police detention and torture are text book failures of the rule of law. Human Rights Watch (HRW) has documented numerous cases of police in Thailand illegally detaining and torturing people. Here are more examples (since you live examples) of police brutality in Thailand: In 2020, police arrested a 17-year-old boy for allegedly stealing a motorcycle. They took him to a police station and beat him severely, using their fists, feet, and a baton. The boy was hospitalized for his injuries. In 2019, police arrested a 23-year-old man for allegedly using drugs. They took him to a police station and beat him with a baton for over an hour. The man was also subjected to electric shocks. In 2018, police arrested a 35-year-old man for allegedly selling drugs. They took him to a police station and beat him to death. And police frequently target poor and marginalized people, such as drug users. You don't see them doing this to elites though, do you. In addition to the cases cited, there are a number of other reports of police in Thailand illegally detaining and torturing people. In 2020, the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights group released a report documenting 127 cases of police brutality between 2014 and 2019 alone. I can't (nor do I want to) teach you anything about the rule of law in Thailand, I can only make you think. But if you think you already know everything, you'll never learn anything.
  6. You can't really be that obtuse. He was able to avoid punishment because of who he is (as an elite). And he is not the only one. The text book definition of the rule of law is "no one is above the law." What is your assessment of the current state of the rule of law in Thailand? Dazzle me with your acumen.
  7. This is getting a bit tedious, but since you will only be convinced with a single example... here you go... one example of Thailand's failure to enforce the rule of law consistently... the case of the Red Bull heir. Hitting and killing a police officer then fleeing the scene to later be apprehended but yet never prosecuted for his crime, and now living freely abroad. EXTRA CREDIT: to further help you understand the real and many ways in which the rule of law is not consistently enforced in Thailand: 1. The widespread use of lopsided anti-subversion laws to silence dissent (again, I beg you, please read a book). 2. The use of arbitrary detention and torture by police (Ferrari Joe was the posted child for this type of activity; just one of many examples over the years) 3. The corruption of the judiciary (bribes, nepotism, political interference) 4. The impunity enjoyed by powerful elites (see Red Bull) Now you can go do some.of your own research, and again I suggest you read a book (btw, a history book is not opinion, just so you know. It's a well researched effort by capable experts presented with references and citations). It's possible you don't follow the news closely here in Thailand, or you are new to the country. I hope this information helps you in your journey to learn more about the rule of law in the LoS.
  8. You can't actually be suggesting that Thaksin was treated the same as anyone else. He sidestepped his sentence almost entirely! Based solely on his ability to prostrated himself before the powers that be, and be leveraging his political crones. He got what he got because of who he knows. Otherwise he would now be behind bars for a protracted period of time (as ordered by the judiciary).
  9. I will go one better, and suggest you read a book. Read "Thailand: History, politics and the rule of law" by James Wise. It's a very accessable book that will paint a very clear picture for you; far better than any single use case I lay at your feet. Otherwise, one can simply just pay attention and open their eyes to the well established reality that laws in Thailand are enforced inconsistently based on one's privilege, patronage and afforded protections (often "gifted" by said patrons or purchased directly through law enforcement protection rackets).
  10. What they should do is not be allowing 15 yr olds to drop out of school after their 9th year.
  11. Praising one for what another doesn't do (gets away with) just proves the entire rule of law system is broken. Thaksin is the problem, no doubt. The other guy just didn't have the right patronage or protection (which again proves the rule of law in Thailand is a joke).
  12. The rule of law means laws are enforced consistently. One case does not prove the rule of law.
  13. One should hope Thailand will reap negative repercussions from the global community for this action (should Vladimir actually set foot inside Thailand). Not just in the form of rebukes, but economic sanctions and penalties. Not even the 1m Russians visiting Thailand as an escape from this man's ruthlessness can be all that thrilled about his proposed visit.
  14. Only in a country ruled by people that have no idea how to administer the rule of law does a convict get praised for respecting the rule of law by simply serving a prison sentence handed down to him 😂
  15. Incredible really... The PM is either a short sighted fool or has decided to openly go all in in defiance of the vast majority of the world opposing Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine (or maybe both). His choice. It's one thing to remain silent or neutral, and other to openly invite this ruthless and violent man to a cozy visit. So now Thailand wants to be in a minority list of countries that have hosted Vladimir since his ICC arrest warrant was issued (China, Kyrgyzstan and N. Korea). Embarrassing to the extreme. An ICC arrest warrant which Thailand will presumably tacitly (or openly) flaunt. For what... to alienate all those countries that make up the vast majority of the 24+ million tourist who aren't Russian. Just to suck-up to a madman (and presumably gain favor with their overlord China). The act of merely extending the invitation damages Thailand's image as a place people want to visit.
  16. The PM has no original ideas... Just the same old same old tourism luring 🤷 we'll see how this plays out. I doubt it will make much difference one way or the other. The Russians that can and want to get out of Russia (for holiday or to escape Vlad's war) already have. And those that haven't can't or won't.
  17. Hardly interesting ... Farang and Thai combine to commit fraud, get caught 🤷
  18. Thai PM just being a suckup. Under normal circumstances Vladimir wouldn't even bother to meet Srettha. But since Russia has few friends (other than China and N Korea), Vladimir has an open calendar. But he might not be so keen on Thailand rolling out the welcome mat to all Vladimir's military recruits.
  19. So it's now possible to live year round in Thailand as a Russian tourist (no visa required). 90 day visa free entry, 30 day in country extension. Do 2 land boarder bounces per year, rinse and repeat, and you're in for 360 days.
  20. The rule of law gone off the rails again... What, did they think they where making up for all the other "free walks" by making one big nonsense prison sentence? Thai-dumb (logic).
  21. This is the kind of writing you get when leaning to heavily on ChatGPT ????
  22. I love when anyone gets arrested for breaking the law, because I never have to worry about being arrested. Criminal justice schadenfreude ????
  23. The Chinese are not coming in mass anytime soon. Good, bad or indifferent. Those are the facts. And the only ones that seem surprised is TAT. The world is a far different place than it was in 2019 (far more fear, uncertainty, doubt - beit economic, war, guns/drugs/crime - there's plenty to point to). Yet TAT still wants to believe 50 million tourist will be arriving by 2025. TAT has lost the plot entirely.
  24. Whatever his excuses, that's all they are are excuses. Act the fool and you will be treated accordingly. Now his fun in Pattaya is over; hopefully he will contemplate the consequences of his actions on a return flight to Israel. Regret is a powerful teacher.
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