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Everything posted by Cabradelmar

  1. In Bangkok when applying for both a car and motorcycle license on the same day, do you need 2 originals of the medical cert or original + copy?
  2. How long is a piece of string ???? way too many variables... the big mistake is when people move here (after a few 2 week holidays) romanticizing what it means to live in a different country/culture (when they have probably have never lived more than 300 kilometers from where they where born). Rural living or city living... all have their pros and cons. Whatever you do, try before you buy and don't make any long term decisions for at least 1 year. You will likely know within 6 months if THA is right for you.
  3. It's a start. At least now it won't result in criminal prosecution (presumably). I certainly don't see this ever creating a stampede of tourist (why fly 1000s of kilometers when you can walk to the local dispensary), nor a viable legal export business (way too many hurdles). If THA was smart they would focus on the sales tax revenue that could be generated selling recreational (and not just medical) weed.
  4. So what then, change the laws and take millions (or trillions) of baht from your own gambling addicted population. Great plan ???? cuz they ain't no tourist now, and I don't think anyone need to fly 1000s of kilometers to find a casino anymore.
  5. Not quarantine free. Just saying. Day 1 and day 5 you need to be in a SHA+ hotel (with fingers crossed you don't test positive)... So the "test-and-fly-in, test-and-go, test-and-go-again, and test-and-fly-out program" (that's 4 test - sounds relaxing) is probably not going to be that popular. Particularly risky if you plan to socialize during days 2, 3 and 4, increasing you odds of testing positive on day 5 ????
  6. I'm my experience, Elite visa is NOTORIOUS for giving false and inaccurate information. Their call center / member services personal seem to be uninformed on a number of very important topics. Sad really, considering how they position themselves as the path of least resistance when it comes to navigating immigration. They will give you heart palpitations if you take what they initially say as gospel
  7. They should stop when the stop all the quarantine nonsense... Until then they should absolutely report numbers to justify and test-and-go/sandbox scheme.
  8. Commercial pig farmers have their herds tested (and destroyed as needed) all the time... just as all chickens have salmonella, and commercial flocks are tested regularly (and destroyed when certain strains are detected). SOP. What we should be worried about are the herds and flocks that dont get proper testing regularly.
  9. If you want to live like a Westerner you will pay Western prices. Thailand is not cheap in that regard. If you want to/can assimilate, and live more like a Thai, it can be very reasonably priced. Try before you buy; Don't set down roots too fast (some would say never); Don't lose control of your finances (to a pretty); And have an escape plan... because once you are in your 70s, they really don't want you and won't make it easy for you to stay (particularly insurance, if you think you can going to get end of like health care like you would in the West). Health is the new wealth if you want to make any retirement plan work. Just my opinions.
  10. Given lonely old guys and foreigners propensity to over tip... I can easily see this young, pretty, slim girl (probably speaks English and flirts like a champ) stashing 100,000 baht a month in tips (without having to sell her body). Working ever night that's less than 4000 baht a night. Just look at all those green notes... she is a saver. And good on her. I've known girls making 10,000 baht a night (selling themselves) who don't have a pot to <deleted> in (unless you count a Prada bag or two).
  11. 230,000 bodies nationwide for a population of 70 million, compared to 670,000 in the US for a population of 330 million. Might want to start with payroll...
  12. Its fairly clear what policies pay or don't pay asymptomatic cases (at this point you'd be crazy to buy a package that dose not includes it). What's also clear is what the government is saying about how asymptomatic cases should be handled (self quarantine at home - e.g., in your SHA+ certified hotel room). Seems like the hotels are the ones trying to have it all (taking the tourist money and shuffle the asymptomatic one to hospital to open up a room to someone who will buy overpriced massages and excursion packages). I think the hotels should get no sympathy for this stunt, they wanted the SHA+ designation, deal with it, and I hope the government does not back this BS by the hotels. To be honest, I would not travel on a sandbox/test-and-go scheme anywhere in Thailand right now.
  13. How, where and to what end? Closing down a few massage parlors and arresting some street walkers? Authorities the world over has tried to stop prostitute, without real results. Now if they close nana or cowboy then you know it's serious and not just a sound bite
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