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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I'd say Ca has more serious issues to address than this. What a joke.
  2. Hopefully I won't be forced into an electric vehicle in my lifetime.
  3. The rattling you refer to is power. vroom vroom
  4. I'll just continue driving 3.0 diesel, stop when I want.
  5. Please post evidence where violating the PRA is worse than violating the Espionage Act. I'm curious and you made the claim
  6. Disturbing post. So you want more nazis just so you can say......see....... Because of that sentiment I'd be skeptical about who is carrying these nazi flags. What better way to smear the GOP than randomly hang nazi flags around.
  7. So how do you get rid of them? Are they breaking laws? Arrest them. You think if DeSantis wasn't the Gov and a presidental candidate these idiots would disappear? Just because these idiots had a DeSantis sign he by default is a nazi? That's what these articles are going for.
  8. People move everyday for a variety of reasons, economic, weather, crime. The rules in the school system IMO are there to protect the children. Rules for doctors providing care for kids are there to protect the kids. This thread is about a handful of idiots holding flags. The left is portraying this as if the entire state of Florida is filled with nazis. This is just being blown out of proportion for political reasons. The dems don't really have anything positive to campaign on so they sow fear, seems to work reading some posts here.
  9. Hopefullt you understand that catagorizing the GOP because of these 7 idiots is histeria.
  10. The clip shows 7 idiots in Florida, I'd guess every state has idiots of every flavor. Hardly a reason to move. My home base is Ca. just because it's governed by idiots I still like Ca.
  11. I would think every American wants good jobs, secure border, housing and would base their vote on the important issues regardless of any personal issues.
  12. Was it blacks making these alegedly racist remarks? The link doesn't specify
  13. You're right about the Miss or Mrs, that was it. Perhaps your school experience was atypical and mine was normal. A teachers personal life has no place in the classroom.
  14. In grade school, it was a country school central Ca and the teachers shared nothing about their after school, personal life. It never crossed anyone's mind if anyone was gay. In High School the same, no info given about home life from teachers. As for thee students, I don't recall any talk of gay students. But of course this doesn't fit your narrative.
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