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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. When slavery is taught, I'm sure they learn of their African heritage who captured and sold the slaves to the merchants. Or does that aspect of it get bypassed?
  2. The job I had before retiring 3 yrs ago I carried a 9mm. The gun was first shown to me to be clear and safe, meaning no magazine and no bullet in chamber before I took possession. I really can't see how the movie set should be any different. When Baldwin took possession of the 6 shooter it should have been shown to be unloaded and then if blanks were to be used he himself should be required to verify that. You can't just be handed a gun and told it's cold. Also Baldwin was the producer, so he had a greater responsibility for gun safety than just an actor.
  3. I said folks love to criticize the US. I understand why others look to the USA for help. I sometimes wish that we wouldn't be global police. Let the others solve their own problems. Here's a little something to make fun of. In Calif they want to pay 5 mil USD a head for slavery reparations for blacks. I don't take a bit of offense, I rather like joking about the thriftiness of our Dutch cousins, the ladyboy loving Germans and so on.
  4. I don't watch wrestling, don't follow sports except for a little UFC. Problem with non-US living residents is your info comes from liberal news stations. Your view of Americans comes from one sided news agencies. America is the one place folks love to criticize and ironically it's the first place folks (allies) look to for help. Admit it, you love the USA.
  5. Are the girls in Go Go's wearing clothes now? Haven't been in like 12-13 yrs. Then, they were neked cept for boots and number.
  6. Those of us with roots in the Central Valley have seen the violence increase over the years in the small farming communities.
  7. Being Independent just means you can't make up your mind. At some point you have to get off the fence.
  8. Talk to your vet, we brought home a pom 2.5 K which had ticks. The pill we give monthly works well, solved the problem. Sometimes we have to cut pill in 1/2 because of weight requirements. She gets a bath 2x month with dog groomer.
  9. I'm not a fan of much of Thailand's thinking but this one subject I'm fully on their side. They are doing the right thing keeping foreigners away from land ownership. Would I like to own land here? Sure... But I understand the reasoning and I agree.
  10. Now, who's lacking a sense of humor?
  11. You just missed the good exchange rate, 32.8 and dropping. If you have your US bank transfer the money to Thailand make sure they transfer US dollars and don't exchange money first.
  12. The US sets the trends and makes the rules baby.
  13. Folks are obsessed about the USA, 12 pages of stories of meeting US folks. You love us, you can't get enough of us.
  14. Couldn't have cared less about Bill, the tragic Benghazi incident isn't in the same scope of things, don't know why you'd even bring that one up. How many investigations have been thrown at Trump in last 6 yrs? And nothing. This throwing stuff on the wall to see if something sticks against Trump is tiresome.
  15. Don't see the big deal, if he's guilty of a crime arrest him already. But this non stop series of investigations with zip to show is getting tiresome.
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