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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. It's common knowledge in the news. If you're this much behind, you perhaps should limit your posting.
  2. The laptop story was suppressed by FBI leading up to election. Let's keep the truth away from the American people till after the election.
  3. The suppression of the story is the story. One more time folks see the dirty dealings of liberal media and the dems. Won't let voters forget come election.
  4. You're just now waking up to this realization? But, it doesn't take away some of his policies were legit, regardless how the progressives reacted.
  5. People knew he was shady when he got elected. I couldn't believe waking up to Trump being prez. Then I saw the videos of liberals absolutely melting down, unbelievable how they carried on. That's when I became a fan. Anything that caused these candy assed liberals this much pain can't be all bad.
  6. So, if you hadn't read it would it still be illegal. When I was applying for US DL I used a PO Box that looked like a physical address, the lady just looks at me and goes "so, you live in a box", I profusely apologized and gave her a different physical address. But the PO box is on my license.
  7. She shouldn't have taken the kids with her if the household was dangerous? I think she should have. It's her job to protect them but she left.
  8. They come to the beach to hide in the shade under the trees sipping whiskey with soda. And, the ladies venture over to the sea wall where photos don't show the trash. The tide changes and reclaims some of the trash, after awhile the plastic disappears by the poor walking the beach to recycle. Somehow the Thais don't mind living amidst trash.
  9. Try going to Hawaii and tell the boys you're a local because you recently moved there.
  10. Are Thai women somehow lacking DNA for maternal instinct towards their kids? It seems so. It's forking sad to see how the kid's are treated.
  11. I'm on the eastern seaboard and in a few months the beach will be saturated in trash from sea as the tides change. The locals selling food steps from the beach won't lift a finger to clean up the trash. The school does a beach cleanup now and then while the vendors just look on.
  12. Rolling Stone, ahahaaa Com'on man you can do better than that
  13. Just a tidbit, enjoy. https://www.teslarati.com/elon-musk-antifa-burn-tesla-concerning/ These suspensions happened pre-Musk as well. https://nypost.com/2021/01/22/twitter-suspends-antifa-accounts-with-over-71k-followers/
  14. Elon banned Antifa from twitter due to them promoting violence, good job.
  15. We went there a few months back. Parking is a hassle, took a speed boat for the 3 of us. Once there I expected to see wins and songtaews lined up, nope, none in sight. Ended up renting a MB for 300 thb. Went to Samae beach, very nice, 50 thb chairs were nice loungers and not the cloth type. Going back we hired a win to lessen the load going up the steep hill leaving the beach, as I don't think our MB could handle 3 of us. For us it's too much hassle getting there to be worth it as we have equally nice beaches near us we can drive to. But for tourists who want the nice beach experience it would be worth getting a room for a few days there.
  16. U.S. refining capacity has fallen by 5.4%, or 1.03 million bpd to 17.9 million bpd since it peaked in 2019 at 18.98 million bpd. Capacity in 2021 dropped 4.5% to 18.13 million bpd. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/us-oil-refining-capacity-drops-2021-2d-straight-year-eia-2022-06-21/
  17. No, you told me to move to Saudi Arabia if I don't like it...........deflection We the USA was so better situated pre biden to deal with high gas prices around the world. Your only reason is well other's have it worse so I'm supposed to feel relieved is to laugh at.
  18. The demand you're referring to is a direct result of words from biden. American refinery capacity has been on the decline in recent years, according to Fuels Market News latest Refinery Capacity Report. The report found that operable atmospheric crude oil distillation capacity in the U.S. fell from 19 million barrels per calendar day at the start of 2020 to 18.1 million at the start of 2021. It marked the first decrease in refinery capacity since 2017, the report noted. But government pressure to wean the country off of fossil fuels has made business difficult, with Flynn arguing that "refineries are getting squeezed out of business because of stricter regulations from the Biden administration and the pressure by the government" to "reduce demand for gasoline." https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/oil-refineries-shutter-amid-hostile-fossil-fuel-policies-pain-at-the-pump
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