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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Is it so difficult for the political parties to screen their candidates? Not at all. It's time for common sense to prevail.
  2. Right, next time I renew my DL and I have to pony up with birth cert I'll start yelling "you birther" ahaha
  3. The revelation that Aldrich is a member of the LGBT community casts doubt on the previous hypothesis that the shooting was an anti-LGBT hate crime instigated by right-wing political commentators, as several prominent left-wing figures have claimed since the shooting on Saturday. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/colorado-lgbt-nightclub-shooter-is-non-binary-uses-theythem-pronouns-attorneys-say/ar-AA14rIPl
  4. I'm not talking about ethics. I'm talking about requirements to qualify for candidate to include check on finances and it's not too much to prove US born citizenship, like a birth certificate.
  5. And, It's my point there should be a requirement to have a background check.
  6. And my point is it should be mandatory. Just to get a Fed job sweeping floors a background check including finances is required. But to be POTUS it's not?
  7. It shouldn't be voluntary, it should be a prerequisite to be a candidate.
  8. I don't understand how not providing tax returns prior to being considered to run for POTUS is even possible. Aren't finances part of a background check?
  9. Fox has been showing bits and pieces of the laptop story for awhile. Very entertaining.
  10. So, there are many pics on there, phone recordings and videos. Old Hunter loved taking pics of hookers and drugs and keeping them. He is as the Big Guy calls Hunter, "the smartest man I know"
  11. I maintain my US address so that explains the auto enroll for Part B and my reported 2021 income of 100K increased money for Part B.
  12. We're pretty much in the same boat regarding homes and finances. Difference is I started collecting SS at age 62. Getting $2000/mo plus a small pension. Plus at age 62 my daughter was 8 yrs old so I was able to collect $$ for her $1300/mo till she's 18 or older if she goes to college. I don't regret taking $$ at 62.
  13. Just spoke with the Medicare people and I'm not being charged for Part A as I thought. Because my income was 100K for 2021 my Part B was increased to $230/mo for the year 2023. Now I just have to cancel Part B. As I have BC/BS from my job when I retired.
  14. i've never done twitter but I'd imagine BLM folks were talking violence online. I've heard politicians use phrases such as fight like hell. Who should decide what's acceptable?
  15. I'll get this straightened out. I did an online complaint through the website for SSA. Just want the Part A which I never applied for and I'm being charged. I'll reply back with results.
  16. Would that include anyone advocating a protest?
  17. But, can opinions be regulated? Or should they be? Has free speech been abolished?
  18. This is a new built club after original Mountain B was torn down
  19. I prefer re entry at IO, first ones to check luggage, security. immigration followed by food and beverage.
  20. I didn't do anything. I didn't even sign up for medicare. I turned 65 last Oct and Nov they started deducting $170. and sent a message online what I'll be paying for A & B come JAN 2023. Guess I have to start making calls.
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