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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. But the endless Trump posts with a thread about biden is.
  2. It's quite funny that the only defense of biden is.......but, but look at Trump.
  3. I'm still waiting for the covid brigade to preach why kids should be vaccinated. ... Because we know parents will be lining up with their babies.
  4. It's a simple question, one which you deflect from. Did any of biden's speeches or policies contribute to increasing fuel prices? Prove that demand for fuel increased so much between trump and biden?
  5. My friend from Ca just called me and told me about the family killed in merced I think. I agree with the too much.
  6. Quite impressive drinking Lao Khao for 2 days. All I can do is hit the rack.
  7. My experience only here. My driver gets my call and my driver shows up a few minutes later at gate 3 (the meeting area) The driver has to know where to hold up while waiting for the call. That's the tricky part. I'm sure more experienced will have different info but this is how I've done it many times over the years.
  8. So it's your position that none of biden's policies contributed to increased gas prices? Just paid $6.74 for premium. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/three-things-biden-has-done-that-increased-gas-prices
  9. Easy Hoss, biden sent out signals of his intentions for fossil fuel and the G&O people responded which is but one of the reasons. We had more refinery capabilities already before biden took over and pushed for green energy. That is the real world.
  10. Karine Jean-Pierre doing a wonderful job especially engaging those pesky Fox and Newsmax reporters. You're having a good laff, right?
  11. Thanks to dear biden those refineries heard his speeches of going green and downsized their operations for gasoline. Or so the G&O executive explained.
  12. I just recently left Thailand with my 10 yr old. We went to the Amphur office and got a letter signed by the mother and the official stamp. They were used to the request. At the Airport leaving no one asked to see anything beyond passports.
  13. I always heard Orlando was out of the danger zone weather but not this time. I also always eyeballed Florida for a home. I'm in the US for a visit, paying $6.25 gal gas in Ca.
  14. My engine shuts off without fail every time I come to a complete stop. Every time I start engine I'm able to turn off that feature with a switch located to left of gear shifter.
  15. I'm able to disable this function with a switch. I'm curious if folks actually like this feature.
  16. I hope the democrats use this strategy for mid terms. It will clearly show the democrats for the vile, uncaring people they are.
  17. So I got a new MUX and has the feature where at a complete stop the engine turns off and restarts when apply accelerator. I really hate that and am able to turn that off. To me it's unnecessary wear on battery and a safety issue. What say the auto enthusiasts?
  18. I passed thru BKK airport 5 days ago and everyone was masked up as were most on the plane. I'm in the US now and the mask is a rare animal. The only way the mask has any chance of being useful one must wash or sanitize hand before putting mask on and before taking off. Once off it should be washed or disposed of. And a new mask used. Not using the same cloth mask for days on end with it in your back pocket.
  19. I don't know a thing about the Haval except it looks pretty nice which is how I buy. Nice looking car by the major dealers is my method. Oh and nothing hybrid.
  20. Not everyone lives in smoggy areas. Where I live masking up on MB is only covid related. Just a seas breeze where I live. Right now I'm in Ca. and not a mask in sight for the most part once I left the airport. There's a difference with masking up occasionally vs the kids wearing a mask all day in school. When we return to Thailand I'll follow the rules and reach in my back pocket with hands that have touched all kinds of surfaces, put my mask on and this protects me and others, really? You do see the irony in all this. Or maybe not.
  21. Just told the kid about no more masks. She says they forget what their friends look like. But wondering how long for the general populace to follow suit. Last week driving at 0400 see a lone MB rider masked up. A few months back a teacher tested pos for covid. The teacher wasn't my kids teacher, but the next day in my kid's class only 3 out of 21 kids showed up for class. That's how the parents are. I'm wondering how many parents will force their kids to still mask up.
  22. Last car I paid with a check from bank, was going to pay with cash but using a check was just less trouble. I like the way Thais handle cash, it's no big deal. In the US you walk in with $50K cash and you're automatically a criminal.
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