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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    Im very ambivalent. I spent years in Alaska so it was Mountains and scenery. I had no urban throb.


    Now in Bangkok, I have urban throb. Like major throbbing throbbbbbbb.


    Next year I may try to do a balance by splitting my time in 3 places to get a bit of everything.


    But I might spend all summer in Wyoming/Idaho/Montana so may need throb again next winter.


    I wish I could have a car here. 

    What's stopping you?

  2. 8 hours ago, moonseeker said:

    Never gonna happen. Just talk. Never seen a more amateur tourist management then in ????????. They could easily copy other countries achievements, but their cultural and personal attitudes do not allow for this. Pity. USED TO BEexotic and amazing... Check back in 20 years. MS>

    We could always implement US laws which prohibits alcohol on the beach. Careful what you wish for.

    • Like 2
  3. How about we just leave things as they are and have been, pedestrians cross when safe to do so and cars don't stop for pedestrians except to avoid injuries. How about that, can we please stop trying to enforce western standards upon Thailand.


    I arrived back in San Diego and jwalk as I would here. Walk out to little concrete divider and wait for other traffic to pass but the cars come to a screeching halt JHC come on people, just drive, I can see you....just drive and when it's safe I'll cross.

  4. 40 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Probably between 5-10 degrees outside , I,m not the kind of person that needs the sun to keep them warm , I can get some clothes to keep me warm when I go outside .

      Wearing trousers and a jacket isnt beyond my capabilities .

    A slight inconvenience having to keep warm, bit I can cope with that . 

    BTW, didnt they have snow or sleet up north in Chiang rai last week ?

    Anyway , nice to walk around without having to go to 7/11 to chill out a bit in the 40 C summer heat

    Next time in TL rent a place with AC.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, jimmybcool said:

    Wow.  Are you on a SWAT team or what?  I've put a lot of rounds down range (relatively to the average human) and no way I'd pass that.  MAYBE with a competition 1911.  Not with a beretta 92 or the like.  Nah not even a 1911.  I'm old, fat and don't shoot enough any more.  That is fine shooting.

    Sarcasm doesn't suit you, I'm a merchant seaman. I don't shoot except when I have to qualify yearly. The average person would never make that shot. 

    • Like 1
  6. You can't make riding in the back of pick up illegal here, not yet. I remember as a kid riding in the back, no problem.

    I took a group from the village to visit a guy in Prison. Probably a 3-4 hr ride with 5-6 in the front and another 4 people in back. I never thought of passing unless I'm 100% sure no oncoming traffic. Even with nobody in the back I'm crazy safe or try to be. As for seatbelts, rarely use them unless see coppers ahead. My 8 yr old never had a car seat here, she used to like seating on the console between front 2 seats. It's the tattoo above the visor and the flowers on the mirror that keeps me safe, and the gray matter between my ears. 

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