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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 5 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    You don't drink that schite do you? 

    Biggest problem in Isaan. 

    A few times, the above batch is mixed with special leaves with medicinal secrets. I drank with my lady's step dad once for my first time. Man, it doesn't take much to make me hit the bed.

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  2. 13 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I have a screenplay for a movie, It is a comedy.

    Man driving by sees some men attempting to rob a bank. He calls the police.

    Robbers hear the police coming run away, but are eventually caught and there is a trial.  

    -Bank guard says "yep that's them I saw them"

    -Robbers turn on each other and start spilling the beans.

    -Plenty of evidence.

    -Robbers say"when we heard the cops coming,we dropped or weapon" and we did not robbed the bank" 

    -Robbers say "we were following orders, from where we cant say"

    -Crime boss says, "I didn't tell them to go rob a bank for me, I told them to point guns at the tellers and ask for money" ????

    -Mob boss and robbers say "fake trial, bring in the man who turned as in, we just want to hear what he says, we promise we will not hurt him, really we promise"

    -Some idiots in the audience cheer "fake trial, fake trial" !!!

    What do you all think, does this movie have legas, Any suggestions for actors to play the parts?



    You're getting full of yourself.....:smile:

  3. 4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Almost everything the whistleblower reported has been confirmed by others. What more by others who can offer first hand testimony. As i recall, the major complaint against the whistleblower was that a lot of what he reported was second hand or hearsay. So why would his testimony be necessary now? Even if he were a rabid partisan of the Democratic Party, what difference would that make?

    The FBI might have a different opinion.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, J Town said:

     And yes I did hear Volker/Morrison testify. They said they never heard the actual words "quid pro quo" but it was fully understood that was what was happening.

    It was understood by who, Volker and Morrison stated no "quid pro quo", nothing related to bribery. Their statements aren't hearsay, there was "no demand" for anything.


    "But it was fully understood isn't evidence. 

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Not sure what you consider "nothing".  It is clear what POTUS did was "improper", the only question is,  is it an impeachable offence.  POTUS withheld military aid and a meeting with the President of Ukraine while Giuliani pressured the Ukraine for information on the Bidens.  

    Vindman described how the "power disparity" between the U.S. and Ukraine made Trump's request for a "favor" more like a demand.......

    president's request for investigations to be a "demand" that was "improper."

    Giuliani tells the New York Times he plans to travel to Kiev and meet with President-elect Zelensky to urge him to investigate the Bidens.... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/09/us/politics/giuliani-ukraine-trump.html

    The news ignites a firestorm of bipartisan condemnation that Giuliani is improperly seeking the help of a foreign government to benefit Trump’s re-election campaign.


    No aid was withheld, Ukraine wasn't aware of aid being withheld.

    Vindman is giving his "opinion" that's all it is or ever will be. Did you hear Volker and Morrison testify there was no bribery.



  6. 10 hours ago, Tug said:

    Ahhhh you do realize your Donald operates on smears and lies don’t you?to me the trump supporters sound more desperate every day don’t be a mark this isent about the dems or republicans it’s about right and wrong and the constitution Donald Trump has shown time and time again he is incapable of working within the confines of the constitution or law for that matter he is unfit he needs to be removed ASAP imo and coddled untle that time

    Watched a lot of Wednesday's Impeachment hearing, and I must say I'm confident this is another "nothing" burger, with all the nothing trimmings. There is no way a reasonable person can believe Mr. Trump said anything in the phone call that could justify impeachment.


    Ambassador Volker and Mr. Morrison did an outstanding job answering the leading questions from the dems. And I'm sure the American people will see through this disgraceful scam. Any hopes the dems had of swaying the opinion of voters come 2020 are flying out the window. 



  7. 6 hours ago, SniperSpider said:

    I drive on highway 211 North, according to the sign, from Nong Khai while staying in Thailand all the way home. It's a little twisty here and there yet follows the Mekong on the Thailand side of the river. I never cross over the river to Laos. It's definitely not south, unless I'm going to Nong Khai, and definitely not Laos. Try staying on topic and not deflecting.  We have mapaholics now on the forum? Show me where I stated true north or as the eagle flies.  Besides, I wasn't quoting to you.

    Public Forum......And, I was thinking the exact same thing when you wrote north of Nong Khai. 

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