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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 10 hours ago, Docno said:

    I've already explained here my necessary use of plastic bags... to bring garbage to my condo hall's garbage chute and to bring recyclables to the ground floor recycling bin. If you can suggest an alternative as to how I might transport my garbage down the hallway cleanly and efficiently, I'd be eager to hear it.


    They do sell rolls of plastic bags, just saying.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, secondfusilier said:


    I agree with this move, I am fed up with throwing away plastic straws when i throw away the plastic bag that I don't need.

    Hopefully 7-11 will follow suit and stop giving out plastic spoons with every pot of yoghurt.


    Those little plastic spoons are awesome. Mind your own business......

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  3. 3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Bring ur own bag or buy one for 0,25 Bht. Just like in the rest of the world.

    Shouldn't make assumptions what the world does or doesn't do. 


    Next they'll be taking away my yogurt spoons. Man I love those plastic spoons.


    Oh and those insulated bags they put my ice creams in are also mandatory.

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  4. 25 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    you see my fellow citizens! Yinn is ahead by two small votes. Really a indication of nothing in the long term. 

    but ask yourself how did she get those votes? 

    by posting photos of women with large breasts!

    That's right! And you all slobbered all over it like she knew you would with your likes and haha faces. 

    Go look in the mirror and ask yourself are you going to be played again like some newbie sexpat just off the plane by these tactics?

    Or are you going to stand with me, a man with integrity and five girlfriends and hit the like button right now on this comment to redeem yourselves from your moment of weakness!


    Women Want Me and Men Want to Be Me.

    Vote for NCC1701A for POTY! 





    See the source image


    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

    Getting harder to come by here in Pattaya area since early summer. Usually convenience store (all 8 in walking distance) is out of stock for a couple weeks at a time, when they do get it some people buy 6 bottles at a time so they are soon out of stock again. The price at 7/11 is 243 up from 240; liquor store is up from 280 to 320 a bottle (pint), they do have some ordinarily. 

    I hardly drink it but the GF does; I think mostly so she gets face from not  drinking Som Sang. But she enjoys Som Sang a couple days after the Regency is gone. 

    That's for small bottle, lg is like 550bht.

  6. 23 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Denmark ranked #3 in world Happiness Index in 2019

    Denmarked ranked #4 in ease of doing business by World Bank for 2020.


    You know, we had these discussions at home years back about how life would have been had we stayed in Denmark. Life would have been easier for my father in Denmark. I still don't believe a full blown socialist gov would work in the US.

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  7. 8 hours ago, scorecard said:

    No it's not, far from it. Are you confusing old style communism with socialism?


    They aren't the same thing, not at all, and in any case old style communism has gone.


    Would you call Australia, the UK, many Scandinavian counties, all of whom have some form / aspects of socialism (mainly health care) evil?


    In your view I guess Australia, the UK, many Scandinavian counties are evil.



    My father despised the socialism of Denmark so much that he took his family to America in 1950's.

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  8. On 11/21/2019 at 2:43 PM, Samui Bodoh said:
    That's about it for the scheduled House hearings, I think. And, it is good to hear some common sense out of the last scheduled witness; i find it shocking that some Republican House members, perhaps willingly, do not see the threat from Russia.
    It is 'Moment of Truth' time for the Republican Party; are they going to try to regain their principles, morals, ethics and gonads or are they going to allow themselves to be stained, tainted, diminished and slimed by Trump and his associates?
    Although the testimony is/has been quite conclusive (in my view), it goes deeper than that now. 
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that degrades and abuses serving, decorated military officers.
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that courts foreign governments and individuals to interfere and 'fix' American elections, selling out centuries of progress and principle for petty power.
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that follows an immigration policy that is willing to lock up children in order to try to keep out brown and black people.
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that, as part of its platform, endorses the idea of taking away medical care and insurance from millions of poor families who need it.
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that harms and loses alliances which the US spent blood, treasure and decades building in return for the approval of 'Strongmen', 'Tin Pot' dictators, un-Democratic cheaters and various unsavoury characters who can approve the next "Trump Tower".
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that has lost all its morals, kindness, principles, goodness, decency and ethics.
    The Republican party is in danger of being the party that only spews grievance and bile; it is in mortal peril.
    And for what? For Trump? Really? 
    I am certain there are people out there who feel that I am being unfair, or biased, or mean to Trump and supporters; for what it is worth I get that some people genuinely do like him, genuinely think that the US political system desperately needs an overhaul, genuinely like some of the things he stands for or does (even if they dislike the rest). And, some could never vote for the Democrats, and I really get that; I am not a fan of then either. 
    However, the cost of Trump is just too high.
    How do you know that? A simple test. Trump has been campaigning and/or in office for three plus years. Can you name a person (other than perhaps Niki Haley, and even she might not meet the test anymore) who has left the Trump orbit with an enhanced reputation? Seriously, can you name one? Two? Five? Again; one person who has a better reputation for serving with Trump? What does that tell you?
    The simple truth is that all his associates have been stained, diminished, tainted, debased, slimed, or simply made 'less'. I could list the names, but we all know them. Trump uses people/things for his own gain, and when they are used up, they are discarded. Now, he is using up the goodness of the Republican Party and the USA, and when that is gone he will just move on to ruin something else.
    I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;
    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.
    Toss that thing out before it is too late.

    Did "Shifty Schiff" put you up to this.

    • Like 1
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  9. 2 hours ago, MeePeeMai said:

    Who's getting old?


    Since I retired, I not only started eating less and exercising more, but I quit eating dairy products, breads, grains, sweets, processed foods, meat and animal products, coffee and soda.  I also do regular periods of intermittent fasting (detox) and eat mostly fresh fruit.  My B.P. is normal now (no more meds), I have lost over 40 pounds and I have never felt better. 


    Some might say it sounds like a boring life but it feels great to be healthier than I have been in many years, plus I no longer have those nagging knee, hip and lower back pains.  I don't get sick with colds or flu anymore (no excess mucous), nor do I have sleep apnea or snore anymore.  My arthritis has all but disappeared in my joints and I feel like I'm in my mid 30's now (I'm actually close to 59).


    Was it worth it giving up on all the junk food, refined sugar beer, fried and salty foods that I was addicted to for my entire life?  Without a doubt, it was the best thing I have done for myself (since retiring and ridding myself of all the stress that comes with working 9-5 and putting up with all the BS that came with it).


    Was it easy in the beginning?  No it was not, but I was growing sicker and more unhealthy by the day and my body was letting me know that I needed to change my lifestyle or suffer the consequences (which would mean more pain and more ailments and diseases)... so I decided to try it for a while and see how I felt.


    It was a gradual adaptation that started by first giving up on all dairy products (I loved my cheeses, pizza, lasagna, yogurt, omlets, eggs, butter etc.) to get rid of the excess mucous that was causing me a lot of trouble with constant colds, sinus problems, upper respiratory infections, sleep apnea and snoring etc.  This was pretty easy and I felt a positive result in a very short time.


    The next thing I did was give up all breads, pastries, beans, grains, beer, rice and everything else that caused me bloating and other health problems due to the gluten, yeast, fungus etc.  This was more difficult but I got over it pretty quick and never looked back.  I also lost a lot of weight real quick which helped.


    Then came the meats, fried foods and the rest.  That was a chore because I loved my steak, hamburgers, fish, chicken and seafood (I never liked pork).  It was made easier for me when I moved to Isaan since beef is really hard to find here (it's mostly pork everywhere) and the seafood and fish is not the same quality as what I had in Hawaii (oh how I miss fresh mahi mahi though).  I got over it pretty quick, same as everything else.


    I lucked out though because I have always liked fresh fruit and there is a lot of good quality fruit here in Thailand (better than in Hawaii in my opinion).  In addition to the issues I mentioned above (which have been resolved) I also no longer suffer from stomach pains, indigestion, acid reflux, sore throats, gas, bloating, constipation, hard stools, migraine headaches, kidney stones, kidney pain, receding gums and other symptoms (not mentioned).


    How do I maintain this?  Simple - I no longer cheat.  Telling myself that I'm just going to eat this one slice of pizza or slide into a Burger King at the airport for a meal only leads back into the same old rut.  I tried and I slipped up many times. I found it much harder to keep cheating and eating the foods that I missed once in a while rather than just never giving in and sticking to my diet and lifestyle.  If I get tired of eating fruit I just fast for a few days and then the fruit tastes wonderful and how happy I am to be on it again.  I also drink lots of fresh coconut water (from fresh green coconuts).  I don't really drink much water anymore as I stay well hydrated from the fruits and coconut water (and I don't like the taste of drinking from a plastic bottle).


    Am I going to live like this forever?  I don't know.  It suits me well now and I feel terrible whenever I eat something that I know I shouldn't.  Who knows though, maybe one day I will feel good enough to cheat on occasion but I know for certain that I will NEVER go back to my old eating habits.  That is for sure.


    If you made it through this long post I give you credit.  It's not for everyone but don't knock it until you try it and for those of you who are suffering from all kinds of aches and pains and horrible symptoms, well maybe you should eliminate some of the foods that are causing your problems in the first place and you too will feel the difference.  Getting old is merely enduring more and more aches and pains and diseases caused mainly by the food you eat and if you smoke and/or drink heavily then this will also be a contributing factor. 





    I see all you gave up, is there anything left besides water. I'm just curious what your daily eating consists of.

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Sterling said:

    This explanation makes the rounds on Facebook every time around Christmas and seems to me a good way to talk to kids about Santa:


    When they are 6 or 7, whenever you see that dawning suspicion that Santa may not be a material being, that means the child is ready. I take them out "for coffee" at the local wherever. We get a booth, order our drinks, and the following pronouncement is made: “You sure have grown an awful lot this year. Not only are you taller, but I can see that your heart has grown, too. [Point out 2-3 examples of empathetic behavior, consideration of people's feelings, good deeds etc, the kid has done in the past year]. In fact, your heart has grown so much that I think you are ready to become a Santa Claus. You probably have noticed that most of the Santas you see are people dressed up like him. Some of your friends might have even told you that there is no Santa. A lot of children think that, because they aren't ready to BE a Santa yet, but YOU ARE ... We then have the child choose someone they know — a neighbor, usually. The child's mission is to secretly, deviously, find out something that the person needs, and then provide it, wrap it, deliver it — and never reveal to the target where it came from. Being a Santa isn't about getting credit, you see. It's unselfish giving.

    Don't ever under any circumstance.....reproduce.

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