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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I like my ins, I want to keep my Ins. which is international. The gov could never handle this medicare for all successfully, never. Gov employees are bullet proof, and I speak from personal experience dealing with my Fed employer, they are mostly lazy and incompetent. I can't even begin to imagine the nightmare of having them regulate my healthcare. 


    No one addresses the issue of wages for the doctors and nurses. The emergency rooms will become a circus filled with people with sniffles being treated. And then the gov will have a say in what med care is viable. The word "viable" will become common when you're turned down for care because of age.


    I'm ready for retirement and will keep my BC/BS at current cost for me. 

    • Sad 1
  2. On 11/6/2019 at 3:14 AM, sirineou said:

    You would not be paying for your family, or for anyone else, you would simply be paying higher taxes to cover the cost of health care that would be lower than the insurance premium   you pay now. And get better coverage because you will not be dropped after you got sick and could not work. 

      An average premium (Blue cross Blue shield) for a family in their 30s with three young kids is (if I remember correctly from another post)  about $14,000 a year now . Your taxes will not go up by $14,000 a year so your costs will decrease and your coverage conditions will improve.

    The employer pays the majority of the insurance. I have BC/BS thru my DOD job and I pay $3000/yr for good coverage for myself only, gov pays the rest.

  3. 34 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Whilst I do agree that its better to having someone smile at you rather than scowling  , I do prefer it when they do neither  , just ignore me and dont smile or scowl .

       I dont want , seek or like any stranger giving me attention for no reason .

    You seem to like the attention of females wanting you as their next customer , whilst I just view them as being annoying and parasites .

      Females in the UK are built like adult females , rather than thai females who have child like bodies (and mentality) 

    Nothing wrong with being a chubby chaser, enjoy.

  4. 6 hours ago, sirineou said:

    "Sample quote for family: A man and a woman aged 35 with two kids aged 3 and 7: $1,240/month

    Sample quote for a married couple: Aged 45-50, no pre-existing conditions: $725/month

    Sample quote for an individual man or woman: Aged 45-50, no pre-existing conditions: $465/month"


    Average cost for a Family is 1,240 (see above) and there are 12 months in a year so 1249x12=$14,880


    Employers eat the majority of Ins cost, "my cost" for single ins BC,BS is $230/mo my federal boss pays the rest.

  5. 11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Her plan is just as feasible as it is in any other country that provides similar plans.

    She has never said that taxes will not be increased in the middle class. Listen to everything she has said and find just one quote where she says  that taxes will not be increased for the middle class,

     She is too smart to say that, I hope smart is aqua;ity you look for on a president.

    She said that 'Costs will not increase for the middle class"

    There is a big difference between taxes and costs.

      Think about this logically. If a middle class person pays $10,000 a year for medical insurance now, would it be fair that under her plan they pay nothing? I am sure you will agree that it would be unfair. 

     So Under her plan they  will pay $7,000 (I am making up numbers for illustration purposes), But now instead of paying it to the private insurance companies, they will pay it to the government.

      How? in the form of higher taxes, but since they paid $10,000 before for health insurance and now they pay  $7,000  , so their "COSTS" will go down by $3000. 

    Why doesn't she say middle class tax will go Up? because she know it will be taken out of context, and she will be bludgeoned over the head with the soundbite. "taxes will go up for the middle class" and most good people like you busy with  jobs , family and life, will never hear the rest of the explanations as described above.

    I f you can remember anything , remember this, Affective propagande is not in what you are being told, what you are being told has to be right. Effective propaganda is in what you are not being told'

    And both sides engage in it. So always ask yourself, 

    " what am I not being told"



    I'm almost certain I heard her utter the words "taxes for middle class will not increase"

    I pay $230/mo for Blue Cross/Blue Shield which I can use when I retire in Thailand in one month. $2800/yr is not even close to the $10,000 figure being thrown around. And you would expect me to go along with this nonsense warren is trying to sell.


    How can the words "yes your taxes will increase" be taken out of context?

  6. On 11/2/2019 at 4:46 AM, Pilotman said:

    Fairly cool in the daytime here in Rayong district and night time can get positively cold, by around 4am.  Pool too cold for me in the early morning. 

    I just left that area a week ago and it was nothing as you describe. Checked the Ban Chang weather and lows are in the 70's.

    • Confused 2
  7. 9 hours ago, candide said:


    Right. That was just another ridiculous argument, directly from Trump's tweet factory.

    "Trump cites a misleading Obama quote to say Russia didn’t interfere in the election"


    I have never read anyone's tweets, but I was watching the news when this was broadcast, straight from barry's lips.

    • Haha 1
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